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30 Hilarious Addiction Jokes That Will Laugh You

30 Hilarious Addiction Jokes That Will Laugh You

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In case you have been searching for “Best Addiction Jokes” or Addiction Jokes for Instagram, then you are at the right place.

As an invisible illness, addiction is one of life’s most difficult challenges, pulling people away from healthy, productive lives like a chain. However, as they are wont to do, the brightest comedy minds can create (at least) three hilarious jokes from such a sombre subject. Despite the fact that these comedians would prefer not to face such a daily obstacle, it is a miraculous thing that they are able to take that excrement sandwich and not only entertain audiences but also take back some of addiction’s power.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Addiction Jokes Puns Pick Up Lines. Let us explore

Addiction Jokes for Instagram Captions And Addiction Jokes Puns Funny

Someone I know has an addiction to computers that is getting alt of ctrl.

Do you know that in earlier days, people struggled with serious drug problems? These days they have a much more reliable dealer.

What do you call a person’s tendency to discover drugs in unexpected places? Potluck.

Yo mama did so much drugs while pregnant with you that your birth stone is crystal meth.

What do you call a cow on drugs? High Steaks.

Did you hear about those dyslexic criminals who love weed? It’s their ultimate getaway drug.

Did you hear about the local drug dealer who started dressing up as a Jehovah’s Witness so he wouldn’t arouse suspicion? He got arrested after the police saw people actually letting him in.

What does Jared Leto say when he is on drugs? “It’s Morphine time!”

I’m trying to overcome my addiction to exercise bikes, but I’m not getting far.

How do you serve drugs and your country at the same time? Join the CIA.

What do you call a theater major who works hard to portray his drug addict role? A meth-head actor.

What do you call a paraplegic who self-medicates with drugs and gambling? A High Roller.

What do you call an arrogant pony on drugs? A high horse.

Why do Short people like drugs? Because they get them high.

Where do spiders get their drugs? The deep web.

Why was the ghost that haunted the pharmacy arrested? Illegal possession of drugs.

A friend used to plant so many trees that it was turning into an addiction, until he cut down.

Asked the doctor how to get over my addiction of listening to Run DMC songs. He said, “it’s tricky”.

I used to be addicted to listening to Michael Jackson songs. I beat it.

Asked the doctor if it’s normal to spend all day listening to Tom Jones. He said, “it’s not unusual.”

Did you hear about the neighborhood barber who got arrested for dealing drugs? Most have been his customer for years. They had no idea he was a barber.

What do you call a religious drug addict? A crystal methodist.

What do you call Mike Tyson on drugs? Methed Up.

Did you know that my friend made a website where you compare getting high from different drugs? It was the original trip advisor.

Wife: Can you have a talk with the kids on drugs?” Husband: Fine, but I don’t make any sense when I’m high.

How much drugs did Charlie Sheen take? Enough to kill two and half men.

A homeless guy asked another man for money in a tunnel. So he looked in his pocket for change, but all he had on him was $20. He thought to himself, “Do I really want this $20 going towards drugs?… Nah.” So I gave him the $20.

My friend said he’s addicted to punching elderly fish. I said that’s a load of old codswallop.

Some people say I’m addicted to somersaults. But that’s just how I roll.

My wife accused me of being addicted to golf. I asked her if it was driving a wedge between us.