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Best 20 “Everything Everywhere All at Once” Quotes and Sayings

Best 20 “Everything Everywhere All at Once” Quotes and Sayings

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Everything Everywhere All at Once is a genre-bending, multiverse film with profoundly emotive messages for the audience. Evelyn Quan Wang (Michelle Yeoh) gains a new perspective on the life she has chosen and the family she must reconcile with throughout the course of the film. Even though the film is filled with thrilling action sequences, the finest Everything Everywhere All at Once quotes have become the most widely disseminated parts. Whether they pertain to the sorrowful aspects of the human condition or to uplifting messages of compassion, these lines have resonated with film fans.

The metaphysical multiverse comedy has provided a number of everyday-relevant quotations. Examine the following Everything Everywhere All at Once quotations to learn more about the film.

20 Everything Everywhere All at Once Quotes and Sayings

“The universe is so much bigger than you realize.” ~ Jobu Tupaki

“‘Right’ is a tiny box invented by people who are afraid.” ~ Jobu Tupaki

“You see, when you really put everything on a bagel, it becomes this. The truth.” ~ Jobu Tupaki

“You know, of all the Evelyns I’ve seen, you’re definitely one of the more interesting ones.” ~ Jobu Tupaki

“You underestimate how the smallest decisions can compound into significant differences over a lifetime.” ~ Waymond Wang

“When I choose to see the good side of things, I’m not being naive. It is strategic and necessary. It’s how I’ve learned to survive through everything.” ~ Waymond Wang

“So, even though you have broken my heart yet again, I wanted to say, in another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.” ~ Waymond Wang

“You don’t get one of these unless you’ve seen a lot of bullshit.” ~ Deirdre Beaubeirdre

“I can trace the ups and downs of your lives, and it does not look good.” ~ Deirdre Beaubeirdr

“If nothing matters, then all the pain and guilt you feel for making nothing of your life, it goes away.” ~ Jobu Tupaki

“Every rejection, every disappointment has led you here to this moment. Don’t let anything distract you from it.” ~ Waymond Wang

“I’m not the Waymond who wants to divorce you. I’m the Waymond who is saving your life. Now, you can either come with me and live up to your ultimate potential or lie here and live with the consequences.” ~ Waymond Wang

“Now you may only see a pile of boring forms and numbers, but I see a story, with nothing but a stack of receipts.” ~ Deirdre Beaubeirdre

“Most people only have a few significant alternate life paths so close to them. But you, here, you’re capable of anything because you’re so bad at everything.” ~ Waymond Wang

“I was just hoping that you could enlighten me as to how, as a laundromat owner, a karaoke machine could constitute a business expense?” ~ Deirdre Beaubeirdre

“With all of these ‘honest mistakes’, I mean, even if we don’t charge you with fraud, we’ll most certainly have to fine you for gross negligence.” ~ Deirdre Beaubeirdre

“I wasn’t looking for you so I could kill you. I was just looking for someone who could see what I see, feel what I feel.” ~ Jobu Tupaki

“You are not unlovable. There is always something to love. Even in a stupid, stupid universe where we have hot dogs for fingers, we get very good with our feet” ~ Evelyn Wang

“I’ve seen thousands of Evelyns, but never an Evelyn like you. You have so many goals you never finished, dreams you never followed. You’re living your worst you.” ~ Waymond Wang

“We’re all useless alone. It’s a good thing you’re not alone.” ~ Evelyn Wang