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1008 Names of Goddess Lakshmi: मंत्र सहित देवी लक्ष्मी के 1008 नाम

1008 Names of Goddess Lakshmi: मंत्र सहित देवी लक्ष्मी के 1008 नाम

  1. Nithyagatha-The Goddess who keeps on traveling
  2. Anantha nithya-The Goddess who is endless and is forever
  3. Nandini-The Goddess who makes others happy/ The Goddess who was the daughter of Nandagopa
  4. Jana ranjini-The Goddess who makes people happy
  5. Nithya Prakasini-The Goddess who shines permanently
  6. Swaprakasa swaroopini-The Goddess who is naturally shining
  7. MahaLakshmi-The Goddess who is the great Lakshmi
  8. Mahakali-The Goddess who is the great Kali/The Goddess who is black in colour
  9. Mahakanyaa-The Goddess who is the great virgin
  10.  Saraswathi-The Goddess who is Goddess Saraswati
  11.  Bhoga vaibhava sandhathri-The Goddess who gives pleasure and wealth
  12.  Bhakthanugraha karini-The Goddess who blesses her devotees
  13.  Easavasya-The Goddess who is everywhere
  14.  Mahamaya-The Goddess who is the great enchantress
  15.  Mahadevi-The Goddess who is the great goddess
  16.  Maheswari-The Goddess who is the wife of great Shiva
  17.  Hrullekha-The Goddess who is in letter Hreem
  18.  Paramaa-The Goddess who is the greatest
  19.  Shakti-The Goddess who is the power
  20.  Mathruka beeja roopini-The Goddess who is model root letter
  21.  Nithayananda-The Goddess who is forever happy
  22.  Nithyabhodha-The Goddess who has permanent wisdom
  23.  Naadini-The Goddess who makes musical note
  24.  Janamodhini-The Goddess who entertains people
  25.  Sathya prathyayani-The Goddess who believes in truth/The Goddess who is truth
  26.  Swaprakasathma roopini-The Goddess who by herself has a shining form
  27.  Tripura-The Goddess who is the wife of Shiva who destroyed the three cities
  28.  Bhairavi-The Goddess who has a fearful form
  29.  Vidhyaa-The Goddess who is knowledge
  30.  Hamsaa-The Goddess who is the “Hamsa” chant
  31.  Vagheswari-The Goddess who is the goddess of words
  32.  Shivaa-The Goddess who is the consort of Lord Shiva
  33.  Vagdevi-The Goddess who is the goddess of words
  34.  Maharathri-The Goddess who is the night before the deluge
  35.  Kalarathri-The Goddess who is the night before death
  36.  Trilochana-The Goddess who has three eyes
  37.  Bhadrakali-The Goddess who is the Kali who protects
  38.  Karali-The Goddess who is fearsome
  39.  Mahakali-The Goddess who swallows time
  40.  Thilothama-The Goddess whose every atom is pretty
  41.  Kali-The Goddess who is black
  42.  Karalavakthrantha-The Goddess who has a horrifying mouth
  43.  Kamakshi-The Goddess who fulfills desires by her eyes
  44.  Kamadha-The Goddess who fulfills desires
  45.  Shubhaa-The Goddess who is auspicious
  46.  Chandika-The Goddess who has great anger/The Goddess who killed Mahishasura
  47.  Chanda roopesa-The Goddess who has a fearsome form
  48.  Chamunda-The Goddess who killed Chanda and Munda
  49.  Chakradharini-The Goddess who is armed with a wheel
  50.  Trilokya jayini-The Goddess who has won over the three worlds
  51.  Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess/The Goddess who makes things move
  52.  Trilokya vijayothama-The Goddess who is the first among those who won over the three worlds
  53.  Sidhalakshmi-The Goddess who grants occult powers
  54.  Kriyalakshmi-The Goddess who is behind all actions
  55.  Moksha lakshmi-The Goddess who is the Lakshmi giving salvation
  56.  Prasadini-The Goddess becomes pleased with devotees
  57.  Uma-The Goddess who is the daughter of Himavan
  58.  Bhagwathi-The Goddess who is the goddess with all types of wealth
  59.  Durgaa-The Goddess who killed Durgamasura
  60.  Chaandri-The Goddess who shines like the moon
  61.  Dakshayani-The Goddess who is the daughter of Daksha
  62.  Shivaa-The Goddess who is extremely peaceful
  63.  Prathyangira-The Goddess who took the form of the fearsome Atharvana Bhadrakali
  64.  Dharaa-The Goddess who carries/earth
  65.  Velaa-The Goddess who is in the edge of time
  66.  Lokamatha-The Goddess who is the mother of the world
  67.  Haripriya-The Goddess who is loved by Vishnu
  68.  Parvathi-The Goddess who is the daughter of the mountain
  69.  Paramaa-The Goddess who is the first among everything
  70.  Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  71.  Brahmavidhyaapradhayini-The Goddess who grants knowledge of God
  72.  Aroopa-The Goddess who does not have any form
  73.  Baheeroopa-The Goddess who has several forms
  74.  Viroopaa-The Goddess who has a horrible form of Durga
  75.  Viswaroopini-The Goddess whose form is the universe
  76.  Panchabhoothathmika-The Goddess who is the soul of the five elements
  77.  Vani-The Goddess who plays Veena
  78.  Panchabhoothathmika-The Goddess who exists in all souls as the five elements
  79.  Paraa-The Goddess who is above the five elements
  80.  Kalimaa-The Goddess who is the goddess of time
  81.  Panjikaa-The Goddess who is the world spread through the five elements
  82.  Vagmi-The Goddess who controls words
  83.  Havi-The Goddess who is cooked rice and ghee to be offered in the fire
  84.  Prthyadhidevatha-The Goddess makes the mind and body work as its Goddess
  85.  Devamatha-The Goddess who is the mother of devas
  86.  Suresana-The Goddess of the devas
  87.  Vedagarbha-The Goddess who is the origin of devas
  88.  Ambika-The Goddess who is the mother
  89.  Dhruthi-The Goddess who is the patience
  90.  Sankhya-The Goddess who is the knowledge about eternality of souls
  91.  Jaathi-The Goddess who lives as all castes and creeds
  92.  Kriya Shathi-The Goddess who is the power behind action
  93.  Prakruthi-The Goddess who is the nature
  94.  Mohini-The Goddess who bewitches
  95.  Mahi-The Goddess who is the earth
  96.  Yagna vidhya-The Goddess who is the science of Yagya
  97.  Mahavidhya-The Goddess who is the greatest knowledge
  98.  Guhya Vidhya-The Goddess who is the secret knowledge
  99.  Vibhavari-The Goddess who drives away darkness/ignorance
  100. Jyothishmathi-The Goddess who possesses light
  101. Mahamatha-The Goddess who is the great mother
  102. Sarva manthra phalapradha-The Goddess who makes all mantras yield results
  103. Daridhrya dwamsini-The Goddess who destroys poverty
  104. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  105. Hrudhya grandhi bedhini-The Goddess who breaks the knot of heart
  106. Sahasradhithya sangasa-The Goddess who is like one thousand suns
  107. Chandika-The Goddess who is like the light of moon
  108. Chandra roopini-The Goddess who has the form of moon
  109. Gayatri-The Goddess who is Gayatri mantra
  110. Soma sambhoothi-The Goddess who wears the crescent
  111. Savithri-The Goddess who gave birth to Vedas
  112. Pranavathmika-The Goddess who is the soul of Pranava
  113. Saankari-The Goddess who is the consort of Shiva
  114. Vaishnavi-The Goddess who is the consort of Vishnu
  115. Brahmi-The Goddess who is the aspect of Brahma
  116. Sarva deva namaskrutha-The Goddess who is saluted by all devas
  117. Sevyadurga-The Goddess who is Durga who should be saluted
  118. Kubherakshi-The Goddess who by her mere glance can make a man rich
  119. Karaveera nivasini-The Goddess who lives in Nerium Oleander flowers
  120. Jayaa-The Goddess who is victorious
  121. Vijayaa-The Goddess who is ever victorious
  122. Jayanthi-The Goddess who always wins everywhere
  123. Aparajitha-The Goddess who cannot be defeated
  124. Kubhjika-The Goddess who is a eight year old girl/who is curled up and sleeping
  125. Kalika-The Goddess who is in the form of Kali
  126. Sasthri-The Goddess who rules over knowledge
  127. Veenapusthaka dharini-The Goddess who carried a book and a Veena
  128. Sarvagna shakthi-The Goddess is the power behind Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
  129. Sri Shakthi-The power of wisdom
  130. Brahma Vishnu Shivathmika-The Goddess who takes the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
  131. Ida pingalika madhyaa mrunaalithanthu roolpini-The Goddess who goes in between Ida and Pingala and reaches the Sahasrara
  132. Yajnesani-The Goddess who rules over Yagnas(Fire sacrifice)
  133. Pradhaa-The Goddess who is famous
