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Top 60 Cat Puns and Jokes That Are Pawsitively Funny

Top 60 Cat Puns and Jokes That Are Pawsitively Funny

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In case you have been searching for “Best Cat Puns and Jokes” or Cat Puns One Liner, then you are at the right place.

Cat puns are guaranteed to make anyone and everyone chuckle. They will break the ice with new acquaintances. Or they will cause your best pals to roar with laughter. Here are some puns that cat enthusiasts will enjoy:

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Cat Jokes. Let us explore

Cat Puns for Instagram And Cat Puns Captions

What kind of sports car does a cat drive? A Furrari!

Why was the cat so agitated? Because he was in a bad mewd!

What do you think of all of these talking cats? It’s pretty impawsible!

What was the cat’s favorite class in college? Mewsic theory!

How does a cat sing scales? Do-re-mew!

What’s a cat’s favorite drink? Purr-secco.

Why can’t cats play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs!

There’s no doubt about it. Dogs are definitely in-fur-ior to cats.

I’m feline sad. I need my cat to make me feel better.

That alley cat has a great purrsonality.

Kitty cat? Purr-haps we can cuddle later.

Now wait just meow-ment, you want me to stop taking pictures of my cat?

I need to take a paws after that request.

What’s a cat’s favorite dessert? Chocolate mouse!

Why are cats great singers? Because they’re very mewsical!

What did the cat say before he went skydiving? It’s meow or never!

What did the cat say when her friend wouldn’t believe her? Listen, I’m fur real!

What was the cat’s favorite subject in school? Hissstory!

Where do cats always fly out of when they travel? Kitty Hawk!

What sports do cats play? Hairball!

How did the lazy cat do on his school project? He did the bare mewnimum!

I’m in paw-session of a wonderful kitten.

My cat has high-class taste. She wants a Furr-ari.

How claw-some is my cat? She’s my best friend.

Can I paw-lease have that cat?

I assure you. My cat is purr-fect.

What did the cat say to the man on the street? Do I know you? You look pawfully furmiliar!

Why was the cat nervous to debate? He had a furmidable opponent!

What do you call a cat that gets caught by the police? The purrpatrator!

What’s a cat’s favorite dessert? Chocolate mouse!

Why are cats great singers? Because they’re very mewsical!

What do you call a cat who loves to bowl? An alley cat.

What did the senior cat say to the kitten when she saw him slouching? You need to pay more attention to your pawsture

What should you use to comb a cat? A catacomb.

What’s a cat’s favorite color? Purr-ple!

What did the cat say when he proposed to his girlfriend? Let’s spend furrever together!

What’s a cat’s most important trait? Its purrsonality!

What did the adult cat say to the kitten? You’re infurior to me.

How would you describe most puns? Seriously clawful.

What did that cat say when she didn’t want to commit to a date? It’s a pawsibility that I’ll go.

What’s a cat’s favorite thing to draw? A self pawtrait!

What do cats love to do in the morning? Read the mewspaper!

Why was the cat afraid of the tree? Because of its bark!

I’ve got felines for you

Best furiends furever

I’m a total cat purrson

With the right catitude, anything is pawsible

So fur, so good

You’re how old?! You’ve got to be kitten me.

Meow is the time to party!

Happy birthday to one cool cat.

Another birthday?! Not pawsible!

Happy birthday to mew!

Turn up the mewsic and let’s get this pawty started!

Celebrating mew right meow!

Happy purrrthday!

How did the lazy kittens do on their school project? The bare mewnimum.

What do cats like to draw? Self pawtraits

Why did the cat get fined? He was caught littering

What’s the best medicine for cat allergies? An anti-hisstamine

Why don’t cats like online shopping? They prefer cat-alogues

What’s the worst kind of cat? A cat-astrophe

What’s a cat’s favorite TV show? Claw and Order

What color do cats love the most? Purrple

Which day of the week do cats love the most? Caturday

Cat Puns Names

  1. Clawdia = Claudia
  2. Cleocatra = Cleopatra
  3. Jennifurr = Jennifer
  4. Katy Purry = Katy Perry
  5. Moewgret Scratcher = Margaret Thatcher
  6. Jude Paw = Jude Law
  7. Brad Kitt = Brad Pitt
  8. Cindy Clawford = Cindy Crawford
  9. Lucifurr = Lucifer
  10. Mewcauley Culkin = Macauley Caulkin
  11. Picatso = Picasso
  12. Luke Skywhisker = Luke Skywalker
  13. Shakespurr = Shakespeare
  14. JK Meowling = JK Rowling