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Cancer Man Cheating – Do Cancer Men Cheat?

Cancer Man Cheating – Do Cancer Men Cheat?

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Yes, sadly, a Cancer man may cheat if he feels that the relationship is unsatisfying and that he cannot derive emotional fulfilment from being with his partner. He may also cheat for sex, and when he does so, he may be extremely manipulative and emotionally abusive to attach and express his negative emotions to his partner.

The Moon rules the Cancer man, who is the traditional and fatherly sign of the zodiac. Because of his emotional attachment to his home and family, he can make a great long-term partner. The Cancer man’s personality is reflective, much like the Moon, and he frequently reflects the energy and vibes that other people give off.

When it comes to love, he will be sensitive, emotional, and perhaps attached to his lover. He is warm and kind, and his partner will frequently feel secure as a result of Cancer’s reassuring energy.

With that said, let’s explore the psychology of why a Cancer man might cheat in a committed relationship and how to tell if he’s betraying you behind your back. There are many reasons why your Cancer guy might be unfaithful and cheat on you.

Why Do Cancer Men Cheat?

Considering his partner unworthy of love and attention, the Cancer guy cheats because he is mentally abusive and needs emotional stimulation, support, and pleasure from others. He can also cheat because he promises better sex or security.

The only reason the Cancer guy cheats is out of insecurity and a need for emotional fulfilment. He craves the perceived excitement and wants to fill the gaping vacuum brought on by his inadequacies, unlike other cheating men who seek recognition and thrill.

His insecurities may be caused by trauma and other traumatic experiences, he may struggle with control and family issues, which may lead him to seek out more dynamic relationships even if he is in a committed one, or he may feel “not man enough” and therefore look for ways to become the Alpha guy that society expects of its male members.

He may not be physically abusive, but you can tell he hasn’t healed from his trauma when he makes sarcastic remarks, so whatever those insecurities are and whatever they come from, they can be quite dangerous because he may project them onto you.

A good Cancer man recognises his trauma and anguish and improves as a result. He also expresses his feelings and lets them flow like a river since he knows his heart is capable of doing so.

When a Cancer man leans on his shadow self, he turns into a threat; he will often cheat on his partner or spouse to fill a void in his heart that has to be filled.

The moon’s tides are constantly changing, which can cause his emotions and libido to fluctuate over time, making him easier to give in to quick and fleeting pleasure. He can also cheat for the sake of sex or security. He can be impulsive one minute, then shy and reserved the next.

He might also betray his partner if he is allowed to elevate his level of comfort and security. Whether it is related to money or luxury, he can become a sugar baby for the highest bidder.

If he ever betrays you, anticipate him to have trouble falling asleep at night because his conscience will keep him up. It could be a dreadful truth, and he might even become his partner, but he will undoubtedly feel awful about him.

All of these lethal components can lure your Cancer man to leave you, and they all affect why he might cheat on you. If you have any suspicions that your Cancer man is cheating on you, there are several potential warning signs to watch out for.

How to Find out if a Cancer man has cheated on you?

Let’s explore the sequence of how a Cancer guy cheats and how you might discover a way to catch him. These indicators could indicate that your Cancer man is cheating on you.

When a Cancer guy deceives, he will be very dismissive of you and your behaviour. He will make sarcastic comments about your appearance, your behaviour, or pretty much everything you do. This is a sort of manipulation known as projection, where he is projecting his self-dismissive sentiments.

When you notice that he is doing that, pay attention to his body language. If he becomes distant and incredibly non-sexual towards you, it is very likely that he is seeing someone else. He frequently disappears for a few hours or days and then shows up at random.

Instead of telling you where he’s been, he will gaslight you. If that doesn’t work, he will use the love-bombing technique, in which he will essentially shower you with all of his love and affection until he feels you’re okay again.

After a few weeks or months, you’ll notice that the level of physical and emotional intimacy has changed, that he may seem to be displaying love and affection in an unsettling way, that something doesn’t feel right, that the sex and romance feel forced, and that he may become combative if you bring up these issues in front of him.

Acting out of character, becoming suddenly more secretive about his regular daily activities, hiding things from you, and maintaining the highest level of phone privacy are not definitive signs of infidelity, but they are a pretty strong signal that he’s on to something.

Be cool-headed if you ever get the chance to witness him cheating or obtain tangible proof of it (photos, videos, phone conversations, or rumours about his location), as this will make him feel even scarier rather than cause a scene.

Assess the state of your relationship by speaking with him. He will most likely contact you if he discovers that you are aware of the adultery. Let him hear both of you and your side of the story so that there is open communication between the two of you.

Author’s Note

Do not assume your gut is always correct! If you suspect your Cancer man is cheating on you, it is advisable to confront him and resolve the situation directly because your gut is like a second brain and can tell you things that reasoning and the five senses cannot.

But no matter how remorseful he may be that you caught her, or how he would change for the better, the finest piece of advice a friend can ever give you is to never get back together with him. A cheating Cancer guy is a man who doesn’t actually love you, no matter how much he claims in his mind that he does. It can be difficult to accept the past, and treatment may be required to gain trust, but time will heal everything, so trust in your power and live your life to the fullest by spending it with the people who deserve to be in your inner circle.