  134. Deekhaa-The Goddess who gives you consent to do Yagna
  135. Dakshinaa-The Goddess who is an expert/The Goddess who is Donation
  136. Sarva Mohini-The Goddess who is prettier than all
  137. Ashtanga yogini-The Goddess who can be seen by eight fold yoga
  138. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  139. Nirbheeja dhyana gocharaa-The Goddess who is visible to those who meditate using yoga
  140. Sarva theertha sthithaa-The Goddess who is in all sacred waters/all places of pilgrimage
  141. Shuddha-The Goddess who is pure
  142. Sarva parvatha vasini-The Goddess who lives on all mountains
  143. Veda Sashthra prabha-The Goddess who throws light on Vedas and Shasthras
  144. Devi-Goddess
  145. Shadangadhi pada krama-The Goddess who codifies the six branches of Vedas-Siksha, Chandas, niruktha, Jyothisha, Vyakarana and Kalpa
  146. Shivaa-The Goddess who is auspicious
  147. Dhathri-The Goddess who gives/mother
  148. Shubhanandha-The Goddess who is auspiciously happy
  149. Yagnakarma swaroopini-The Goddess who is the form of carrying out of fire sacrifices
  150. Vrathini-The Goddess who does penance/who does Vrats
  151. Menaka-The Goddess who is the daughter of Mena
  152. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  153. Brahmani-The Goddess who is the power of Brahma
  154. Brahmacharini-The Goddess who meditates on Brahmam
  155. Yekasharapara-The Goddess likes Om
  156. Tharaa-The Goddess who helps to cross the sea of misery
  157. Bhava banda vinasini-The Goddess who destroys attachment to domestic life
  158. Viswambhara-The Goddess who supports the universe/The Goddess who wears the universe
  159. Dharaa-The Goddess who supports the earth
  160. Niradhara-The Goddess who does not have any support
  161. Adhikaswaraa-The Goddess who is beyond description
  162. Rakaa-The Goddess who is like the full moon
  163. Kuhoo-The Goddess who is the goddess of new moon day
  164. Amavasya-The Goddess who is the new moon day/ no moon day
  165. Poornima-The Goddess who is the new moon day
  166. Anumathi- The Goddess who permits
  167. Dhruthi-The Goddess who is the form of light
  168. Sinivali-The Goddess who is one day previous to new moon day
  169. Shivaa-The Goddess who is the consort of Shiva
  170. Vasyaa-The Goddess who attracts
  171. Vaiswadevi-The Goddess who is the form of Viswa devas
  172. Pisangilaa-The Goddess who has a very soft body
  173. Pippalaa-The Goddess who is the form of Banyan tree
  174. Visalakshi-The Goddess who has a broad eyes
  175. Rakshogni-The Goddess who is the fire that protects/kills Rakshasas
  176. Vrushti karini-The Goddess who is the reason of rain
  177. Dushta vidhravini-The Goddess who drives away bad people
  178. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  179. Sarvopadrava nasini-The Goddess who destroys all type of troubles
  180. Saradhaa-The Goddess who gives wisdom
  181. Sarasandhaana-The Goddess who is the power of sending arrows using the bow
  182. Sarva Sasthra swaroopini-The Goddess who is the form of all weapons
  183. Yudha madhya sthitha-The Goddess who is in the middle of the battle
  184. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  185. Sarva Bhootha bhanjani-The Goddess who destroys all evil spirits
  186. Ayddha-The Goddess who does not participate in a war
  187. Yudharoopa-The Goddess who is the form of battle
  188. Santha-The Goddess who is peaceful
  189. Santhi swaroopini-The Goddess who is personification of peace
  190. Ganga-The Goddess who is in the form of Ganges
  191. Saraswathi-The Goddess who is the form of Saraswathi
  192. Veni-The Goddess who is the braid
  193. Yamuna-The Goddess who is the river Yamuna
  194. Narmadha-The Goddess who is the river Narmada
  195. Aapaga-The Goddess who was once a river
  196. Samudhravasanaa vasaa-The Goddess who lives in between the seas
  197. Brahmanda sreni mekhala-The Goddess who wears the universe as hip belt
  198. Panchavakthra-The Goddess who has five faces
  199. Dasa bhujaa-The Goddess who has ten hands
  200. Shuddha sphatika sannibha-The Goddess who is like a clear crystal
  201. Rakthaa-The Goddess who is of blood red colour
  202. Krushnaa-The Goddess who is of black colour
  203. Sithaa-The Goddess who is of white colour
  204. Peetha-The Goddess who is of yellow colour
  205. Sarva varnaa-The Goddess who is of all colours
  206. Nireeswari-The Goddess who does not have any other goddess
  207. Chakrikaa-The Goddess who is in Sri Chakra
  208. Kalikaa-The Goddess who is Kali
  209. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  210. Sathyaa-The Goddess who is truth
  211. Badukaa-The Goddess who is always a lass
  212. Sthithaa-The Goddess who is stable
  213. Tharuni-The Goddess who is a lass
  214. Vaaruni-The Goddess who is the power of Varuna
  215. Naree-The Goddess who is a woman
  216. Jyeshta-The Goddess who is elder
  217. Devi-The Goddess who is Devi
  218. Sureswari-The Goddess who is the goddess of devas
  219. Viswambara-The Goddess who wears the universe as cloth
  220. Dharaa-The Goddess who carries/earth
  221. Karthree-The Goddess who is the doer
  222. Galargala Vibhanjini-The Goddess who breaks problems/The Goddess who stopped the flow of poison in to Shiva
  223. Sandhyaa-The Goddess who is of dusky colour/The Goddess who is dawn, dusk and noon
  224. Rathri-The Goddess who is night
  225. Divaa-The Goddess who is day time
  226. Jyothsnaa-The Goddess who is the night lit by full moon
  227. Kalaa-The Goddess who is the crescent
  228. Kashtaa-The Goddess who is the limit/The Goddess who is quarter of the world
  229. Nimeshikaa-The Goddess who does everything in a Nimisha(time between opening and closing of eye)
  230. Urvee-The Goddess who is in the form of earth
  231. Kathyayani-The Goddess who is the daughter of sage Kathyayana
  232. Shubra-The Goddess who is white and clean
  233. Sasarnavatharini-The Goddess who makes us cross the forest of domestic life
  234. Kapilaa-The Goddess who is of reddish colour/wife of sage Kapila
  235. Keelikaa-The Goddess who is the axis of everything
  236. Asoka-The Goddess who is never sad
  237. Mallika-The Goddess who is jasmine flower
  238. Navamalika-The Goddess who wears garland of fresh flowers
  239. Devika-The Goddess who is the goddess with a form of a child
  240. Nandika-The Goddess who is the daughter/The Goddess who makes us happy
  241. Shantha-The Goddess who is patient
  242. Bhanjika-The Goddess who breaks
  243. Bhayabhanjika-The Goddess who breaks fear
  244. Koushiki-The Goddess who came out of the hair of Parvathi
  245. Vaidhiki-The Goddess who is Vedic in form
  246. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  247. Souri-The Goddess who is the power of Sun
  248. Roopadhika-The Goddess who transcends the form
  249. Athibhaa-The Goddess who has relatively more light
  250. Digvasthra-The Goddess who wears the directions as cloth
  251. Navavasthra-The Goddess who wears new cloths
  252. Kanyaka-The Goddess who is an unmarried girl
  253. Kamladhbhava-The Goddess who was born out of lotus
  254. Sree-The Goddess who is goddess Lakshmi
  255. Soumyalakshana-The Goddess who has calm look
  256. Atheetha durga-The Goddess who is unapproachable in the fort
  257. Soothra prabodhika-The Goddess who teaches Vedic Sutras
  258. Sradha-The Goddess who is attentive
  259. Medha-The Goddess who is the intelligence
  260. Kruthi-The Goddess who is the composition
  261. Pragna-The Goddess who is the conscience/intelligence
  262. Dharana-The Goddess who is understanding/supposition
  263. Kanthi-The Goddess who is the light
  264. Sruthi, Smruthi, druthir Dhanya-The Goddess who is blessed with knowledge of Sruthi, Smruthi and bravery
  265. Bhoothi-The Goddess who is the cause of all wealth
  266. Ishtee-The Goddess who is the fire sacrifice/ who is liked by everyone
  267. Maneeshini-The Goddess who gives wisdom
  268. Virakthi-The Goddess who is detached
  269. Vyapini-The Goddess who is spread everywhere
  270. Mayaa-The Goddess who is illusion
  271. Sarva maya prabhanjani-The Goddess who breaks all illusion
  272. Mahendri-The Goddess who is greater than Indra
  273. Manthrini-The Goddess who is the minister/The Goddess who is the goddess of all chants
