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Free D10 Chart (Dasamsa Chart) Prediction for Career Analysis: Are the Readings Really Accurate?

Free D10 Chart (Dasamsa Chart) Prediction for Career Analysis: Are the Readings Really Accurate?

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It is common knowledge that astrologers read a kundali for marriage. But that’s not all when it comes to studying the future with the help of a kundali. 

A birth chart can also be used to offer career predictions. It is an interesting concept – the birth chart is divided into 16 different parts and it is the 10th division, known as dasamsa chart, that is used for career predictions. 

There are many tools to get a free D10 Chart prediction (dasamsa chart predictions). However, the most traditional one is still getting the D10 chart read by an astrologer. Intrigued yet? If yes, you’re going to love reading what’s coming next.

Have a look and find out what D10 Chart predictions (dasamsa chart predictions)  might mean for you.


D10 Chart (Dasamsa Chart) – What Makes it So Special?

Nothing in and about astrology is ever boring. It’s an intriguing method to study the stars and planets in a kundali and the different ways in which their alignment affects the life of an individual. Just like marriage, career is an important part of life and everybody wants to know about their career – what’s the best for them, will they earn money and fame in their work, etc etc etc. This is where the dasamsa chart comes into the picture.

A D10 Chart (dasamsa chart) (das means 10) is also known as a Karmamsa chart. An astrologer divides the horoscope of a person into 10 parts and the 10th part is the D10 (Karmamsa or dasamsa) chart. It is then that the effects of all the 12 houses in the 10th division of a Rashi (zodiac sign) are studied to make accurate career predictions.

One of the reasons that free dasamsa chart prediction is considered to be so special in Vedic astrology is that the planets in different houses in a zodiac keep changing their places. And planetary changes make a direct effect on the future. So, let’s take you through all the 12 houses and their role according to the D10 chart so that you know which house stands for which part of your career.

Houses in a D10 Chart (dasamsa chart) and Their Significance

  1. The first house in the D10 chart signifies luck and fame that one is expected to earn in one career.
  2. The second house stands for investments. It is the one that decides whether the investments being made will be profitable or not.
  3. The third house in the dasamsa chart stands for communication skills. It decides whether or not your suggestions be heard and appreciated by your colleagues and seniors at work.
  4. The fourth house in the Karmamsa chart signifies the kind of business assets you’ll be able to acquire.
  5. The fifth house in the career chart stands for business expansion.
  6. The sixth house stands for the luck factor and the kind of relations you’ll have with your colleagues and employees.
  7. The seventh house in the D10 chart signifies the kind of public connections you’ll have.
  8. The eighth house in the dasamsa chart stands for loans and debts in a business.
  9. The ninth house is the house for your profession. It also signifies whether or not you’ll have work-related travels in your career.
  10. The tenth house stands for administrative skills. It is this house that actually stands for the kinds of profits you’ll be able to earn at work.
  11. The eleventh chart in the dasamsa chart indicates the kind of friends you’ll have at work.
  12. The twelfth house in the D10 chart signifies your work enemies.

henceforth, to be precise, a free D10 Chart predictions (dasamsa chart prediction), according to Vedas, covers each and every aspect of your profession. When read accurately, there are many benefits to the D10 Chart predictions (dasamsa chart predictions). Have a look at the kinds of benefits we are talking about in the pointers below.

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Indications of Your Real Strength

Also known as the Karma Bhava, the 10th house in the dasamsa chart is all about the profession that’ll be the best for you. Using the placement of planets and stars in your kundali, an astrologer is able to inform you about the field that you should choose. It’s only when the chosen field is accurate that you’re able to:

  • Excel at work.
  • Offer valuable insights.
  • Be an asset that a company wouldn’t want to lose.

In short, the success you’ll have depends, to a large extent, on the predictions made by reading the 10th house.

You can Improve Your Work Status

Knowing what you’ll be best at will provide you with excellent opportunities to get promotions and recognition at work. When you’re good at what you do, you have in-depth knowledge about the field already. So with the number of skills that you can acquire can actually make you “the” problem solver. And believe us when we say this, if your colleagues will start looking up to you to make decisions on their behalf, you will become a leader.

You Can Prepare Better

One of the good things about astrology predictions based on the D10 chart is that the evaluations are expected to be accurate to a very large extent. This is why you’re able to prepare better in the following ways.

  1. You’ll know who your enemies are. So, you’ll be able to stay 1 step ahead of them always.
  2. You’ll know what solutions to offer and that’ll earn some genuine friends at work.

    All in all, a free D10 Chart (dasamsa chart) prediction can actually improve your career by offering you a heads-up about the kinds of challenges you might face. The only precaution you should take is to get your dasamsa chart prepared and read by a good astrologer only.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the Dasamsa chart?

According to astrology, the dasamsa chart or D10 chart is the analysis of the effect of all the 12 Houses on your professional life.

2. Is free Dasamsa chart prediction accurate?

Yes. Astrologers believe that the Houses in the D10 chart offer insight on what career you should pick so that you can excel at work.

3. What are the benefits of free dasamsa chart predictions for a career?

D10 chart is also known as Karma (work) Bhava. So, astrologers read it to find the best suitable career for you. When you’re working in the field that’s your strength, you get promotions at work and opportunities to earn more.

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