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Know these 7 Signs that Aquarius Woman Testing You

Know these 7 Signs that Aquarius Woman Testing You

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In case you have been searching for an “Aquarius woman testing you ” then you are at the right place.

Aquarius is the water carrier and has its symbolism on the Tarot’s star card, which bears its name. It is about having optimism for the future and contentment in the present. The eleventh zodiac sign, Aquarius, is ruled by Uranus, also known as the Awakener and the planet of creativity. They are known for being the zodiac’s rebels and originators.

In case you are dating an Aquarius woman, you need to remember that she will examine your life’s purpose and viewpoint on various aspects of life. She is always concerned with the welfare of others, even if it does not benefit her. She prefers a companion who can share her causes than one who is dependent on her, as she is independent and dispassionate.

Here are seven signs that an Aquarius woman is testing your relationship:

1. She will test you with her stubbornness

The Aquarius woman is a fixed sign, therefore she is obstinate, and her air placement also makes her distant. She is independent of others of her sense of self-worth. They can provide for themselves. Relationships are merely an option, but they are incredibly sociable because they regulate the eleventh house in astrology.

They enjoy being in groups and can be found where activists build their organizations. She makes decisions based on what she desires, not what others anticipate. She does poorly in situations when an authority figure expects her to just follow his orders.

She desires the liberty to do the things she desires in the manner she desires. When dating an Aquarius woman, attempting to exert authority over her can only result in frustration for both parties.

2. She puts you to the test by avoiding commitment

When dating an Aquarius woman, you never know if the relationship will last. She is unrepentant and desires to start a revolution. She is someone who is constantly attempting to reinvent herself, while still desiring to leave a lasting impression on others.

She will never give up her freedom for a romance. In her life, relationships are merely another experience or diversion.

When an Aquarius woman loves, she acts more like a provider than a lover, even if she does not demand anything in return. She is intimately involved with her lover when they are miraculously committed.

3. She will put you to the test with her defiance

Aquarians have a reputation for disregarding their interpersonal connections. The more people push their boundaries in response to being told what to do, the further they go from the one attempting to exert control. As an element, air does not wish to be still; it is in constant motion, and when it is in a stable state, it is stubborn.

This combination makes an Aquarius woman caustic, and communicating with this sign may become difficult. She may not remember those she offended, even if she did not intend to.

4. She tries you by being emotionally difficult to comprehend

The Aquarius woman is an emotional person, yet they are naturally discreet about it. It is not strange that they will abruptly ghost everyone to separate themselves when they are experiencing negative emotions. They don’t even bother to explain what’s going on, and those who care about them may become agitated wondering what’s wrong and feeling betrayed for being kept in the dark.

The Aquarius woman is a deep thinker who is prone to daydreaming. This trait is advantageous when it comes to being skill-oriented, but it alienates those who do care about them.

She is also not the most trustworthy zodiac sign. Although she is quite sociable, the Aquarius woman is picky about her inner circle, and only they are privy to her innermost feelings.

5. She tries your tolerance with her impatience

The Aquarius female is not the zodiac’s most patient sign. She possesses a permanent trait of stubbornness, and once she has decided on anything, she will be restless until she attains it. With air as its element, she desires instant gratification and may become bored or frustrated if she does not receive it.

Similar to the temperament of the Pisces, the Aquarius woman is idealistic and will strive to meet the standards she has set for herself. Sometimes it is too high, and her impatience prevents her from attempting.

6. She will challenge you with her know-it-all attitude

The Aquarius female enjoys exchanging ideas and solving difficulties. Due to her reluctance to recognize that others are more knowledgeable than her, she sometimes comes out as a know-it-all. She is also overconfident in her intelligence to the point where she does not understand she demeans others. People can miss out on possibilities if they are perceived as arrogant, as the saying goes.

In addition to her high standards, she is a perfectionist. This is how the Aquarius woman makes their lives difficult. Then, they will withdraw into their imagination or serious thoughts. Consequently, they are frequently portrayed as quirky geniuses. If they are interested, the Aquarius woman can get lost in her pursuit of knowledge.

7. She will test you with her love of Solitude

Aquarius ladies are accustomed to being alone. She may be sociable, but her batteries would require periodic recharging. She does not do well with a spouse who is emotionally or otherwise excessively dependent on her.

The Aquarius female desires a partner who shares her independence. She wants him to understand that she cannot prioritize him around the clock. They desire for him to have his world, hobbies, and obsessions and find jealous tendencies repulsive.

They know in their hearts that she is a force of change and do not require these theatrics. She has a higher mission in the world than to be contained within a romantic relationship.

Editor’s Note

The Aquarius woman will examine your life’s purpose and viewpoint. She desires a relationship with an independent individual who will not attempt to exert authority over her. The Aquarius woman is the type of person who understands that a relationship is not the only thing in the world. She could be designing something that alters the way the world functions.

She is aware that she could be contributing to the community’s welfare. The Aquarius woman views the world as a whole, and she desires to contribute without being required to submit to any type of power, particularly in a dominating relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What an Aquarius woman wants in a relationship?

She desires company, but she will not assume the position of a typical wife and become someone’s “Mrs.” She will also not be with a demanding or possessive spouse. No one should presume to direct her actions.

2. Signs that an aquarius woman is not into you?

If a guy of the sign Aquarius likes you, she will likely make an attempt to see you and spend a great deal of time with you. If she looks disinterested in spending time with you or is constantly making excuses for why she can’t see you, it’s a clue that she doesn’t like you.

3. How do you make an Aquarius miss you like crazy?

If you’re constantly chatting to or around him, you don’t allow this freedom-loving Aquarius the opportunity to miss you. Give him some space so he can seek your company once more. Avoid phoning frequently and texting frequently.

4. What attracts an Aquarius woman?

Engage her in thought-provoking discourse. Continuous conversation is a foolproof method for attracting an Aquarius woman. Mention topics such as philosophy, art, politics, and humanitarian issues to capture her attention.