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Best 35 Funny Unicorn Jokes for Kids and Adults

Best 35 Funny Unicorn Jokes for Kids and Adults

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In case you have been searching for “Best Unicorn Jokes” or Unicorn Jokes for Instagram, then you are at the right place.

Do you have a unicorn fan in your family? From magical and mystical coloring pages to unicorn treats, clothing, and parties, you’re likely unicorned out. We get it. After a unicorn-themed Christmas and Easter, you’ve had enough. Nevertheless, we’re about to make your existence even more tedious. How? By providing you with a long catalog of mostly kid-friendly jokes about unicorns. Do you find these humorous? Most likely not.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Unicorn Puns Pick Up Lines. Let us explore

Unicorn Jokes for Instagram Captions And Unicorn Puns Funny

Unicorns never horse around — they get right to the point.

How do unicorns get to the park? On a unicycle.

What do you call a unicorn with no horn? A eunichorn

What do unicorn moms bake on Sunday? UniCorn muffins

Where did the unicorn gallop off to after the thunderstorm? Somewhere over the rainbow.

What do you call it when a unicorn wakes up for a midnight snack? Star grazing

Are you a unicorn? Because, baby, you seem like my perfect fantasy.

Girl, are you a unicorn? Because I would like to take you for a ride over the rainbow.

I hate to horn in on your night, but I just wanted to tell you that you must be a unicorn because you seem absolutely magical.

Do I look like a unicorn? Because you sure are making me horny.

A night with me is like riding a unicorn: You can do it every night, but it’ll always feel like a fantasy.

What street do unicorns live on? Mane Street.

Why is polka a unicorn’s favorite music? Because it has unicordians.

What do you call a unicorn that has bushy eyebrows? A Uni-brow.

What did the Unicorn say to the lettuce growing in the field? You No Corn.

Why was the unicorn able to win all the Pokémon battles? It was legendary.

Where do naughty unicorns go? Unicourt.

What card game do unicorns play? Uno.

What do you call clever unicorns? A-corns.

How do unicorns get to the park? On a unicycle.

What do you call a unicorn who got a covid shot? An immunicorn.

Why do unicorns listen to polkas? They like to hear unicordians.

What’s the best type of story to tell a runaway unicorn? A tale of whoa!

What’s black and white and eats like a unicorn? A zebra.

What was the unicorns favorite type of a story? A fairy tail.

What do you call a unicorn with large eyelashes? U-ni-brow.

What do you get if you cross a unicorn and a cow? Horned beef

What looks like half a unicorn? The other half

Unicorns never horse around they get right to the point.

I once tried to tickle a unicorn but missed. It was a mys-tical experience.

Unicorns are just horses with a point of view.

Before becoming a full-fledged unicorn, it takes years for a newbie unicorn to horn their skills.

Last time, a buddy of mine came over and told me I was hallucinating. I almost slipped off my unicorn.

I wish I could love unicorns but love isn’t real.

When unicorns want a midnight snack, they go star grazing.

Princesses prefer to ride unicorns because they don’t horse around as much.

Chuck Norris eats his meat so rare that he only eats unicorns and dragons.

My teacher asked me what mythical creature I relate to. I chose unicorn because I’m bright, colorful, and nobody believes in me.