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40 Funny Alligator Jokes That Will Make You LOL

40 Funny Alligator Jokes That Will Make You LOL

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In case you have been searching for “Best Alligator Jokes Jokes” or Alligator Jokes Jokes for Instagram, then you are at the right place.

There is something about alligators and crocodiles that makes them the funniest subjects for quips. They are not the most amusing animal in the kingdom. They are genuinely quite frightening and dangerous. However, they are also the closest thing we have to dinosaurs, and they are fruit-eating apex predators. (How amazing is that?) And speaking of food, some claim they even have a chicken-like flavor. We completely understand why your child is preoccupied with alligators and crocodiles, as they are among the more unusual animals.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Alligator Jokes Puns Pick Up Lines. Let us explore

Alligator Jokes Jokes for Instagram Captions And Alligator Jokes Puns Funny

What do you call an alligator who is holding a compass? A navigator.

What do you call an alligator who is always wearing a vest? An investigator.

What do you call an alligator who is wearing crocs on his feet? A traitor.

​What do you call an alligator who loves watering his plants? An irrigator.

How does an alligator smell? With it’s nose.

What do you get if you cross an alligator with a giraffe? A visit from the ethics committee and immediate withdrawal of your funding.

How does an alligator taste? With it’s mouth just like you do.

What’s the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? One you’ll see in a while and the other you’ll see later.

Why won’t alligators attack lawyers? Professional courtesy.

​What do you call an alligator that is always stirring up trouble? An instigator.

What do you call an alligator that has all the other gators at the swamp crown around him? A congregator.

What do you call a gator that works at the courthouse? A litigator.

Egyptians claim that there are no crocodiles in Egypt. I think they’re in de nile.

Why was everyone afraid of the alligator lawyer? He was an amazing liti-gator.

What’s the similarity between a alligator and an old computer? They both have bytes.

What did the alligator say to the other alligator that was in the way? “Please move, I need to get bayou.”

Why shouldn’t you play cards with an alligator? You’ll lose each hand.

What do you get when you cross Miley Cyrus with an alligator? A caiman like a wrecking ball.

What do you call an alligator who kills bugs all day long? A fumigator.

Alligators can grow up to fifteen feet. They usually just grow 4 of them though.

What do you get if you put an alligator in a blender? Gatorade.

Alligators can live up to 50 years, which is why there is a high chance that they will see you later.

What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? One will see you later, and one will see you in a while.

Did you hear about the gator that became a muslim? He was an Allah Gator.

Did you hear about the crocodile who was unable to mate? He had a reptile dysfunction.

Did you hear about the group of crocodiles that performed parody songs? They were a pun croc band.

A stingray, a crocodile and a poisonous snake walk into a bar.

No joke here, it is just a normal day in Australia.

Did you here about the croc with a serious drug addiction? It was a crackodile.

What does an alligator do when he loses his tail? It goes to a re-tail store.

What do you call a man who is too big for an alligator to eat? A jawbreaker.

What do you call an alligator that makes others fight? An instigator.

What do alligators call human children? Appetizers.

What do you call a SWAT team of alligators? Gator-raid.

What do you call people who are obsessed with crocodiles? Crocophiles.

Did you hear about the croc and rooster that had a kid together? It was a crocadoodledoo.

Did you know alligators can grow up to 15 feet? But most only have 4.

What do you call an alligator who works on a farm? An irri-gator.

What do you call an alligator who kills bugs all day long? A fumigator.

What do you call an alligator that has all the other gators at the swamp crown around him? A congregator.

What do you call an alligator who is financially savvy? An Investor.

What is the most effective way to cook a crocodile? In a croc pot.