Signs A Leo Man Secretly Likes You – [Bonus] What You Need to Do Now (Our Expert Advice)
In case you have been searching for “ signs that a Leo man secretly likes you”, then you are at the right place.
Leo is a complicated and sociable fire sign. When attracted to a woman, these men tend to play the field and might be a little hot and cold.
If you have attracted their attention of Leo, he should confidently and clearly announce his attraction to you. However, the majority of Leo men will take their time. Leo is both brave and sensitive to rejection. He will likely try to gauge your level of interest in him beforehand.
Permit me to divulge a few secrets about the nature and behaviour of a Leo man who secretly likes you. Here are some indications that a Leo man secretly likes you and has affection for you.
Signs A Leo Man Secretly Likes You
1. Leo Man gets Jealous
One of the most certain indications that a Leo man secretly likes you is if he experiences fits of jealousy when he sees you with other men. Leos will take their protectiveness to an extreme if they believe an inappropriate person is flirting with them. You may want to avoid flirting with other men when you are near a potential Leo companion, as it may completely turn him off. To a Leo man, the entirety of your romantic life should revolve around him.
2. Leo Man does not shy away from public displays of Affection
Some couples attempt to demonstrate acts of love and romance in private, while in the presence of mutual friends, they behave more or less as friends. There are no Leo men in this category. He will have no problem holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you, or talking about his love life on social media, as he cares nothing about what other people think of you and him. Much of this can be attributed to his desire to indicate to others that you are “his.”
3. Leo Man shows Possessiveness
Leos can be possessive in many ways, like lions. When he feels he is losing you to another individual, he may emit a gentle aura of possessiveness or tell you outright. This affects not only your dealings with other people, where he will want to be your top priority but also your interpersonal interactions. Similar to a lion, Leo men typically have extremely distinct notions of personal property and territory.
4. Leo Man makes you Feel Unique
If you are fortunate enough to have a Leo man in your life, you will experience his affection in a variety of ways. Initially, Leo will make it clear to you and the rest of the world that you are the centre of his universe, and he will go out of his way to make you feel special. A Leo will always make you feel special and loved, from gentlemanly actions such as holding wide a door or drawing out a chair to thoughtful presents.
5. Leo man Enjoys your Company
A clear indicator that a Leo man secretly likes you is if he desires to spend as much time as possible with you. While it is usual for people who are attempting to woo you to create reasons to be with you, a Leo will likely tell you explicitly that he wants to be around you. You will discover him to be a committed and interesting buddy. Whether it is a grand excursion or a simple stroll in the park, he will make every minute with you count.
6. Leo man will also be Protective of You
A lion considers his mate and pride to be his “his” and would therefore guard them. A Leo man will also be protective of you. He will not only advise you on negative influences and guard you against those looking to take advantage of you, but he will also attempt to prevent these situations from occurring. While some may perceive this Leo man’s behaviour as possessiveness, you should know that he does so with the greatest of intentions.
7. Leo man is Extremely Forthright
Leos are not recognised for their subtlety, therefore a Leo man will be straightforward about his thoughts and feelings. It is not unusual for a Leo man to give you the truth even if it is detrimental to the relationship. For example, he might inform you if an outfit does not complement you. Sincerity is paramount to him, and he cannot be bothered to sugarcoat or hide his comments for the benefit of others’ sentiments.
8. Leo man’s agenda Revolves Around You
A Leo man is so loving that he is nearly obsessive. He will be eager to maximise the time he spends with you and will adjust his routine and schedule accordingly. If you believe a Leo is attempting to memorise your schedule, he most likely is! It is normal for a Leo man in love to alter his plans to spend more quality time with you.
9. Occasionally, Leo man relaxes his guard Around You
Typically, Leo men embody the lion in public; they are forceful, outspoken, self-assured, and unyielding when their beliefs are challenged. If he frequently relaxes his guard with you, he likely has strong feelings for you. He may act abnormally subservient or empathetic, or even agree with you on an issue on which you disagree.