  274. Simhi-The Goddess who assumes the form of a lion/The Goddess who is as brave as a lion
  275. Indra jala swaroopini-The Goddess who is the personification of magic
  276. Avastha thraya nirmuktha-The Goddess who is not subject to three activities of waking, sleep and dream
  277. Guna thraya vivarjitha-The Goddess who is beyond three qualities of Satwa,Rajas and Tamas
  278. Eeshanathraya nirmuktha-The Goddess who does not have the three desires of sons, wealth and heaven
  279. Sarva roga vivarjitha-The Goddess who cures all diseases
  280. Yogi dhyanantha gamya-The Goddess who can be attained at the end of yoga/ Goddess who is meditated by Yogis
  281. Yogadhyana parayana-The Goddess who is the aim at the end of yoga
  282. Thrayee Shikhaa viseshakgna-The Goddess who is an expert in three Vedas
  283. Vedantha Jnana roopini-The Goddess who is the form of the experts in Vedanta
  284. Bharathi-The Goddess who gives form of letter and words to knowledge
  285. Kamala-The Goddess who is as pretty as a lotus
  286. Bhasha-The Goddess who is the language
  287. Padma-The Goddess who was born out of a lotus
  288. Padmavathi-The Goddess who sits on a lotus
  289. Kruthi-The Goddess who is the result of action/The Goddess who is action
  290. Gowthami-The Goddess who was born as a daughter of sage Gautama
  291. Gomathi-The Goddess who is the river Gomati
  292. Gauri-The Goddess who is white/The Goddess who is Goddess Parvati
  293. Ishaanaa-The Goddess who is consort of Ishwara
  294. Hamsavahini-The Goddess who rides on a swan
  295. Narayani-The Goddess who is the refuge of humans/The Goddess who is the power of Narayana
  296. Prabhadhara-The Goddess who is the continuous shower of light
  297. Jahnavi-The Goddess who is the daughter of sage Jahnu
  298. Shakarathmaja-The Goddess who has Shiva as son
  299. hithraghanta-The Goddess who has picturesque neck
  300. Sunanda-The Goddess who is with happiness
  301. Sri-The Goddess who gives all type of wealth
  302. Manavi-The Goddess who is daughter of Manu
  303. Manusambhava-The Goddess who was born to Manu
  304. Sthambhini-The Goddess who is very stable
  305. Kshobhini-The Goddess who makes the mind of others shake/ The Goddess who gets very angry
  306. Maari-The Goddess who kills asuras
  307. Bhramini-The Goddess who makes the world rotate
  308. Shathrumarini-The Goddess who is the killer of her enemies
  309. Mohini-The Goddess who bewitches
  310. Dweshini-The Goddess who is the power behind hating
  311. Veera-The Goddess who has valour
  312. Aghoraa-The Goddess who is not horrible
  313. Rudhra roopini-The Goddess who has an angry form
  314. Rudraikadasini-The Goddess who is in the form of eleven Rudras
  315. Punyaa-The Goddess who appreciates good deeds
  316. Kalyani-The Goddess who is auspicious
  317. Lanhakarini-The Goddess who causes profit
  318. Devadurga-The Durga in the state of wakefulness
  319. Maha Durga-The Durga who is sleeping
  320. Swapnadurga-The Durga who is in the dream state
  321. Ashtabhairavi-The Goddess who is the eight Bhairavis
  322. Suryachadragni roopa-The Goddess who has sun, moon and fire as eyes
  323. Grahanakshatra roopini-The Goddess who is the form of stars and planets
  324. Bindu nadha kalathhetha-The Goddess who is in the form of Bindu(dot) and Nadha (sound)
  325. Bindu nadha kalathmika-The Goddess who is the of dot, sound and crescent
  326. Dasa vayu jyaakaraa-The Goddess who wins as the 10 vayus
  327. Kala Shodasa samyutha-The Goddess who is with 16 crescents of the moon
  328. Kasyapi-The Goddess who is the daughter of sage Kasyapa
  329. Kamala Devi-The Goddess of lotus
  330. Nadha Chakra nivasini-The Goddess who lives in Srichakra as well as in sound
  331. Mrudaadhaara-The Goddess who is the foundation for Lord Shiva
  332. Sthiraa-The Goddess who is permanent
  333. Guhya-The Goddess who is secret
  334. Devikaa-The Goddess who is like the Goddess
  335. Chakra roopini-The Goddess who is the form of Sri Chakra
  336. Avidhyaa-The Goddess who is the power behind ignorance
  337. Sarvaree-The Goddess who is the form of night
  338. Bhunjaa-The Goddess who has undergone all pleasures
  339. Jambasura nibharhini-The Goddess who killed Jambhasura in the form of Indra
  340. Srikaayaa-The Goddess who was born as wealth
  341. Srikalaa-The Goddess who knows auspicious art forms
  342. Shubraa-The Goddess who is neat
  343. Karma nir moola karini-The Goddess who completely destroys attachment to action/destroys all accumulated sins
  344. Aadhilakshmi-The Goddess who is the primeval Lakshmi
  345. Gunaadharaa-The Goddess who is the stream of good qualities/The Goddess who is the basis for Satwa, Rajas and Tamo Gunas
  346. Panchabrahmathmika-The Goddess who has the five Gods Brahma, Vishnu, Easwara, Sadashiva and Rudra within herself
  347. Paraa-The Goddess who is above everything
  348. Sruthi-The Goddess who is the Vedas
  349. Brahma mukhaa vasaa-The Goddess who is Saraswathi who lives in the face of Brahma
  350. Sarva sampathi roopini-The Goddess who is the form of all wealth
  351. Mruth sanjeevini-The Goddess who makes the dead alive
  352. Maithree-The Goddess who has friendship
  353. Kamini-The Goddess who has passion
  354. Kamavarjitha-The Goddess who is detached from passion
  355. Nirvana margadha devi-The Goddess who shows the way to salvation
  356. Hamsini-The Goddess who is in the state of Hamsa
  357. Kashikaa-The Goddess who is luminous
  358. Kshama-The Goddess who is Forgiveness
  359. Saparya-The Goddess who is fit to be worshipped
  360. Gunini-The Goddess who is the treasure of good qualities
  361. Bhinna-The Goddess who is different
  362. Nirgunaa-The Goddess who is devoid of any characteristics
  363. Akhaditha-The Goddess who has not been split
  364. Shubha-The Goddess who is auspicious
  365. Swamini-The Goddess who is the master
  366. Vedhini-The Goddess who should be understood
  367. Shakya-The Goddess who can be understood
  368. Shaambhari-The Goddess who is the great illusion
  369. Chakra Dharini-The Goddess who holds the wheel
  370. Dandini-The Goddess who punishes
  371. Mundini-The Goddess who wears garland of cut heads
  372. Vyagri-The Goddess who is the tigress
  373. Shikiny-The Goddess who is the peahen
  374. Somasamhathi-The Goddess who is the sister of moon
  375. Chinthamani-The Goddess who gives all that is thought off
  376. Chidanandha-The Goddess who is in the state of divine joy
  377. Panchabana prabodhini-The Goddess who makes God of love with five flower arrows work
  378. Bana sreni-The Goddess who has a sequence of arrows
  379. Sahasthrakshi-The Goddess who has thousand eyes
  380. Sahasra bhujja Paduka-The Goddess who has thousand hands and legs
  381. Sandhyavalee-The Goddess who has three folds on her hip joint
  382. Trisandhyakhya-The Goddess who makes dawn, non and dusk/The Goddess who is to be sung in dawn, noon and dusk
  383. Bramanda mani bhooshana-The Goddess who is the ornament for the universe
  384. Vasavi-The Goddess who is the power of Indra
  385. Dhaaruni sena-The Goddess who has a dreadful army
  386. Kulika-The Goddess who belongs to a good lineage
  387. Manthra ranjani-The Goddess who becomes happy with prayers(mantras)
  388. Jitha prana swaroopa-The Goddess who has the form which has won the soul
  389. Kanthaa-The Goddess who is liked by every one
  390. Kamya vara pradha-The Goddess who grants desired boons
  391. Manthra Brahmana Vidhyartha-The Goddess who would like to know the Brahma mantra
  392. Nadha roopa-The Goddess who is the form of sound
  393. Havishmathi-The Goddess who offers offerings in fire
  394. Adharvani sruthi-The Goddess who is Atharva Veda
  395. Soonyaa-The Goddess who is without beginning or end/ considers herself a zero/is egoless
  396. Kalpana varjitha-The Goddess who does not have any expectation
  397. Sathi-The Goddess who is Sathi the daughter of Daksha
  398. Sathaa Jathi-The Goddess who belongs to a noble family
  399. Pramaa-The Goddess who can estimate devotees through her intelligence
  400. Ameyaa-The Goddess who does not have any boundaries
  401. Pramithi-The Goddess who could be known by axioms of Vedas
  402. Pranadhaa-The Goddess who gives life
