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Aquarius Man Cheating: Do Aquarius cheat? – [Bonus] What to do if an Aquarius man cheats?

Aquarius Man Cheating: Do Aquarius cheat? – [Bonus] What to do if an Aquarius man cheats?

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In case you have been searching for “Aquarius cheating” or “Do Aquarius cheat?” then you are in the right place

An Aquarius Man can and will cheat on you because he believes that committing to a monogamous relationship will limit his freedom and capacity to have fun. An Aquarius man could also cheat to recover control or because he has problems with commitment.

The Aquarius man is the fiercely independent man of the zodiac wheel; he is intelligent, outstanding, clever, and one-of-a-kind. Other people may view him as odd and eccentric, yet his erratic and gloomy behavior can lead him to do some rash and rebellious actions in his lifetime.

When in love, your Aquarius Man will be more of a friend and a lover, as he will be eager to encourage you and provide you optimism and hope, but his irregular sex drive can cause him to be experimental in bed…

Nevertheless, this free-spirited and independent zodiac sign is rather difficult to attract since Aquarius men struggle with commitment; they are either entirely faithful or utterly removed from you; there is no middle ground.

There are several reasons why your Aquarius man would be unfaithful and cheat on you. With that in mind, let’s examine the psychological reasons why your Aquarius man would cheat in a committed relationship and how to tell if he’s betraying you behind your back.

Do Aquarius cheat?

Due to his social awkwardness, an Aquarius Man is unlikely to be interested in random hook ups and flings. Instead, he is likely to be preoccupied with other matters, such as the advancement of science or the occult.

Consequently, once in a serious, long-term relationship, Aquarius men are unlikely to cheat because they are devoted and captivated by love; nevertheless, there are exceptions.

If the relationship is abusive and restricts his freedom of expression and employment, he may become volatile and distant from his partner, whom he perceives as abusing him by denying him the freedom he requires.

If the dark side of being moody and unpredictable manifests itself, he is also capable of cheating. He is more likely to cheat with someone he believes can understand and sympathise with his work and activities.

Overall, a mature Aquarius Man who is predisposed to display his light side will be more in tune with healing himself and others, on a collective level, most especially his spouse. He will be faithful and loyal and demonstrate his love in the most unexpected and unconventional ways conceivable.

A truly loving and gentle Aquarius man will not be hesitant to express his feelings and will express his passionate love for you; you will feel his energy instantly, and you will have the time of your life! Aside from that, he will be an excellent best friend and confidant…

The Aquarius man will have an easier and more harmonious relationship with someone who has similar Air placements (Libra, Gemini) and fiery fire placements (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Relationships formed with these placements are considered to be long-lasting because their outlooks on the relationship are compatible!

Why Do Aquarius Cheat?

There are several reasons why an Aquarius Man can cheat on you, including the fact that Aquarius men are not known for their promiscuity, that it takes them time to fall in love, and that it is often impossible for them to fall in love.

Saturn and Uranus, both weighty and conventionally male planets, regulate Aquarius men. These planets do not govern love, romance, or the pleasures of life.

Consequently, Aquarius men do not chase love and romance; they are usually focused on something else. This might make them incredibly forward and direct in many social encounters; they cannot flirt, but their wit and unquestionable brilliance are sure to draw others.

It is conceivable for Aquarius men to cheat on their partners, but the likelihood is extremely low, since his fixed nature and the heavy energy of the planets he is governed by make him extremely committed to the relationship.

The icy fortress where they placed their hearts may appear distant and intimidating to some, but he is more receptive to good friendships. Keep in mind that the sign of Aquarius deals heavily with collective consciousness, which means he is more interested in platonic friendships than the typical love-and-pleasure romance of other signs.

It is also vital to understand that an Aquarius Man is a man who lives in his thoughts and ideas, which means he is more cerebral than physical, and he forms mental connections more easily than the conventional romance you experience with others.

Consequently, an Aquarius man will cheat if he feels deeply misunderstood in a relationship, regardless of how good the sex is or how enjoyable the relationship is. If he feels neglected and is not mentally connected to his partner, he will consider finding another partner who he believes understands him.

