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50 Best Cowboy Jokes – 50 Cowboy Jokes One-Liners

50 Best Cowboy Jokes – 50 Cowboy Jokes One-Liners

In case you have been searching for “Best Dumb Cowboy Jokes” or Cowboy Jokes One-Liners, then you are at the right place.

Cowboys’ history of herding livestock and riding horses is long and storied. It is always possible to identify a true cowboy with his boots, hat, and blue jeans.

These finest cowboy and western jokes are the ultimate cure for the blues. From witty to ridiculous, their punchlines will make you chuckle. They are ideal for sharing with family and friends that have a strong sense of humor and a love for the wild west.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Cowboy Jokes. Let us explore

Best Dumb Cowboy Jokes And Cowboy Jokes One-Liners

How did the cowboy react when he bought a new yo-yo? He simply said, “Well, this ain’t my first yo-yo”.

Why did the police arrest the cowboy for rustling? The police arrested him because the cowboy secretly took the cattle of his neighbors!

What will you get if you ever cross a cowboy with an Egyptian Pharaoh? You will get Darn Tutankhamun!

What did the cowboy say when his wife threatened to leave him?He said, “It’s just like Sparks says, ‘This town ain’t big enough for both of us'”.

While meeting others, how does a German cowboy greet them? He greets them by saying, Audi!

Why are cowboys incapable of getting down from their horses? Because they can only get down from a goose!

Which is the only team that the cowboys support? The cowboys are all avid fans of the Spurs!

What does a cowboy do when he laughs his heart out? He doesn’t roll down in laughter, but he tumbles in it!

What did the cowboy do when he counted his cows and found there were 97 of them instead of 100? He simply rounded them!

Why did the cowboy kill an artist when he went to the new west town? He simply thought that the artist was going to draw!

How do you refer to a cowboy who is suffering from gastric distress? You definitely call him Wyatt Burp!

What is the best way to describe a frog who has the lifelong dream of being a cowboy? You call him a Hopalong Cassidy!

What is the secret to cowboys being extremely rich? I think the only reason is that their horse often gives them a few bucks every day!

What is a perfect way to describe a very happy cowboy? You call him a jolly rancher!

Which cowboy Hollywood actor celebrity is known to light campfires very easily? It most definitely has to be Flint Eastwood!

As a cowboy, which is the first thing that a guy learns while filling up a canteen? The first rule that he knows is to go upstream from the herd!

Why can’t cowboys ever get the right answer in math class? Because they’re always rounding things up.

What do you call a retired old cowboy? De-ranged.

Which cowboy is famous for starting fires? Flint Eastwood!

Why are so many cowboys also gamblers? Because they always like raising the steaks!

What do cowboys make when the sun comes up? Shadows.

What’s the time when your cow sits on your cowboy hat? Time to get a new cowboy hat!

Why was the cowboy sick when he rode a wild horse in the forest? Because he got affected with bronc-itis!

What is the only place where all cowboys go when they go on thinking over things? They usually go to Ponder-osa!

Why are cowboys always funny and smiling? Because they get many laughs by simply horsing around!

What do cowboys do to calm down while looking over their cattle? They listen to some country moosic!

Where do the cowboys usually feed all their hard of cattle? They usually feed their cattle at the calf-eteria!

What is the perfect way to call a cowboy who is always without money despite being a film actor? You call him always broke Skint Eastwood!

What does the cowboy say after he is given a boring job at the factory? After a long, tiring day, he says that his work is howdy pressing!

What did the cowboy say to his friend when his beloved dog left him? The first cowboy said, “It’s very unfortunate partner, but my doggone”.

How does a cowboy usually greet an equestrian? He simply takes off his hat and says, “Howdy Neigh-bor”.

What kind of attire do the ghosts of cowboys wear? They only wear booooo-ts!

Why are a significant majority of cowboys all avid gamblers? Because they always like raising the steaks!

What is the best way to describe a kid who dresses up like a cowboy? You definitely call it Ranch dressing!

In modern times, how does a millennial cowboy speak? He simply says, “Yeet Haw”!

What is the favorite type of car for all the cowboys? It most definitely is an Audi, partner!

While taking out his herd, where does the cowboy take his cattle? The cowboy rides them up to Moo York!

What kind of philosophy lessons do all the cowboys teach their cows? They teach that when one attacks them, they will have to either move their udder cheeks or they’ll get a moooo-ve on!

What did the cowboy do when all the cows started irritating him? He simply pressed the Moore button on them!

What can be the best way to refer to a cowboy who teaches acting? It is best to refer to him as a stagecoach!

What special characteristic did the artist cowboy have in his forte? He was excellent at drawing!

Why did the cowboy want to buy a dachshund? To git along little doggie.

Why did the cowboy pinstripe his truck? He needed a pick-up line.

What do you call someone who wears cowboy clothes? Ranch dressin’

If a cowboy rides into town on Friday and three days later, leaves on Friday, how does he do it? The horse’s name is Friday!

What did the cowboy say at his second rodeo? “This ain’t my first rodeo.”

Why can’t the bankrupt cowboy complain? He has got no beef.

What do cowboys call midnight? High moon.

Why did the cowboy take hay to bed? To feed his nightmares.

Why all of a sudden, did the cowboy start making a bed made only out of straw? Because he wanted to feed the nightmares!

In what fashion does a cowboy arrive at a hockey game? He usually arrives in a zam-pony!

How did a cowboy get to know whether his cattle are properly following him or not without turning his head back? It is simple as he always heard them behind him!