  403. Gathi-The Goddess who is the destination
  404. Avarnaa-The Goddess who does not have colours
  405. Panchavarnaa-The Goddess who is described by the five letters Namashivaya, The Goddess who has five colours
  406. Sarvadhaa-The Goddess who gives everything always
  407. Bhuvaneswari-The Goddess who is the goddess of the universe
  408. Trilokyamohini-The Goddess who bewitches the three worlds
  409. Vidhyaa-The Goddess who is knowledge
  410. Sarva bharthree-The Goddess who administers every one
  411. Ksharaa-The Goddess who has a form that can be destroyed
  412. Aksharaa-The Goddess who cannot be destroyed
  413. Hiranyavarnaa-The Goddess who is of the colour of Gold
  414. Harini- The Goddess who destroys sorrows
  415. Sarvopadrava nasini-The Goddess who destroys all painful problems
  416. Kaivalya padavi rekha-The Goddess who is the way to attain salvation
  417. Soorya mandala samsthithaa-The Goddess who is in the solar system
  418. Soma Mandala Madhyastha-The Goddess who is in the middle of moon
  419. Vahni mandala samsthithaa-The Goddess who stays in between fire/The Goddess who stays in Mooladhara
  420. Vayu mandala madhyastha-The Goddess who is in the midst of wind
  421. Vyoma mandala samsthithaa-The Goddess who stays in the sky
  422. Chakrikaa-The Goddess who has the divine wheel
  423. Chakra madhyastha-The Goddess who is in the middle of Sri Chakra
  424. Chakra marga pravarthini-The Goddess who travels in the path of wheels of the body
  425. Kokilaa kula chakresa-Who is the king of the universe of Koels
  426. Pakshathi-The beginning of the phases of moon
  427. Pankthipaavani-The Goddess who purifies the world
  428. Sarva sidhantha margastha-The Goddess who is the way to all knowledge
  429. Shad varna-The Goddess who has six colours
  430. Varavarjitha-The Goddess who does not need any boons
  431. Sara rudhra haraa-The Goddess who cures pain caused by arrows
  432. Hanthri-The Goddess who kills
  433. Sarva samhara karini-The Goddess who is the cause of all destruction
  434. Purushaa-The Goddess who is ancient
  435. Pourushee-The Goddess who is complete/masculine
  436. Thushti-The Goddess who is satisfaction
  437. Sarva tantra prasoothikaa-The Goddess who gave birth to all Tantras
  438. Ardha nareeswari-The Goddess who has occupied left side of Shiva
  439. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  440. Sarva Vidhyaa pradahyani-The Goddess gives all types of knowledge
  441. Bhargavi-The Goddess who is daughter of sage Bhrugu
  442. Bhoojhooshi vidhyaa-The Goddess who is the knowledge that protects the earth
  443. Sarvopanishadhaa sthithaa-The Goddess who is in all Upanishads
  444. Vyomakesa-The Goddess who has sky as hair
  445. Akhila praana-The Goddess who is the soul of all beings
  446. Pancha kosa vilakshanaa-The Goddess who is not affected by the five kosas like Annamaya kosa
  447. Panchakosathmika-The Goddess who lives in the five kosas of the body
  448. Prathyak-The Goddess who can be seen inside
  449. Pancha Brahmathmika-The Goddess who is the form of the five Brahmas
  450. Shivaa-The Goddess who is the consort of Lord Shiva
  451. Jagajjara janithri-The Goddess who creates the world when it is affected by old age/The old mother of the universe
  452. Pancha karma prasoothika-The Goddess who gave birth to five type of actions viz Creation, upkeep, merging, disappearance and blessing
  453. Vagdevi-The goddess of words
  454. Aabharanakaara-The Goddess who wears ornaments
  455. Sarva kamya sthitha-The Goddess who is in all desires
  456. Sthithi-The Goddess who is stable
  457. Ashta dasa chathu Sashti peetikaa-The Goddess who has 18 or 64 pithas
  458. Vidhyayuthaa-The Goddess who is with knowledge
  459. Kaalika-The Goddess who is Kali
  460. Aakarshani-The Goddess who attracts
  461. Shyama-The Goddess who is black
  462. Yakshini-The Goddess who is a Yaksha woman
  463. Kinnareswari-The Goddess who is the goddess of Kinnaras(People with human body and head of a horse)
  464. Kethaki-The Goddess who likes screw pine flower
  465. Mallika-The Goddess who likes jasmine flowers
  466. Asoka-The Goddess who does not have sorrow
  467. Varahi-The Goddess who is the power of boar incarnation of Lord Vishnu
  468. Dharani-The Goddess who is earth
  469. Dhruvaa-The Goddess who is very stable/ at the top
  470. Narasimhi-The Goddess who is the power of man lion incarnation of Lord Vishnu
  471. Mahograsa-The Goddess who swallows great quantities
  472. Bhaktha namarthi nasini-The Goddess who destroys the sorrows of devotees
  473. Antharbalaa-The Goddess who is mentally strong
  474. Sthiraa-The Goddess who is permanent
  475. Lakshmi-The Goddess who has all the good qualities
  476. Jara marana nasini-The Goddess who prevents old age and death
  477. Sri Ranjitha-The Goddess who shines because of wealth
  478. Maha maya-The Goddess who is the great illusion
  479. Soma suryagni lochana-The Goddess who has moon, sun and fire as eyes
  480. Adhithi-The Goddess who is Adithi-the mother of all devas
  481. Deva matha-The Goddess who is the mother of devas
  482. Ashtaputhaa-The Goddess who is Devaki with eight sons
  483. Ashtayogini-The Goddess who is an expert in eight yogas viz Yama, Niyama, aasana,pranayama, prathyahara, dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi
  484. Ashta prakruthi-The Goddess who has eight types of nature
  485. Ashtashta vibhrajadwikrutha krithi-The Goddess who shines in all 64 arts
  486. Durbhiksha dwamsini-The Goddess who is destroyer of scarcity
  487. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  488. Sitha-The Goddess who is Sita, wife of Lord Rama
  489. Sathya-The Goddess who is the truth/Satya who is one of the wives of Lord Krishna
  490. Rukmini-The Goddess who is Rukmini, the wife of Lord Krishna
  491. Khyadhija-The Goddess who was born with fame
  492. Bhargavi-The Goddess who is the daughter of Bhrigu
  493. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  494. Devayoni-The Goddess who gave birth to all devas
  495. Thapawini-The Goddess who does penance
  496. Sakambari-The Goddess who is an incarnation who produced several vegetables from her body and sustained the world
  497. Mahasonaa-The Goddess who is dark red
  498. Garudopari samsthithaa-The Goddess who sits on the Garuda
  499. Simhaga-The Goddess who sits on the lion
  500. Vyagraga-The Goddess who sits on a tiger
  501. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  502. Vayuga-The Goddess who makes wind move
  503. Mahadriga-The Goddess who sits on a big mountain
  504. Akaradhi kshakarantha-The Goddess who is alphabets from Aa to ksha
  505. Sarva vidhyadhi devatha-The Goddess who is the goddess of all learning
  506. Mantha vyakhyana nipuna-The Goddess who is an expert in explaining Mantras
  507. Jyothi sasthraika lochana-The Goddess who makes us see the science of astronomy
  508. Ida pingalika madhyaa sushumnaa grandhi swaroopini-The Goddess who is the Sushumna nadi which is in between Ida and Pingala Nadis
  509. Kala chakra srayopetha-The Goddess makes the wheel of time work
  510. Kalachakra swaroopini-The Goddess who is the wheel of time
  511. Vaisaradhi-The Goddess who is expert in every knowledge
  512. Mathi sreshta-The Goddess who is the most intelligent
  513. Varishtaa-The Goddess who is the best
  514. Sarva dheepika-The Goddess who is the light to every one
  515. Vainayaki-The Goddess who is the power of Lord Ganesha
  516. Vararoha-The Goddess who is the ultimate refuge
  517. Srenivelaa-The Goddess who is surrounded by Vedas
  518. Bahirbali-The Goddess who gives strength to the body
  519. Jam bini-The Goddess who is very proud of her beauty
  520. Jrumbini-The Goddess who is spread all over the world
  521. Jamba Karini-The Goddess who is the cause of opening of flower
  522. Ganakarika-The Goddess who was responsible for making Ganesha
  523. Sharini-The Goddess who has arrows
  524. Chakrikaa-The Goddess who has the divine wheel
  525. Anantha-The Goddess who does not have an end
  526. Sarva vyadhi chikithsaki-The Goddess who treats all diseases
  527. Devaki-The Goddess who is the mother of Krishna
  528. Deva sankaasa-The Goddess who is like the devas
  529. Vaaridhi-The Goddess who is the ocean
