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35 Trending Flamingo Puns and Jokes You Will Love

35 Trending Flamingo Puns and Jokes You Will Love

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In case you have been searching for “Best Flamingo Puns and Jokes” or Flamingo Puns for Instagram, then you are at the right place.

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This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Flamingo Puns Pick Up Lines. Let us explore

Flamingo Puns for Captions And Flamingo Puns Funny

What soccer position do pink birds play? Flamingoalie.

What can you do for a hurt flamingo? Give it medical tweetment.

Why did the flamingo go to the salad bar? For the shrimp.

What do birds do for fun on weekends? Play fla-bingo.

How did the flamingo avoid the bird-catcher? It stood still on a lawn with a plastic flamingo.

Where do Flamingos go on vacation? The Flamingo Hilton!

Why don’t Flamingos play in the snow? Because they would melt!

What do Flamingos use as umbrellas? Flamingo feathers!

What does a Flamingo wear to a party? A pink feather boa!

How can you tell a Flamingo is full? He’s standing on one leg!

What do Flamingos do for a living? They flamingo!

How do you put Flamingos in their place? With a Flamingo Flap!

What did the Flamingo say to the mosquito? “I’ll have a drink of your blood!”

What did the mosquito say to the Flamingo? “I’ll have a drink of your blood!”

Why do Flamingos stand on one leg? To keep their balance!

What does a flamingo say when it sees a pretty girl? “Cock-a-doodle-doo!”

What do Flamingos eat for breakfast? Flamingo Flakes!

Why are Flamingos so popular? Because they’re so Flamin-go!

Which Australian bird is pink? The Fla-dingo.

Why are flamingos such good patients? They’re used to wading.

Which one of the Beatles was really a bird? Flamingo Starr.

Why did the young flamingos get in trouble? Their father finally put his foot down.

What’s the opposite of a flamingo? A flamin-stop.

Flamingo-ing is my life!

Flamingo or not, here I come!

Flamingos: nature’s pink and fluffy disaster!

OMG, flamingos are so hot right now!

What do you call a Flamingo with a sore throat? A Flamingo with a sore throat.

Why are Flamingos pink? Because they eat shrimp!

How do you catch a Flamingo? You tie him to a post!

What do you get when you cross a Flamingo with a dinosaur? I don’t know, but it’s sure to be pink!

Why do flamingos stand on one leg? Because it would fall if it lifted up both legs.

What language do pink birds speak? Fla-lingo.

How are flamingos like ants? They both live in colonies.

How do you know if a flamingo is blushing? You don’t.

What’s a flamingo’s favorite game? Hopscotch.