50 Best Guess What Jokes – 50 Bad Guess What Jokes
In case you have been searching for “Guess What Jokes” or “Guess What Jokes for crush”, then you are at the right place.
One word: jokes. They’re great for relieving stress, keeping people entertained, and cheering up a pal who’s feeling down. The most rewarding aspect of spreading laughter? It’s the perfect way to bond with your children while having a great time laughing our faces off.
There are, of course, a plethora of different kinds of jokes. Animal jokes, knock-knock jokes, Harry Potter jokes, what’s the difference between jokes, you name it, and there’s definitely a subgenre of witticisms made specifically for it. But guess what jokes are among our favorites.
This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Guess What Jokes One Liners. Let us explore
One Liner Guess What Jokes And Guess What Jokes for Crush
A famous tortoise lives next door. Guess what it’s called? A shell-ebrity.
I was trying to solve a few equations on circles. Guess what? It was pointless.
Guess why the moon is so cold? She’s always deflecting the sun’s rays!
I was dreaming of an orange ocean tonight. Guess what? It was a Fanta sea.
The cook gifted his girlfriend something she would like. Guess what? An onion ring.
Can you guess what I did on Christmas Day? I called up Santa to ask where he at?!
I recently went to a restaurant; they poisoned my tiramisu. Guess what? I tiramisued them.
If you are American when you go in the bathroom and American when you come out, what are you in the bathroom? European.
Guess what smells bad living but smells good dead? A cow.
Guess what? The answer to “stressed” is spelling it backward. Desserts.
Guess what bands turbines love to listen to? Not sure, but they’re big heavy-metal fans!
A grouchy man went to a comedy club with his friends. The next day he asked his doctor for a course of antibiotics. Guess what for? He thought laughter was contagious.
Can you guess what the calendar worker got fired for? He took a day off without telling anyone!
If Daenerys from Game of Thrones married Khal Moro instead of Khal Drogo, guess what she would’ve named her biggest dragon? Moron.
My friend asked me “How Lazy are you?” Guess what? I said If it’s not on the first page of Google, it doesn’t exist.
I was in another city and guess what my mom texted me? I want you home in 10 minutes.
I was having a very important conversation with my teacher. And guess what? I zoned out.
If you see two girls at a bar, guess what? The short one is single.
Guess what? Dating is so easy because you just ask someone out and they say no.
Pigglet kept looking in the toilet. Guess what? He was looking for Pooh.
Cinderella couldn’t play soccer guess what she did on the field? She ran away from the ball.
Guess what you call a sleeping piece of paper? A napkin.
My doctor’s name is Doctor Pepper. Guess what? He’s a Fizzician.
Guess what presidents were the greenest? The Bushes.
I got a wooden bike with wooden handles and wheels, guess what? It woo-den start.
Guess what sits at the bottom of the ocean and shakes? A nervous wreck!
I had a dream about an orange ocean last night. Guess what? It was a Fanta Sea.
I asked my wife what she will do when I won the lottery. She said ”Divorce you and take half” Guess what I said? I responded,”I won $10, here’s $5 and there is the door.”
Guess what Starbucks and therapists have in common? They encourage people to espresso themselves!
Guess what makes you go on red and stop on the green? When you’re eating a watermelon.
The astronaut was using the computer and guess what key he kept pressing? The space bar!
If they used money in space, guess what it would be called? Starbucks!
I was dreaming of an orange ocean tonight. Guess what? It was a Fanta sea.
I was trying to solve a few equations on circles. Guess what? It was pointless.
I noticed a Fairy Tale t-shirt at an extremely low price. Guess what? It was fair retail.
Guess why the glassblower went home early? He got a stomach pane!
There’s a place where the English and French live peacefully. Guess what? It’s Canada.
It has four wheels and flies, can you guess who? A garbage truck.
It has no life but it still dies, guess who? A battery.
It has two hands and a face but no legs and no arms, guess who? A clock.
It sits in a corner and still travels around the world, guess who? A stamp.
There was a candy party, guess who was late as usual? Choco-late.
I met Frankenstein at the dance party last night, guess who was with him? His ghoul friend.
Scientists experimented on a rabbit and a bug, guess what they get? A bugs bunny.
The toast was having a sleepover, guess what he was wearing? His favorite pa-jam-as.
The social media influencer had to take some meds, guess what happened? Her posts went viral.
Guess what the man got when he won the Scrabble tournament? A re-word!
One friend took the lift other took the staircase, guess what? Both were raised differently.
Guess what? What? Good guess.