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Attention Ladies: Know these 6 Essential Oils That Can Help You With Coping Menopause

Attention Ladies: Know these 6 Essential Oils That Can Help You With Coping Menopause

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Menopause is a turning moment in the lives of many women. It signifies both the end of a woman’s monthly menstruation and the decline in her fertility. Although some women may experience the onset of menopause in their 30s, the majority of women will not experience menopause until their 40s or 50s.

A woman is considered to have entered menopause when one year passes without a menstrual period. Many women report experiencing symptoms such as fatigue and hot flashes. These symptoms can hinder regular activities.

Despite how terrible these sensations may be, there are methods for coping with them. Some essential oils may help alleviate some of the symptoms you’re feeling.  

Let us learn About Them:-

Geranium Oil

Geranium Oil

During perimenopause, geranium oil has been shown to balance hormones, boost mood, and encourage regular menstrual cycles.

Clary Sage Oil

Clary Sage Oil

It is well-known that clary sage oil alleviates PMS pain, reduces hot flashes, calms anxious feelings, and improves hormone balance.

Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil

Hormonal fluctuations that occur during menopause may cause sleep problems and gloomy feelings. Lavender oil is one of the most frequently recommended essential oils because it promotes feelings of calm. Lavender oil helps in balancing hormones, relieving cramps, calming stress, and reducing menopause-related headaches, heart palpitations, and hot flashes.

Rose Oil

Rose Oil

Rose oil has a role in strengthening the uterus, which may lead to an improvement in mood and a decrease in hot flashes. Rose oil is also useful for managing blood pressure and enhancing both mood and sleep.

Pine Oil

Pine Oil

Pine oil is considered to protect against osteoporosis and prevent bone loss. There have been studies that confirm the correlation between pine oil usage and decreased levels of oxidative stress, heat flashes, and mood swings.

Vitex Agnus – Castus Oil

Castus Oil

Also known as chaste berry and Abraham’s balm, it has long been believed to help with menstruation irregularities and mood swings. The oil is consumed orally to treat premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and irregular periods.