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Libra Man Cheating – Do Libra Men Cheat?

Libra Man Cheating – Do Libra Men Cheat?

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Yes, a Libra man will cheat on you for his pleasure. This does not mean that he cannot be faithful; rather, when he is more inclined to be distant and indecisive, he’ll most likely cheat. This man is dominated by Venus, therefore he will be more enticed to acquire sensuality and sexual pleasure in many different people.

Let’s examine the psychology of why your Libra guy would cheat in a committed relationship and how to tell if he’s betraying you behind your back. There are several reasons why your Libra man might be disloyal and cheat on you.

Why Do Libra Men Cheat?

Because he is hedonistic and firmly thinks that life is to be enjoyed, the Libra guy cheats because he engages in various love and sexual relationships. He may also be really cold and impersonal with his girlfriend, which makes him more drawn to other individuals.

The shadow side of Libra men who cheat is more likely to be the one who admires and chases hedonism, the one who invents justifications for living a life of pleasure; for him, living is about having a good time and looking for the best experience imaginable.

They also have a huge ego due to their cardinal character, but unlike the other signs of the zodiac, it is quiet and discreet. Due to their inflated sense of self-worth, individuals are more likely to seek out validation on the physical, emotional, sexual, or spiritual levels to feel “better” than other people.

A toxic masculinity concept that is established in Libra men, according to which being a “ladies man” entails attracting plenty of women, is harmful to both him and his current partner’s commitment to him.

Regardless of how long you’ve known a Libra man, if his shadow side is more inclined, he will pursue pleasure (romance or sex) without yearning for any genuine emotional intimacy. This makes him immensely vicious because he only wants one thing.

Like all air signs, he cannot shut off his emotions, which makes him frigid. Because of this, they can be more difficult to reach out to and love because they are so emotionally and empathetically indifferent and “robotic” in their reasoning.

How to Find out if a Libra man has cheated on you?

These could be early warning signals for you to leave and avoid the potentially harmful consequences of the poisonous relationship that will be brought on by the dishonesty and lies of adultery. These are some indications that your Libra man is cheating on you or intends to replace you.

How did your relationship with your Libra man begin is the first question I have. Was it an affair? A friendship that became romantic? an extended courtship? You’re more likely not his sole love interest if you two started as friends with benefits or “just a hook-up fling” because of this.

Pay attention to how you two interact. Does he introduce you to his friends or family? Does he promote you on social media, bragging about what a great girlfriend you are? If the response is no, he might be keeping you a secret from his other relationships.

He enjoys showcasing the partner he cares about, so don’t be deceived if he isn’t posting about you or dismissing it by stating “he doesn’t do social media.” He’s probably keeping you a secret and is trying not to cause a scene.

Remember that a Libra man’s cognitive process is to put things in balance and order. In addition to that evident cheating indicator, you also need to look at his behavior. If he is fidgety, disorderly, or acts worried when you ask him about his infidelity, he is cheating on you.

Last, but not least, test his affection for you. A sincere and loving Libra man who is devoted to a long-term relationship with you would go head over heels for you trying to find a solution when he feels out of control.

It is quite possible that he is cheating or is more inclined to do so since, at the end of the day, he doesn’t care about you and was only there for the pleasure if he is distant and appears to care nothing at all.

Editor’s Note

Keeping a cheating Libra guy’s heart isn’t worth it; in fact, getting back together with a man who has been lying to you about his infidelity isn’t even worth it!

Focusing your love energy on yourself is preferable to loving a man who does not love you because there are so many wonderful and lovely aspects of life for which we should all be thankful. Love yourself and use your faith to guide you.

You might never know it, but you might be drawn to toxic men as a result of your innermost subconscious fears and bad tendencies that encourage self-sabotage. Shadow work might be helpful to help you regulate them.

Accepting shadow work can help you demonstrate your pace in life, avoid attachments to toxic and negative people, and surround yourself with positive people.