  530. Karunaakaara-The Goddess who is the form of mercy
  531. Sarvaree-The Goddess who removes darkness(ignorance) from people
  532. Sarva Sampanna-The Goddess who has every sort of wealth
  533. Sarva papa prabhanjani-The Goddess who breaks all sort of sins
  534. Yeka mathraa-The Goddess who is one syllable-Om(waking up state)
  535. Dwimathra-The Goddess who is two “om”s, one after another(dream state)
  536. Trimathra-The Goddess who is three syllables-Sleep state
  537. Aparaa-The Goddess who is outside there-Thureeyaa state
  538. Ardha mathraa-The Goddess who is half syllable-Anuswara
  539. Paraa-The Goddess who is great
  540. Sookshmaa-The Goddess who has micro form
  541. Sookshmaardhadha-The Goddess who is micro in micro
  542. Aparaa-The Goddess who is incomparable
  543. Yeka veeraa-The Goddess who is alone valorous
  544. Viseshakhyaa-The Goddess who has a special activity
  545. Shashtee-The Goddess who is Mahalakshmi with six forms
  546. Devi-The Goddess who is the Goddess
  547. Manaswini-The Goddess who is in the mind of every one
  548. Naiskarmya-The Goddess who does not do any action
  549. Nishkalaa lokaa-The Goddess in which fault cannot be found by people
  550. Jnana karmadhikaa-The Goddess who can be realized by Jnana
  551. Gunaa-The Goddess who has all characters
  552. Sabandhwananda sandhohaa-The Goddess who gives happiness to people and stays with them
  553. Vyomaakaaraa-The Goddess who is in the form of sky
  554. Aniroopithaa-The Goddess whose form cannot be described
  555. Gadhya padhyathmikaa-The Goddess who is the soul of prose and poem
  556. Vani-The Goddess who is Saraswathi
  557. Sarvalangara samyuktha-The Goddess who is well made up with all ornaments
  558. Sadhu bandha pada nyasa-The Goddess who is with good people and guides them
  559. Sarvaika-The Goddess who is the home of everything
  560. Ghatikavali-The Goddess who measures time
  561. Shadkarma-The Goddess who does six acts viz teaching, learning, sacrificing, requesting, giving and taking
  562. Karkasaakaraa-The Goddess who is like stone towards asuras
  563. Sarvakarma vivarjitha-The Goddess who has no need to do Karmas
  564. Aadsithyavarnaa-The Goddess who is red coloured like the Sun
  565. Aparnaa-The Goddess who did not eat even leaves
  566. Kamini-The Goddess who is the lover
  567. Vara roopini-The Goddess who has the chosen form
  568. Brahmaani-The Goddess who is the power of Lord Brahma
  569. Brahma Santhana-The Goddess whose son is Brahma
  570. Vedavagi-The Goddess who is the goddess of Vedic words/The Goddess who is praised by Vedic words
  571. Easwari-The Goddess who is the consort of Ishwara
  572. Shivaa-The Goddess who is the consort of Lord Shiva
  573. Purana nyaya memasaa dharma Sathra agama sruthaa-The Goddess who is described in Puranas, Nyaya, Meemamsa, Dharma Shasthras and Agamas
  574. Sadhyoveda vathi-The Goddess who knows Vedas
  575. Sarvaa-The Goddess who is everywhere
  576. Hamsee-The Goddess who is in the form of a swan/The Goddess who rides on a swan
  577. Vidhyadhi devatha-The Goddess who is the goddess of learning
  578. Visweswari-The Goddess who is the Goddess of universe
  579. Jagadhatri-The Goddess who is the mother of universe
  580. Viswa nirmana karini-The Goddess who was the cause of creating the world
  581. Vaidheeki-The Goddess who is in the form of Vedas
  582. Vedatroopa-The Goddess who is personification of Vedas
  583. Kalika-The Goddess who is a form of time
  584. Kala roopini-The Goddess who is the personification of time
  585. Narayani-The Goddess who is the power of Lord Narayana/The Goddess who protects men
  586. Mahadevi-The Goddess who is the great Goddess
  587. Sarva Thathwa pravarthini-The Goddess who makes all principles work
  588. Hiranya varna roopa-The Goddess who has a golden coloured form
  589. Hiranya pada sambhava-The Goddess who is the form of Virat Purusha who is the form of 14 worlds
  590. Kaivalya padavi-The Goddess who leads you to oneness with God
  591. Punyaa-The Goddess who is auspicious deeds
  592. Kaivalya Jnana lakshithaa-The Goddess who is known by people who try to become one with God
  593. Brahma sampathi roopa-The Goddess who is the wealth of Brahma
  594. Brahma sampathi karini-The Goddess who is the cause of wealth of Brahma
  595. Varuni-The Goddess who is the power of Varuna
  596. Vaarunaradhyaa-The Goddess who is worshipped by son of Varuna –sage Bhrugu
  597. Sarva karma pravarthini-The Goddess who makes us do all actions
  598. Yekakshara para-The Goddess who is indicated by “om”
  599. Ayukthaa-The Goddess who is in alphabets
  600. Sarva daridrya bhanjani-The Goddess who breaks all types of poverty
  601. Pasangusanvithaa-The Goddess who holds the rope and the goad
  602. Divyaa-The Goddess who is divine
  603. Veena vakhyaksha suthra bruth-The Goddess who holds Veena, book and the rosary
  604. Yeka moorthi-The Goddess who has one form
  605. Thrayee murthi-The Goddess who has three forms of Lakshmi, Parvathi and Saraswathi
  606. Madhu kaitabha bhanjini-The Goddess who killed Madhu and Kaitabha
  607. Saankhyaa-The Goddess who is the goddess of Sankhyaa cult/The Goddess who is the form of numerals
  608. Sankhyavathi-The Goddess who is described by numerals/Sankhyaa shastra
  609. Jwalaa-The Goddess who is the flame
  610. Jwalanthi-The Goddess who shines
  611. Kama roopini-The Goddess who can take any form The Goddess likes
  612. Jagrathi-The Goddess who is always awake
  613. Sarva sampathi-The Goddess who is all types of wealth
  614. Sushupthaa-The Goddess who is in deep sleep
  615. Sweshta dhayini-The Goddess who fulfills one’s desires
  616. Kapalini-The Goddess who holds a skull
  617. Maha damshtraa-The Goddess who has big teeth
  618. Brukuti kutilalanaa-The Goddess who has bent and dense eye brows
  619. Sarva vaasa-The Goddess who lives in everything
  620. Suvasaa-The Goddess who lives with good people
  621. Bruhathi-The Goddess who has a macro form
  622. Ashtaye-The Goddess who has eight forms
  623. Shakvari-The Goddess who rides on the bull
  624. Chandhogana prathikaasaa-The Goddess who is merged with the Vedas
  625. Kalmashi-The Goddess who has several colours
  626. Karunathmikaa-The Goddess who is merciful
  627. Chakshushmathi-The Goddess who is the eye sight
  628. Mahaghoshaa-The Goddess who is the chanting of Vedas/The Goddess who is the great shouting
  629. Gadga charma dharaa-The Goddess who wears a sword and a shield
  630. Asani-The Goddess who is the Vajrayudha of Indra
  631. Shila vaichithrya vidhyothaa-The Goddess who is the knowledge of Sculpture making
  632. Sarvatho Bhadra vasini-The Goddess who is safe in all places
  633. Achinthya lakhshanaa kara-The Goddess who has unimaginable good properties
  634. Suthra bhashya nibhandhanaa-The Goddess who is in the form of people writing explanations to Vedas
  635. Sarva vedartha sampathi-The Goddess who is the import of all Vedas
  636. Sarva sas thratha mathrukaa-The Goddess who is the model meaning of all Shastras
  637. Aakaradhi kshakarantha nathra varna krutha sthalaa-The Goddess who is the form of all alphabets from “Aa” to “Ksha”
  638. Sarva Lakshmi-The Goddess who is all forms of Lakshmi
  639. Sadananda-The Goddess who is always happy
  640. Sara Vidhyaa-The Goddess who is the essence of wisdom
  641. Sadashivaa-The Goddess who is always peaceful/The Goddess who is the consort of Lord Sadashiva
  642. Sarvagnaa-The Goddess who knows everything
  643. Sarva Shakthi-The Goddess who is all powers
  644. Kechari roopa-The Goddess who is in the form all beings who fly
  645. Aachrithaa-The Goddess who is great
  646. Animadhi gunopethaa-The Goddess who is surrounded by occult powers like Anima
  647. Araa-The Goddess who is divine
  648. Kaashtaa-The Goddess who is at the end
  649. Paraa Gathi-The Goddess who is the divine destination
  650. Hamsa yuktha vimanasthaa-The Goddess who drives a chariot drawn by swans
  651. Ham saarooda-The Goddess who travels on a swan
  652. Sashi prabhaa-The Goddess who shines like moon
  653. Bhavani-The Goddess who gives life to the sea of domestic life/The Goddess who wife of Lord Shiva
  654. Vasannashakthi-The Goddess who is in born talents
