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60 Best Corn Puns and Jokes – 60 Corn Puns One Liner

60 Best Corn Puns and Jokes – 60 Corn Puns One Liner

In case you have been searching for “Best Corn Puns and Jokes” or Corn Puns One Liner, then you are at the right place.

Numerous corn puns and jokes are amusing. There is something about this veggie that will make you grin! However, it required considerable effort to identify and select our favorites. Having so many options, we had to exclude a few.

It was a lot of fun to put together all of these corn puns and corn jokes. We believe you will enjoy sharing these with your friends and family just as much as we have.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Corn Jokes. Let us explore

Corn Puns Instagram And Corn Puns One Liner

Why didn’t the baby corn call for mama-corn? Because he called for pop-corn.

Careful not to step on corn-flakes, you wouldn’t want to become a cereal-killer.

Don’t eat too much corn, or else you risk getting corn-stipated.

Watch out for that corn-ivore or else he may eat all your corn!

It’s a kernel of truth when people say it is hard to chew popcorn.

NOT PLAIN POPCORN! We can do butter than that!

Oh no, my corn on the cob fell! Oh well, I maize-well eat it.

Stop the popcorn puns, please. They can be hard to digest!

What do you call corn that falls into the ocean? C food.

What did the dad say when it was his turn to cook the corn meal? This shucks!

What is sweeter than sweet corn? Candy corn, of course!

Why doesn’t the corn trust the cornflake? It has a reputation of flaking last minute.

What do you call a dance being held in a cornfield? A corn ball.

Stalk knew right away the corn had a cough when it heard the corn’s husky voice.

Why are corn good listeners? Because they are all ears.

The corn farmer put it all on the line, including his stalk investment.

The corn farmer is being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize due to his corn-tribution to world hominy.

What is a corn’s favorite type of pet? A corn-dog.

Why isn’t corn allowed in an airplane? Because it can make your ears pop.

Where does the best corn come from? Sili-corn Valley

The corn farmer was smart. He knew how to corn-er the market and now is very successful.

The cornstalk no longer wanted to stay in its field, it wanted a new career.

What do you call two corn stalks that get along great? Ear buds.

After the corn-mom’s first night taking care of her corn baby, she felt more corn-fident as a mother.

Why did the corn cover its ears with a husk? Because the stalking music was too earie to hear.

The corn had such big ears, it was remar-cob-le.

Why do messages spread fast when they are told in a cornfield? Because they jump from ear to ear.

What do you call a corn that is crazy? A corn-nut.

You should never tell your secrets in a corn field because it’s full of ears.

A pirate will never pay more than a buc-can-ear for a corn cob.

This tricky corn maze has got me corn-ered!

What dog breed likes to eat corn? A Husky.

Don’t lose the corn maze map, or else you’ll have to play it by ear.

The corn stalk corn-gratulated the scarecrow for being the longest man standing.

It was music to the corn’s ears when it heard that rain was on its way.

The kernel of corn and the corn-stalk finally came to peace and reached a kettlement.

I don’t like that earie corn maze; I always feel like I’m being stalked!

That husky pirate! He tried to sell me corn for a buccaneer.

Why aren’t corn eyeball jokes any good? Because they are plain cornea.

These corn-field examinations require a lot of corn-centration.

What is a corn’s favorite type of flower? Corn-flower.

What did the corn say after being told it’s a-maize-ing? ”Aww, shucks”.

The corn was very pop-ular in school because she was very corn-fident.

The corn avoided school today because it knew there would be a pop-corn-quiz.

What did the corn mom say to her kid when he wasn’t listening? “Come ear, right now!”

Why are corn such good listeners? Because they are all ears.

The baker will not reveal his yummy cornbread recipe, it’s corn-fidential.

Our home football team got creamed after playing out in the cornfield. Their corn-fidence is low as a result.

My dog doesn’t eat meat and only eats corn; he is such a corn-ivore!

What do you call a corn that joins the union? A unicorn.

The best corn apps are created in Sili-corn Valley.

Why aren’t corn farmers good comedians? Because their jokes tend to be corny.

What is a corn’s favorite food? Cobb Salad.

Cornstalks really like dances, they always put on the best corn balls.

I asked for sweet corn, but instead I got sweet nothings.

How does a corn keep warm at night? With a husk.

Why doesn’t corn like to go to the movies? It doesn’t want to become popcorn.

What’s yellow, small, cute, and sweet? Why, sweet corn of course!

Why is the ear of corn hard of hearing? Because it is covered with husk.

The kernel of truth is, I think you are a-maize-ing!