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Top 35 Dwarf Puns and Jokes That Are Too Funny

Top 35 Dwarf Puns and Jokes That Are Too Funny

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In case you have been searching for “Best Dwarf Puns and Jokes” or Dwarf Puns One Liner, then you are at the right place.

This article covers pygmy humor. If you’re searching for a good laugh, you can count on these jokes. From short to lengthier jokes, this collection has something for everyone. Check out these jokes and have a good time, whether you’re a dwarf or simply seeking to make someone else laugh.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Dwarf Jokes. Let us explore

Dwarf Puns for Instagram And Dwarf Puns Captions

A midget just groped me. It was a short squeeze.

Why was the dwarf arrested? Small arms offenses.

Why do midgets make terrible parents? They really struggle to put food on the table.

As I was driving past a prison yesterday, I saw a dwarf scaling down the wall. Confused, I stared up at him and he sneered back. And I thought to myself, “Well that’s a little condescending.”

A Genie once granted me one wish, so I said I just wanted to be happy. So now I’m living in a little cottage with 6 dwarfs, working in a mine and singing ?’ Whistle while you work…….’?

These times are harder on people with disabilities. My dwarf friend is struggling to put food on the table

I was walking down the street yesterday when I saw someone pickpocket a dwarf. I don’t know how anyone could stoop so low.

What do you call a dwarf in a tumble dryer? A midget spinner.

7 dwarfs in bed feeling happy Happy got out so they started feeling grumpy

A dwarf was upset someone picked his pocket He said, ” How could someone stoop so low”

Today I got slapped for telling a girl her hair smelled nice. I hate being a dwarf.

The seven dwarfs were in the bath feeling happy. So Happy got out.

What is another name for Santa’s elves? Subordinate Clauses!

Some people say that elves are very shy But I think hobbits can be Shire

What does Santa and his elves listen to in their Christmas workshop? WRAP MUSIC!

Why doesn’t Santa have any millennial elves? Because there are already enough snowflakes at the North Pole.

What time do Elves usually meet? Around Twelvish I’m ashamed to say that this is OC

How did Santa feel about getting a gift from his elves? He was presently surprised.

What do elves learn in preschool? Not the elf-abet, no; they don’t learn anything because they don’t exist.

I ran into the back of a dwarf’s car. He said he wasn’t happy. I said “Well which one are you?”

Today I saw a dwarf laughing as he climbed down a prison wall And I thought, “That’s a little condescending”

Where do midgets like to go surfing? On microwaves.

Why did the midget have to quit his job at the butchers? The steaks were too high.

What did the nurse say to the midget in the hospital waiting room? You are just going to have to be a little patient.

Why did the midget get fired from his job at the restaurant? The authorities found out he was being paid under the table.

Do you know what the midget said when I asked him to lend me 10 bucks? I’m a little short.

A psychic midget medium escapes from jail. Small medium at large.

Why did the dwarf get slapped by the lady? He told her “I love the smell of your hair”.

Always, and I mean always listen to a midgets opinion. They always know what is up.

I was reading in the news that a dwarf got pickpocketed… how could anyone stoop so low

A human, an elf and a dwarf walk into a bar… The Hobbit laughs and walks under it.

I saw a dwarf climbing down a prison wall It was a little condescending

If a psychic dwarf is evading the police… Does that make him a small medium at large?

What do you call 55 midgets at a dwarf convention? A little get together.

What talking robot movie do all midgets love? Short circuit.

​Why don’t midgets need a concrete wall to play handball? They are able to just use the curb.

​Did you hear about the midget that smoked a bunch of weed? He was finally able to hold his head up high.