  655. Aakruthisthaa-The Goddess who can take a form
  656. Khilaa-The Goddess who is all living beings
  657. Akhilaa-The Goddess who is everywhere
  658. Tantra hethu-The Goddess who is the cause of all 64 tantras
  659. Vichithraangi-The Goddess who has wonderful limbs
  660. Vyoma gangaa vinodhini-The Goddess who plays in the Akasha Ganga
  661. Varshaa-The Goddess who is rain
  662. Varshikaa-The Goddess who rains mercy on devotees
  663. Rik Yajur Sama roopini-The Goddess who is the form of Rik, Yajur and Sama Vedas
  664. Maha Nadhi-The Goddess who is the great river Ganga
  665. Nadhi punyaa-The Goddess who is the sacred river
  666. Aganya punya guna kriyaa-The Goddess by serving her we will get innumerable blessings
  667. Samadhi gatha labhyaa-The Goddess who can be got by Samadhi
  668. Arthaa-The Goddess who is the meaning
  669. Srothavya-The Goddess who should be heard about
  670. Swapriyaa-The Goddess who likes herself
  671. Agrunaa-The Goddess who does not hate
  672. Namakshara paraa-The Goddess who is above her names
  673. Devi-The Goddess who is Goddess
  674. Upa sarga nakhanjitha-The Goddess who shines with her long nails/The Goddess who is in the form of grammar
  675. Nipathoru dwayee Jangaa-The Goddess who has pretty thighs which does not get tired
  676. Mathukaa-The Goddess who is an example
  677. Manthra roopini-The Goddess who is the form of Mantras
  678. Aseenaa-The Goddess who is sitting
  679. Sayanaa-The Goddess who is lying down
  680. Thishtanthi-The Goddess who is standing
  681. Dhanaddhikaa-The Goddess who is stable without movement
  682. Lakshya Lakshana yogaadyaa-The Goddess who is worshipped as a form and without form
  683. Thaad roopya ganana kruthi-The Goddess who has several forms which are different
  684. Yeka roopa-The Goddess who has one form
  685. Naika roopaa-The Goddess who does not have only one form
  686. Thasyai-The Goddess who is you
  687. Sendhu roopa-The Goddess who has the form of moon
  688. Thadha kruthi-The Goddess who is in that form/God’s form
  689. Samasa thadvidhaakara-The Goddess who has the form of the world that is pointed to
  690. Vibhakthi vachanathmikaa-The Goddess who is in a grammatical sentence
  691. Swahakaraa-The Goddess who is in the form of Swahaa who is the wife of Fire
  692. Swadhakara-The Goddess who in the form of offering to the manes
  693. Sri pathyardhanga nandhini-The Goddess occupies half the body of Lord Vishnu as Srivatsa
  694. Gambheera-The Goddess who is serious
  695. Gahanaa-The Goddess who is deep
  696. Guhyaa-The Goddess who is secretive
  697. Yoni lingardha dharini-The Goddess who has half male and half female organ as Ardha nareeswari
  698. Sesha Vasuki samsevyaa-The Goddess who is served by Adhi Sesha and Vasuki
  699. Chapalaa-The Goddess who does stay permanently in one place
  700. Varavarninee-The Goddess who belongs to the blessed category
  701. Karunyakara sampathi-The Goddess who has wealth of mercy
  702. Keela kruth-The Goddess who shuts illusion from devotees
  703. Manthra keelikaa-The Goddess who is being worshipped by Mantras
  704. Shakthi bheejathmikaa-Se who is the soul of seed chants like Iym,Hreem, Sreem
  705. Sarva manthreshtaa-The Goddess who likes all mantras
  706. Akshata kaamaanaa-The Goddess who has desires which never decrease
  707. Aagneyi-The Goddess who is fire
  708. Prthivaa-The Goddess who is earth
  709. Aapyaa-The Goddess who is water
  710. Vyavyaa-The Goddess who is air
  711. Vyoma kethanaa-The Goddess who has sky as flag
  712. Sathya jnanathmikaa-The Goddess whose soul is truth and wisdom
  713. Nandaa-The Goddess who makes one happy
  714. Brahmee-The Goddess who is the power of Brahma
  715. Brahma-The Goddess who is the Brahmam
  716. Santhani-The Goddess who does not have any origin
  717. Avidhyaa Vasanaa-The Goddess who has habit of ignorance
  718. Mayaa-The Goddess who is the illusion
  719. Prakruthi-The Goddess who is the nature
  720. Sarva Mohini-The Goddess who attracts every one
  721. Dhaaranaa shakthi-The Goddess who is the strength of understanding
  722. Chidhachith Shakthi yogini-The Goddess who is an expert in Yoga with wisdom and ignorance
  723. Vakthraaruna-The Goddess who has a red face
  724. Maha a mayaa-The Goddess who is a great illusion
  725. Mareechi-The Goddess who is hiding
  726. Madhamardhini-The Goddess who kills unnecessary exuberance
  727. Viraat-The Goddess who is the supreme
  728. Swaha-The Goddess who takes the form of Swaha, wife of fire god
  729. Swadha-The Goddess who is the form of Swadha, offering for manes
  730. Shudhaa-The Goddess who is clean
  731. Nbiroopasthi-The Goddess who is fit to be worshipped
  732. Subhakthigaa-The Goddess who likes people with good devotion
  733. Nirupithadwayi vidhyaa-The Goddess who proves knowledge and ignorance
  734. Vidhyaa-The Goddess who is knowledge
  735. Nithyaa anithya swaroopini-The Goddess who is permanent as well as temporary
  736. Vairaja marga sanchaaraa-The Goddess who travels in path of detachment
  737. Sarva sathpada pradarsini-The Goddess who shows the right path
  738. Jalandhari-The Goddess who is ever young/The Goddess who keeps the net called illusion
  739. Mrudaani-The wife of Lord Shiva
  740. Bhavani-The Goddess who is the wife of Lord Shiva
  741. Bhava bhanjani-The Goddess who breaks the misery of birth
  742. Trikalika Jnana thanthu-The Goddess who gives wisdom in all three periods of time
  743. Trikala Jnana dhayini-The Goddess who gives knowledge of the past present and future
  744. Nadhtheethaa-The Goddess who is beyond sound
  745. Smruthi-The Goddess who is Smruthi part of Vedas/The Goddess who is memory
  746. Pragnaa-The Goddess who is intuitiveness
  747. Dhathri roopa-The Goddess who has a form carrying the world
  748. Tripushkaraa-The Goddess who looks after body, mind and wisdom/Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva/Rik, Yajur and Sama
  749. Parajithaa-The Goddess who is defeated by devotees
  750. Vidhanagnaa-The Goddess who knows how to arrange for things
  751. Visesha gunathmikaa-The Goddess who has special auspicious qualities
  752. Hiranyakesini-The Goddess who has golden hair
  753. Hema Brahma sutra vichakshanaa-The Goddess who knows the golden sacred thread/The Goddess who knows the golden book called Brahma Sutra
  754. Asankyeya aparardantha swara vuanjanavaikharee-The Goddess who is birth place of innumerable alphabets, consonants and vowels
  755. Madhu jihwa-The Goddess who has a sweet tongue
  756. Madhumathi-The Goddess who is Madhumathi the seventh step in Yoga/The Goddess who has a sweet brain
  757. Madhumasodhayaa-The Goddess who is the beginning of pleasurable months /honey moon
  758. Madhoo-The Goddess who is like honey
  759. Madhavi-The Goddess who is the wife of Madhava
  760. Mahaabhaagaa-The Goddess who has lot of wealth/luck/fame
  761. Megha Gambheera niswanaa-The Goddess whose voice is like thunder
  762. Brahma Vishnu Maheswaradhi jnathavyarthaa viseshagaa-The Goddess who has greatness known to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
  763. Nabhou vahni shikhaakaaraa-The Goddess who keeps fire in her belly
  764. Lalate Chandra sannibhaa-The Goddess who has a crescent like forehead
  765. Broo madhye bhaskaraakaaraa-The Goddess who has sun like light in the middle of her eyebrows
  766. Sarva thara kruthirhrudhi-The Goddess who keeps stars in her heart
  767. Kruthikadhi bharanyantha nakshathredyarchithothayaa-The Goddess who worshipped during all the 27 stars
  768. Graha vidhyathmika-The Goddess who knows all about the planets
  769. Jota-The Goddess who is the light of a flame
  770. Jyotirvinmathi-The Goddess who is the place for light
  771. Jeevikaa-The Goddess who helps all beings to lead their life
  772. Brahmanda garbhini-The Goddess who keeps the universe in her womb
  773. Balaa-The Goddess who is a lass
  774. Sapthavarana devataa-The Goddess who is the form of the gods of the seven avaranas of Sri Chakra
  775. Vairarjothama samraajyaa-The Goddess who rules the world
  776. Kumara kusalodhayaa-The Goddess who is the reason for greatness of her son Subrahmanya
  777. Bagalaa-The Goddess who is the world that cannot be measured
