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Why Dating the Same Zodiac Sign is the Best Decision? Know the 3 Strong Reasons

Why Dating the Same Zodiac Sign is the Best Decision? Know the 3 Strong Reasons

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So you are dating the same zodiac sign?

But isn’t dating the same zodiac sign kind of…ABSURD? Isn’t it like dating yourself, or even your twin?

Well, Absolutely No

To bury all the misconceptions linked with dating the same zodiac sign, here are 3 Strong reasons why dating the same zodiac sign is the best decision.

3 Strong reasons why Dating the same Zodiac Sign is the Best Decision

Your Similar Outlook on Life

If you share the same Sun sign, you share numerous commonalities. Regarding your energy levels, fundamental demands, and underlying temperament, you will likely have similarities. In addition, your worldviews frequently coincide, so when you’re together, you just vibe. Your body and life cycles will frequently synchronize without effort.

Your Similar Way of Communication

You will probably analyze, joke, think, share memes, make plans, and engage comparably. In addition to the sun sign, there is a significant probability that you share the mercury sign. As a result, you would understand each other very well.

Your Start Loving Yourself 

Apart from the sun sign, there is a strong probability that you and your partner share a mercury sign and the Venus sign, or that your Venus sign forms a conjunction with your partner’s Sun or Mercury.

This is great in terms of compatibility, as it indicates that you and your partner will experience happiness, contentment, and pleasure in a way that very few people ever experience. And one of the best things about being with someone so similar to you is that it might help you see your innate greatness and you might slowly start loving yourself.

2 Potential Reasons, Why Dating the Same Zodiac Sign Could be Troublesome

While dating the same zodiac sign may sound ideal, there are two areas were dating the same zodiac sign could be problematic:

  1. Since you both are “too similar”. Your partner may reflect on aspects of you that you dislike, such as your idiosyncrasies, insecurities, emotional pitfalls, and stubbornness. Sometimes, it may feel as if you’re dating the worst elements of yourself, which can be extremely difficult to accept. Or, less dramatically, having similar energy could signify that you simply don’t get along romantically, but would make great friends.

  2. Another potential source of annoyance is that, because you’re so similar, you lack balance. A zodiac sign that is more of a leader, for instance, maybe most compatible with someone willing to follow.

It’s not going to work if two people are constantly competing for leadership! On the other hand, you could become so entwined with your partner that you lose your identity.