He will also cheat to recover control and momentum in his relationship if he believes he is being dominated or if his freedom or expression of himself is being stifled. Additionally, he may become erratic and distant from his spouse if he is shamed for enjoying artistic or eccentric interests.

Additionally, if an Aquarius Man is more drawn to his shadow negative self, he will be more prone to cheat regardless of his romantic status.

Due to his erroneous beliefs and values, acquiring ultimate freedom entails obtaining and experiencing anything he desires; hence, he is always right if he desires to date a lady he just met.

A shadow-inclined Aquarius man will be non-committal even if he is in a romantic relationship because he believes he has absolute freedom and no one can stop him, not even his partner. This can be extremely toxic and draining for the partner who has invested time, effort, and trust in the Aquarius man.

Consequently, if there is any form of conflict in your relationship with your Aquarius man, it is better to have a heart-to-heart with him and explain the situation, expressing how you can still support his views and interests without compromising your own.

How to Determine if Your Aquarius Partner is Cheating?

There may be evident symptoms that your Aquarius man is cheating on you or intending to replace you. These probable signs should serve as an early warning to leave and end the possibly destructive repercussions of the poisonous relationship caused by the deceit and lies of adultery.

1. The first sign that your Aquarius man is cheating on you is that he will be physically, emotionally, and spiritually distant from you. You will feel it on a physical and vibrational level, he will be extremely cold and detached from you, and he will not engage in romantic affairs with you. This is a very concerning sign.

2. The second sign to watch out for is his extreme secrecy towards you; he will lie and hide things from you, including information about himself, his schedule, his movements, his friends, etc.

3. The third sign is his lack of focus toward you, which usually indicates that he has his eyes and attention on someone else.

4. The fourth sign is his body language, which will be irregular and occasionally spaced out, and he will frequently be content staring at a blank area. Pay attention to his closed-off body language, frightened and guilty-ridden eye contact, and excessive blinking even when he’s staring at you; this is because his body is attempting to conceal the secrets that are in his mind.

5. The final sign that your Aquarius man is cheating on you is if he tells you openly that he believes his relationship with you is a “burden”; he will say things that can discreetly imply he wants to end the relationship.

[Bonus] What to Do if an Aquarius Man cheats you?

A deceitful Aquarius Man has an egomania and superiority complex that is far more out of reach than the classic egoistic Leo man; he cheats because he wants to, and he cheats because he craves freedom at any cost, regardless of how damaging he may be to his partner.

The only way for an Aquarius Man to quit cheating and truly commit to a relationship is if he heals the emotional traumas that are causing him to subconsciously act out.

Remember that you will never be able to repair your unhealed Aquarius Man, he will only make your life worse, and no matter what you do, there is no way to undo the damage he has done to your relationship. The best option is to immediately cut him out of your life.

Consequently, even if you get back together with the Aquarius man you sincerely trusted and who betrayed you, it will not be worth it; let him face the repercussions of his actions by doing nothing.

Instead of hurting yourself and putting yourself in a non-growth situation, try letting go of the situation and focusing more on being selfish with yourself, loving yourself more, spending quality time with family and friends, and most importantly, do not close your heart to potential romantic partners!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Aquarius loyal?

As a fixed sign, Aquarius is known for its dedication, autonomy, and intransigence. not exactly a plan for harmony with the other fixed signs, Taurus and Scorpio.

2. What is Aquarius dark side?

What makes Aquarians special is also what makes them vulnerable to all sorts of negative traits: their emotional detachment. Some of these descend into cold-heartedness, narcissism, or an inflated sense of self-importance.

3. What are Aquarius afraid of?

Being a revolutionary is not their greatest worry. This indicator values uniqueness and wants to be recognised for it. They want people to take notice and for things to shift.

4. Can you trust an Aquarius with secrets?

If you trust an Aquarius with a secret, they won’t tell anyone. They keep their emotions in check and guard the secrets of others as if they were their own. However, if the teller is having difficulty dealing with the secret, they may reveal just enough to figure out a workaround.