  778. Bramarambaa-The Goddess who is the form of a bee/The Goddess who has a curly hair on the forehead
  779. Shiva Dhoothi-The Goddess who sent Lord Shiva as her emissary
  780. Shivatmikaa-The Goddess who is the soul of Lord Shiva
  781. Meru vindhyaadhi samsthaanaa-The Goddess who stays in mountains like Meru and Vindhyaa
  782. Kasmeera pura vasini-The Goddess who lives in Kashmir
  783. Yoga nidraa-The Goddess who is in yogic sleep
  784. Maha nidraa-The Goddess who is in great sleep
  785. Vinidhraa-The Goddess who never sleeps
  786. Rakshasarithaa-The Goddess who made Rakshasas surrender
  787. Suvarnadaa-The Goddess who is golden
  788. Maha Gangaa-The Goddess who is the great Ganges
  789. Panchaakhyaa-The Goddess who is the five elements
  790. Pancha samhathi-The Goddess who is made of five elements
  791. Suprajaathaa-The Goddess who was born in a good family
  792. Suveeraa-The Goddess who has great valour
  793. Suposhaa-The Goddess who grants good health
  794. Supathi-The Goddess who has a good husband
  795. Shivaa-The Goddess who is the consort of Shiva
  796. Sugrahee-The Goddess who has a home without sorrow
  797. Raktha bheejanthaa-The Goddess who killed Rakta Beejaa
  798. Hatha kandharpa jeevika-The Goddess who gave life to God of love who was killed
  799. Samudra vyoma madhyasthaa-The Goddess who is in between sky and ocean
  800. Sama Bindu samasrayaa-The Goddess who lives in the dot in the Srichakra
  801. Soubhagya rasa jeevathu-The Goddess who lives with different forms of wealth and luck
  802. Saara saara viveka druk-The Goddess who has wisdom to classify knowledge in to various aspects
  803. Trivalyadhi supushtaangaa-The Goddess who has a healthy body with three folds in her hip
  804. Bharathi-The Goddess who is Saraswati
  805. Bharathasrithaa-The Goddess who is Sita worshipped by Bharata
  806. Nada Brahma mayi Vidhyaa-The knowledge of the god of sound which pervades everywhere
  807. Jnana brahma mayee paraa-The Goddess who is the divine knowledge of Brahmam
  808. Brahma nadi-The Goddess who is the Sushumnaa
  809. Nirukthischa-The Goddess who cannot be explained
  810. Brahma kaivalya sadhanam-The Goddess who is the way to salvation
  811. Kalikeya Mahodhaara veerya Vikrama roopini-The Goddess who is responsible for the great strength of the snake called Kalikeya
  812. Vadavagni shikhaa vakthraa-The Goddess who has Vadavagni(fire underneath ocean) as her face
  813. Maha kavala tharpanaa-The Goddess who swallows all at deluge and gets satisfied
  814. Maha bhootaa-The Goddess who has a big body
  815. Maha darpaa-The Goddess who is very proud
  816. Maha saaraa-The Goddess who is the ultimate meaning
  817. Maha krathu-The Goddess who is worshipped by big yaga
  818. Pancha Bhootha maha grasa-The Goddess who swallows five elements during deluge
  819. Pancha bhoothadhi devataa-The God controlling the five elements
  820. Sarva pramaanaa-The Goddess who is the cause of everything
  821. Sampathi-The Goddess who is wealth
  822. Sarva roga prathi kriyaa-The Goddess who has cures for all diseases
  823. Brhamandanthar barhi vyapthaa-She who is spread inside and outside the Brahmanda
  824. Vishnu Vaksho vibhooshini-The Goddess who decorates the chest of Lord Vishnu
  825. Shaankari-The Goddess who is the power of Shankara
  826. Vidhi Vakthrasthaa-The Goddess who is on the face of Brahma-Saraswathi
  827. Pravaraa-The Goddess who is the greatest
  828. Vara hethuki-The Goddess who is the cause of all boons
  829. Hema mala-The Goddess who wears a golden necklace
  830. Shikhaa maala-The Goddess who wears a garland of heads
  831. Trishikhaa-The Goddess who is the three Vedas
  832. Pancha lochanaa-The Goddess who has five eyes
  833. Sarvagama sadachara maryaadhaa-The Goddess who observes all the rituals mentioned in all scriptures
  834. Yathu bhanjani-The Goddess who destroys all asuras
  835. Punya sloka prabhandhadyaa-The Goddess who is in the form of auspicious verses
  836. Sarvantharyami roopini-The Goddess who is inside every being
  837. Sama gana samaradhya-The Goddess who is worshipped by singing Sama Veda
  838. Srothru karna rasayana-The Goddess who gives pleasure to all who hear about her
  839. Jeeva lokaika jeevathu-The Goddess who takes care of all lives of this world
  840. Bhadre dhara vilokanaa-The Goddess who has a glance that grants auspiciousness
  841. Thadith koti lasad kanthi-The Goddess who is as pretty as billions of lightning
  842. Tharuni-The Goddess who is a lass
  843. Hari sundari-The Goddess who steals the heart by her prettiness/The Goddess who is pretty to Lord Vishnu
  844. Meena nethraa-The Goddess who has fish like eyes
  845. Indrakshi-The Goddess who has 1000 eyes like Indra
  846. Viosalakshi-The Goddess who has wide eyes
  847. Sumangalaa-The Goddess who has all auspiciousness
  848. Sarva mangala sampanna-The Goddess who is full of all auspiciousness
  849. Sakshath mangala devatha-The Goddess who is the real god of auspiciousness
  850. Deha hrud deepikaa-The Goddess who is the light of body and the heart
  851. Deepti-The Goddess who is glowing with light
  852. Jihwa papa pranasini-The Goddess who destroys sins done by the tongue
  853. Ardha chandrollasad damshtra-The Goddess who has glowing teeth like the half moon
  854. Yajna vati vilasini-The Goddess who makes the hall of fire sacrifice glow
  855. Maha Durgaa-The Goddess who is the great goddess who removes intense sorrows
  856. Mahothsaha-The Goddess who has great enthusiasm
  857. Maha deva balodhaya-The Goddess who is responsible for strength of Lord Shiva
  858. Dakineedyaa-The Goddess who is being worshipped by Dakini who is the goddess of Vishudhi Chakra
  859. Shakineedyaa-The Goddess who is being praised by Shakini who is the goddess of Mooladhara
  860. Saakineedyaa-The Goddess who is praised by Saakini
  861. Samastha jushaa-The Goddess who is being worshipped everywhere by every body
  862. Nirangusaa-The Goddess who does not have a goad
  863. Nakivandhyaa-The Goddess who is worshipped by all devas
  864. Shadadharadhi devataa-The Goddess who is the goddess of the six chakras
  865. Bhuvana jnanini sreni-The Goddess who is the stair case of wise people of earth
  866. Bhuvana kara vallari-The Goddess who is the flag of earth
  867. Shasvathi-The Goddess who will always be there
  868. Shasvathaakaaraa-The Goddess who is always working
  869. Lokanugraha karini-The Goddess who blesses people
  870. Saarasi-The Goddess who lives in the sea
  871. Maanasi-The Goddess who lives in the mind
  872. Hamsi-The Goddess who lives in the form of a swan
  873. Hamsa loka pradhayini-The Goddess who blesses with Hamsa Loka
  874. Chin mudhralankruthaakaraa-The Goddess whose hand is decorated by divine seal
  875. Koti Surya sama prabha-The Goddess who shines like billion suns
  876. Sukha prani siro rekhaa-The Goddess who determines fate of living happily
  877. Nadha dhrushta pradhayini-The Goddess who gives the divine sight
  878. Sarva sangarya doshagni-The Goddess removes all defects
  879. Grahopadhrava nasini-The Goddess who removes problems created by planets
  880. Kshudhra janthu bhayagni-The Goddess who removes fear caused by evil animals
  881. Visha rogadhi bhanjani-The Goddess who removes diseases caused by poison
  882. Sadhaa Saanthaa-The Goddess who is always peaceful
  883. Sadha Shuddhaa-The Goddess who is always pure
  884. Graha chidra nivarini-The Goddess who removes the shortcomings caused by planets
  885. Kali dosha prasamani-The Goddess who solves problems during the Kali age
  886. Kolahalapura sthithaa-The Goddess who stays in Kolhapur
  887. Gouri-The Goddess who is white
  888. Laakshaniki-The Goddess who has special properties
  889. Mukhyaa-The Goddess who is the chief
  890. Jagnya krutha varjithaa-The Goddess who does not have body subject to birth and death
  891. Mayyaa-The Goddess who is the illusion
  892. Vidhyaa-The Goddess who is knowledge
  893. Moola bhoothaa-The Goddess who is the basis of all life
  894. Vasavi-The Goddess who is the power of Indra
  895. Vishnu chethanaa-The Goddess who is the life power of Lord Vishnu
  896. Vaadhini-The Goddess who makes us talk/argues
  897. Vasu Roopaa-The Goddess who is wealth
  898. Vasu rathna paricchadha-The Goddess who has all the jewels of happiness
