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These Dark Sides of Pisces Might Surprise You!

These Dark Sides of Pisces Might Surprise You!

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Jupiter, the planet of abundance, rules the water sign Pisces, which is emotional, nurturing, affable, and endearing. They may have a dark aspect. Indeed, who does not? And let’s not forget that water signs are the most susceptible to emotional imbalances.

Here are some dark sides of Pisces that might surprise you:-

They Are Delusional

Pisces is an idealist. They can become so immersed in their ideal world that they lose touch with reality. They begin to create the image they want to see and can become delusional as a result. This is also because they wish to create a world replete with love and romance for themselves.

They are Escapists

If the relationship they are in is imperfect or is not meeting their emotional requirements, instead of repairing it, acknowledging it, and working to improve it, they opt for the easier option. They begin to look for someone emotionally available to them and may end up having an emotional affair with the wrong individual, thereby causing more problems than they can comprehend. The desire to be in a perfect relationship is so strong that when it fails, the individual begins to dwell in their misery, delves deeply into pessimism, and believes they are not deserving of a superior partner. And occasionally compromise their ethics to be accepted. This is one of the most destructive and self-destructive characteristics of this otherwise gorgeous sign that seeks peace, harmony, and love.

They Are Overtly Effective

As a water sign, their emotions are typically intense. When provoked to fury, they can be the most dangerous and vicious individuals imaginable. They will publicly disparage you, manipulate the situation to fit their story or version, and humiliate you. In general, this should bring them serenity; however, when they are done with the insults, they may sink deeper into their regret for having so cruelly offended someone. They are not only affectionate but also intelligent and possess a strong creative mind.

When utilized properly, this can be an oasis of tranquility and inspiration. But when the shadow side dominates, this sign becomes overly emotive and begins to overthink, sinking deeper into a sea of pessimism, vulnerability, and emotional drama. When the dark side gains control, individuals become their own worst enemy.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is negative for Pisces?

In the case of a Pisces, however, it is a sign that is prone to be offended by the smallest of offenses and demanding an apology from you. They are more emotionally sensitive and afflicted with insecurity.

2. Who is Pisces natural enemy?

Capricorn, Leo, and Libra are typically regarded to be Pisces’ enemies because they are money-oriented and, if given the choice, would prioritize money over emotions. This is an attitude that frequently surprises Pisces.

3. What is a Pisces dark personality?

These individuals have a developed intuition that allows them to assist others even if they do not know them personally, but they also have a dark side. Piscean natives have a tendency to sacrifice themselves for others and then play the victim to achieve their goals.

4. What is Pisces secret?

Perhaps the most frightening aspect of angelic Pisces is the ease with which they deceive and pretend. Some Pisceans appreciate telling white lies for fun, while others prefer to keep large secrets to themselves.