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Gand Mool Nakshatra: Meaning, Phases, Types, and Remedies!

Gand Mool Nakshatra: Meaning, Phases, Types, and Remedies!

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The 27 constellations or the nakshatras are mentioned in Indian astrology. Some of these are auspicious, and others are unlucky. The Gand Mool nakshatra falls in the category of unfortunate or unlucky constellations. 

Revati, Mool, Jyeshtha, Ashlesha, Magha, and Akashvani nakshatras fall in the inauspicious Gand Mool nakshatra category. 

When the constellation and zodiac finish at the same position, the position is referred to as, ‘Gand Mool nakshatra.’ 

If the father of a child is born in the Gandmool nakshatra, then the former should not see the newborn for at least twenty-seven days. Otherwise, it might lead to a lot of troubles in life for the father. 

Just like Gandmool, there is a Mool nakshatra. It is known as the most unfavorable constellation in Vedic astrology. 

Whoever is born in mool nakshatra, they will experience a lot of distress and suffering. This dosha is referred to as, ‘Gandmool dosha.’ The dosha will occur every eighteenth horoscope. 

If you’re someone who belongs to gand mool nakshatra, this guide will answer everything: gand mool nakshatra remedies, Gand Mool nakshatra phases and types, and much more. Dive in for all answers!

Effects of Gand Mool Nakshatra – Points to Keep in Mind 

Positive Effects of Gand Mool Nakshatra 

Although gand mool nakshatra is inauspicious, there are certain conditions where this nakshatra offers positive results too. Let’s find out more! 

  1. In case the natives are born in this particular nakshatra (Gandmool) under the positive influence, then they will be having different and noble ideas.
  2. The natives will experience success first-hand. No matter what field they choose, they will succeed. 

Children born under Gand Mool nakshatra (positive influence) will be intelligent and knowledgeable. 

Negative Effects of Gand Mool Nakshatra 

If the natives are under an ominous effect, they will be unhealthy, insecure, and grumpy. Soothing the gand mool nakshatra dosha is crucial in this case. 

You must read more about the gand mool dosha and the remedies (to be discussed in the upcoming sections in this guide). Finding a solution will be important as the ominous effect of this nakshatra can be very bad. 

Gand Mool Dosha Meaning 

Gandmool dosha is seen in a baby’s birth chart when the moon is situated under six constellations at the time of birth. This combination is known as Gandmool nakshatra. Even though it is an ominous constellation, there will be different effects of the dosha as per the special constellations. 

As per Vedic astrology, this dosha happens to be unlucky and needs to be redressed. Out of all the 27 constellations, six of them produce this dosha. It is an ominous result. 

The natives born under this nakshatra become very sad and distressed. Moreover, the nakshatras will bring a lot of obstacles in life. 

The six gand Mool nakshatras awaken the Gand Mool dosha. These six nakshatras include Magh, Asashvani, Ashleusha, Mool, Jyeshtha, and Revati nakshatras. 

The ruling lords of the constellations are Ketu and Mars. As per astrology, whenever Revati, Moon, Magha, Ashvani, Mool, and Jyeshtha nakshatras are situated in a person’s constellation, it is proof that the nakshatra is Gandmool. 

Types and Phases of Gandmool Nakshatra 

There are four phases of Gand Mool Nakshatra. They show the influence on the child’s father, sister, brother, mother, and other members of the family. 

If the moon is placed at any stage of the above-mentioned constellation, it creates a dosha. 

  1. Moon in the 4th phase of Revati nakshatra turns into Gand Mool dosha. 
  2. If the moon is in the 4th phase of Ashlesha then it becomes a dosha. 
  3. 1st phase in Magha, 4th phase in Jyeshtha, and Moon in 1st phase of mool nakshatra becomes gand mool dosha. 

If a person is born in the 1st phase of Ashlesha and Ashwini nakshatra, he/she will experience a series of inauspicious events. People who are born under the third or second stage can experience loss of wealth. Also, the mother will experience a lot of hardships. 

If a baby is born under the 4th phase, the father will have to face a lot of struggles and crises. 

Remedies of Gand Mool Nakshatra – How to Pacify the Negative Effects? 

It is absolutely necessary to remove the ill effects of Gand Mool Nakshatra. The child born under Gand Mool nakshatra and his/her relatives should not suffer; thus, a Gand Mool puja should be performed

The pooja will give freedom from the dosha. As per the natives’ birth chart nakshatra, the bad effects of Gand Mool are reduced if they worship daily. 

The ones born in Magh, Akashvani, and Mool Nakshatras can worship Lord Ganesha. It is recommended to wear green clothes on Thursdays and Wednesdays. 

If natives are born in Jyeshtha, Ashlesha, and Revati nakshatras, they should worship Mercury planet. Another effective remedy is to donate bronze utensils, green vegetables, and a pan

When a child is born, perform Gand Mool Shanti pooja after 27 days. 

Do you wish to know whether you have this nakshatra? Use the Gand Mool nakshatra calculator to find out. 

Can Gandmool Nakshatra Natives live a Smooth and Normal Life? 

Gandmool nakshatra natives can lead a positive, smooth, and normal life. There are many celebrated leaders and celebrities who were born under Gandmool nakshatra. 

Some of the classic examples of celebrities born in the Gand Mool nakshatra are Nargis Dutt, Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Amitabh Bacchan, Hritik Roshan, and Devanand. 

Use the aforementioned remedies to soothe the dosha. You will get to live a peaceful life soon enough if you worship Lord Ganesha or Planet Mercury. 

Being generous and donating vegetables and bronze utensils can also help in soothing the malefic effects. 

Concluding Thoughts:

Yes, Gand Mool dosha is inauspicious. But there are many gand mool dosha remedies. You can lead a normal life if you’re careful and you follow the remedies. 

On that note, we hope we have addressed all your problems in this guide and you’ll be able to lead a normal life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What happen if child born in Gandmool?

Natives born in the Gandmool Nakshatra will have distinct ideas if they are under the good influence. They will achieve great success in any field in which they seek to establish their future. Such children are perceptive and bright.

2. Which God is born in Moola Nakshatra?

Mula’s sign is a reticulated root bundle (ankusha) or a ‘elephant goad’ (reticulated roots), and the god linked with it is Niriti, the god of dissolution and destruction. Ketu is the Lord of Mula (south lunar as a node).

3. How do you get Gandmool Dosha?

If the infant is born with the Moon in the Mercury or Ketu Nakshatra, Gandmool Dosha will manifest.

4. What is Gand Mool in astrology?

If a person is born with the natal moon in any of the six nakshatras, he or she is a gand mool dosha native. There are 27 nakshatras in total, with Rahu and Ketu ruling six of them. In general, these nakshatras are unlucky for locals.

5. Is Gandmool lifelong?

This shanti Pooja for gandmool dosha pacification should only be done once in a lifetime. Worshiping, appeasing, and pleasing the birth nakshatra’s lord. If you were born in the Ashwini, Magha, or Moola nakshatras, you should worship God Ganesha on a regular basis throughout your life.