  899. Cchandhasi-The Goddess who knows about Chhandas (eg
  900. Chandra hrudhayaa-The Goddess who has a mind like the moon
  901. Mantra swacchanda bhairavi-The Goddess who is the free & bondless mantra
  902. Vana maala-The Goddess who wears garlands made out of forest flowers
  903. Vaijayanthi-The Goddess who wears Vaijayanthi garland of Lord Vishnu
  904. Pancha divyayudhathmikaa-The Goddess who is armed with five divine weapons
  905. Pethambara mayee-The Goddess who is dressed in yellow silk
  906. Chanchath Kausthubhaa-The Goddess who wears the moving Kousthubha gem
  907. Hari kamini-The Goddess who is the sweet heart of Hari
  908. Nithyaa-The Goddess who is always there
  909. Thadhyaa-The Goddess who is real/truth
  910. Remaa-The Goddess who attracts
  911. Ramaa-The Goddess who is the consort of Rama
  912. Ramani-The Goddess who makes devotees enjoy
  913. Mruthyubhanjini-The Goddess who destroys death
  914. Jyeshtaa-The Goddess who is elder
  915. Kaashtaa-The Goddess who is superior
  916. Dhanishtaanthaa-The Goddess who is inside the cloud
  917. Sarangee-The Goddess who has a body like a bow/The Goddess who holds Saranga, the bow of Vishnu
  918. Nirguna priyaa-The Goddess who likes people who are beyond the three Gunas
  919. Maithreyaa-The Goddess who is friendly
  920. Mitha Vindhaa-The Goddess who is Mithra Vinda, wife of Krishna
  921. Seshya sesha kalasaya-The Goddess who can take independence with her devotees
  922. Varanasi vasa labhyaa-The Goddess who can be attained by people living in Kashi
  923. Arya vartha jana sthuthaa-The Goddess who is prayed by people of Aryavarta/people born in good families
  924. Jagad uthpathi samsthaana samhara thrya karanam-The Goddess who is the cause of creation, preservation and destruction of the universe
  925. Thwam-The Goddess who is you
  926. Amba-The Goddess who is mother
  927. Vishnu sarvaswam-The Goddess who is everything to Vishnu
  928. Maheswari-The Goddess who is the greatest goddess
  929. Sarvlokanaam janani-The Goddess who is the mother of all worlds
  930. Punya murthy-The Goddess who is auspiciousness personified
  931. Siddha Lakshmi-The Goddess who is Lakshmi giving occult powers
  932. Mahakali-The Goddess who is the great Kali
  933. Maha Lakshmi-The Goddess who is the great Lakshmi
  934. Sadhyojathadhi Panchagni roopa-The Goddess who is the five faces of Shiva and The Goddess who did penance in the middle of five fires
  935. Panchaka panchakam-The Goddess who is five times five
  936. Yanthra Lakshmi-The Goddess who is Lakshmi of Yantras
  937. Bhavathyadhi-The Goddess who is primeval
  938. Aadhyadhye-The Goddess who is first among the first
  939. Srushtyadhi karanakara-The Goddess who is the cause of acts like creation
  940. Dosha Varjithaa-The Goddess who does not have any flaws
  941. Jagallakshi-The Goddess who is Lakshmi of the universe
  942. Jagan mataa-The Goddess who is the mother of universe
  943. Vishnu Patni-The Goddess who is the wife of Vishnu
  944. Nava koti maha Shakti samupasya padambhuje-The Goddess whose lotus like feet are worshipped by 90 million great Shaktis
  945. Kanath souarna rathnadyaa-The Goddess who wears gem studded gold ornaments
  946. Sarvabharana bhooshithe-The Goddess who shines with all sort of ornaments
  947. Anantha nithya mahishi-The Goddess who is the endless and everlasting queen
  948. Prapancheswara nayaki-The Goddess who is the leader for all gods of the world
  949. Athyuchritha padantha sthaa-The Goddess who lives in a very tall house/The Goddess who is in Vaikuntha
  950. Parama vyoma nayaki-The Goddess who is the leader of all divine beings of the sky
  951. Naka prushta gathaaraadhyaa-The Goddess who is worshipped by all who have reached heaven
  952. Vishnu loka vbilasini-The Goddess who makes the world of Vishnu shine
  953. Vaikuntha Raja mahishi-The Goddess who is the queen of the king of Vaikuntha
  954. Sri Ranga nagarasritha-The Goddess who lives in the town of Sri Ranga
  955. Ranga Nayaki-The Goddess who is the chief of the stage of life
  956. Bhooputhri-The Goddess who is the daughter of earth(Sita)
  957. Krushne-The Goddess who is the wife of Krishna
  958. Varada vallabhe-The Goddess who is the consort of Lord Varada Raja
  959. Koti Brhamadhi samsevye-The Goddess who is served by billions of Brahmas
  960. Koti Rudhradhi keerthithe-The Goddess who is sung about by billions of Rudras
  961. Mathullangitha Khetam bhibrathi-The Goddess who holds the shield made by pomegranate
  962. Souvarna chashakam Bhibrathi-The Goddess who holds the golden goblet in her hands
  963. Padma dwayam, Poornakumbham, Keram, Varadhabhaye-The Goddess who holds two lotus flowers, a full pot, parrot and protects and blesses
  964. Pasamanguasakam shankam chakram Shoolam Krupanikaam-The Goddess who holds rope, goad, wheel, trident and sword
  965. Dhanurbanam Cha akshamalam Chinmudhram Bhibrathi-The Goddess who holds bow, arrow, rosary, and divine symbol
  966. Ashtadasa bhuje-The Goddess who has eighteen hands
  967. Lakshmi-The Goddess who is Lakshmi
  968. Maha asthaa dasa peetage-The Goddess who has 18 great temples
  969. Bhoomi neeladhi samsevye-The Goddess who is served by earth and Neela Devi
  970. Swami chithanuvarthini-The Goddess who acts according to the wish of her husband
  971. Paamaa-The Goddess who is lotus like
  972. Padmalayaa-The Goddess who lives in a lotus
  973. Padmini-The Goddess who is as pretty as the lotus plant
  974. Poorna kumbhabhishechithe-The Goddess who is anointed by a pot full of water
  975. Indiraa-The Goddess who is of the form Of Indra
  976. Indirindhirabhakshi-The Goddess who has shine like moon
  977. Ksheera sagara Kanyakaa-The Goddess who is the lass of ocean of milk
  978. Bhargavi-The Goddess who is the daughter of sage Bhrugu
  979. Swthanthresaa-The Goddess who does acts independently from her lord
  980. Vasee Krutha jagat pathi-The Goddess who attracted the Lord of the universe
  981. Mangalam mangalaanaam-The Goddess who is the auspicious among the auspicious ones
  982. Devathaanaam cha devataa-The Goddess who is god of all gods
  983. Uthamothamaanam-The Goddess who is best among the best
  984. Sreya-The Goddess who has great fame
  985. Parmamruthaa-The Goddess who is the divine nectar
  986. Dhandhanya abhivrudhischa sarva bhuma sukhechaya-The Goddess who blesses with increased wealth and a happy life of a king
  987. Aadholikhadi Soubhagyam Mathebhadi mahodhaya-The Goddess who grants the luck to travel in a palanquin and posses enthusiastic elephants
  988. Puthra puthrabhivridhischa Vidhya Bhoga phaladhikam-The Goddess who grants increase in sons, grandsons, knowledge and pleasure
  989. Ayur arogya sampathir ashataiswarya-The Goddess who grants long life, health, wealth and eight types of wealth
  990. Parameshwara Vibhoothi-The Goddess who is the power of Parameshwara
  991. Sookshmath sookshma tharaa-The Goddess who is smaller than the smallest
  992. Gathi-The Goddess who is the way
  993. Adapanga sandatha brahmendradhi pada sthithi-The Goddess who by her mercy drenched looks give stable positions to Brahma, Indra and others
  994. Avyahatha Mahabhagyaa-The Goddess who is luck without any breaks or stops
  995. Akshobhya vikramaa-The Goddess who has a valour that never diminishes
  996. Vedanam samanvaya-The Goddess who is the meaning of Vedas
  997. Vedanaam avirodha-The Goddess who does not oppose Vedas
  998. isreyasa pada prapthi sadhanam meva phalam-The way and end to the salvation
  999. Sri Mantra raja Rajni-The queen of Sri Vidhyaa
  1000. Srividhyaa-The Goddess who is Sri Vidhyaa
  1001. Kshema karini-The Goddess who blesses with comfort
  1002. Sreem Bheeja japa santhushtaa-The Goddess who becomes happy by the chanting of the root “Sreem”
  1003. Iym, hreem Sreem Bheeja palika-The Goddess who is worshipped by chanting Iym, hreem, sreem
  1004. Prapathi marga sulabha-The Goddess following him is easy
  1005. Kleem karatha savithri-The Goddess who made the sound kleem
  1006. Soumangalyadhi devatha-The Goddess who is the goddess of good luck
  1007. Sri Shodasakshari vidhyaa-The Goddess who is the knowledge of 16 letter
  1008. Sri Yanthra pura vasini-The Goddess who lives in Sree Chakra