10. Leo man constantly takes the Initiative
Leos are similar to their zodiac animal, the lion, in that they independently pursue their objectives. Whether at work, a party, a concert, or merely a gathering of mutual acquaintances, a Leo man will express his romantic interest in you in some way before you may be aware. He will also approach you for conversation or to obtain your phone number so he may continue the romance. When it comes to relationships, Leo men are notorious for taking the initiative.
11. Leo man takes interest in your Daily Routine
A Leo man who secretly likes you will prioritise time spent with you in every manner possible. If he has not seen you for a day, he will take a sincere and active interest in learning about your day, including the events that transpired, any problems you may have had, the highlights of your day, and any other relevant information.
12. Leo man respects your demand for Solitude or Privacy
Leos are perpetually active. Therefore, he will rarely have a problem if you are preoccupied with your friends, family, career, or interest and cannot meet him. Tell him you can’t go on a date because you’re working late or going to the gym, and he will appreciate your decision. This is because once you have earned his trust, he will grant you autonomy over your life.
13. Leo man is your Biggest Cheerleader
The most distinguishing features of Leos are their ambition, concentration, and confidence. Therefore, he will respect the same qualities in you. If you are committed to your studies or job, he will encourage you and serve as a pillar of support. If he believes that you are not performing to the best of your ability and your full potential, he will not hesitate to provide you with constructive feedback.
14. Leo man will readily profess his Affection to You
If a Leo man secretly likes you, it will not take long for you to discover his affection. Leos do not lack confidence. They have a great deal of self-confidence and would therefore tell you how they feel about you at the earliest opportunity. You should be concerned if the Leo man you are attracted to is slow to initiate a relationship.
[Bonus] What You Need to Do Now – Our Advice
You are now aware that a Leo man secretly likes you. That’s fantastic news! You have a confident beauty who is eager to learn more about you. What should you do at this point? If he has asked you out on a date, you should say “Yes!” You may play a little hard to get with him because you want to keep him guessing, be mysterious, and demonstrate that you are neither dull nor simple!
You can flirt back with him, as one option. The majority of the following behaviours are flirtatious attempts by men to impress women. If you’ve noticed that he’s been attempting to touch you and you’re interested in pursuing things further, allow him to do so. Don’t permit him to do anything that makes you uncomfortable; if he crosses a line, let him know it’s unacceptable.
If you know that he is interested in you and you are also interested in him, you can also ask him out! I recognise that may sound absurd and inappropriate, but you can accomplish that. Mention an event that the two of you would like to attend and describe it in detail. Determine if he is available and willing to accompany you. He’ll undoubtedly agree!
Finally, if you are certain that he is genuinely interested in you and you also like him, you can make a move. Call him on the telephone and discuss your interests or hobbies. Keep the conversation light and breezy, at least initially. You shouldn’t get too personal at first, but as time passes, you can share your secrets with him because you will likely fall in love with him!

Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do Leos act when they have a crush?
They will tell the other person they have a crush on first, before telling anybody else. They have an outgoing personalities and avoid evasion at all costs. They’re not the type to easily reveal their feelings, but when they do, it’s all out.
2. How does a Leo man show interest in a woman?
To show his attention, a Leo man will quiet up (though not for long) and let you do the talking. He will inquire as to your background, interests, current activities, future plans, and other such things. As a person, he is interested in learning more about you.
3. How does Leo man flirt?
If a Leo man constantly flatters and pampers you, he is probably trying to get with you. When you make an effort with your appearance, he will take note. He’s flirting with you if he treats you like a princess, so take that as a sign of his interest. He will be overly demonstrative of his love and pride in his achievements.
4. When a Leo man loves a woman?
In terms of males, Leos are among the most dependable. When they’re riding for someone, that person can count on them to have their back. There are some qualities that a lady should have to attract a Leo man. He hopes you’ll become someone he can confide in about everything, including the worst parts of himself.