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“Live by the Sun Love by the Moon” |  Know its meaning and how to live it

“Live by the Sun Love by the Moon” |  Know its meaning and how to live it

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The proverb “live by the sun, love by the moon” refers to a dichotomy between what is required of us professionally and what we choose to do when in love.

During the day, we are all guided by the light and the constraints of reality. Employment and careers are essential for survival. However, for the majority of us, they do not have the same effect on our psychology as loving and being in partnerships.

Therefore, the moon and romance should be our guides in matters of love. The Sun should be our guide in the matter of profession and work.

If you attempt to manage both your personal and professional relationships with the same strategies, you will fail in both cases.

Love is not a business transaction, and business transactions do not involve emotions. Learning to adapt your behaviour based on the circumstances is the key to achieving the greatest level of happiness in life.

For this reason, one must live by the sun and be loved by the moon.

Here is how you can “Live by the Sun”

1. Reason Logically

To live by the sun, you must learn to compartmentalise your emotions from your routine. The key to maintaining a great work and family life is to not let your job time interfere with your relationships.

Living by the sun necessitates cleansing business and professional decisions of the emotions that often confound and overcomplicate them. By compartmentalising your life, you can be more rational when it comes to your job, finances, and other practical matters.

2. Be Fearful

Fear is essential to human survival. This is how we navigate the world to survive. It instructs us when to make certain judgments based solely on instinct and about the probable outcomes of such decisions. When you live near the sun, it is essential to heed that inner voice shouting WARNING!

Contrary to the risky and exciting nature of romance, living by the sun suggests the opposite. You should evaluate the dangers and make a conclusion that is more sensible and realistic.

3. Always Plan Ahead

When living by the sun, the easiest way to navigate the day is to have a plan and to plan. If you arrive unprepared and without proof or documentation, it will be difficult for you to achieve your objectives.

4. Follow the Rules

During the day, we must all adhere to the rules. Rules were established to regulate our learning, work, and conduct. These norms help the survival of society. The requirements include showing up on time, being professional in the workplace, and paying staff.

5. Be Respectful

When living in the real world, it is necessary to interact with others, especially in the workplace. Even if you dislike a co-worker, you must be respectful and at the very least courteous. In a professional situation, you are required to adhere to these norms, be mindful of the decisions you make, and seek consensus.  

6. Communication

When attempting to live by the sun, it is necessary to communicate. Communication is necessary for accomplishing tasks for one’s schedule, for the job, or any other purpose. You must be able to assign work, articulate your needs, and articulate your capabilities.

Here is how you can “Love by the Moon”

1. Think illogically

In emotional interactions, it is not always possible to reason logically. Numerous aspects of love are neither black and white nor crystal clear. If you are always attempting to analyse what is occurring logically, you will miss the best part, which is reckless abandonment.

2. Give up your Fear

Fear in a relationship serves only to hold you back and enslave you. Fear of being injured or rejected is understandable, but it is not the way to enjoy life happily. Do you recall your first love? You gave it your all, which is why it was so incredible and unforgettable.

3. Listen to your Emotions

What does your heart want you to know? If you enter a business transaction based solely on your emotions and instincts, you will likely be financially devastated.

There is nothing beyond love. You can create a list of pros and cons, but your inner voice will tell you what to do. If you only exist in your head when it comes to love, you will never be able to completely experience the magnificent emotions it evokes.

4. Go with the Flow

When you love by the moon, it is impossible to arrange everything. Love has no timeline, purpose, or objective, and if you attempt to make one, it will always disappoint you. Love exists in its dimension, called fate, regardless of our desires.

In reality, the more we want to exert control, the less love we experience and the less we appreciate the precious time we have with our loved ones. There is no such thing as a five-year romantic commitment. And when you attempt to make one, it rarely turns out as planned.

5. There are no Rules

When one loves by the moon, there are no standards for proper behaviour. There are no guidelines on when to text someone, when to sleep with them, or whether it is too early to express “I love you.”

Following your heart and following your path is what it means to love by the moon. Follow your instincts, not society’s standards. At the very least, you know that the sun will rise again tomorrow.

6. Don’t Bother Others

When you love by the moon, you let your heart speak. You make your own decisions about who you love. If you are guided by what others believe, you may miss out on the chance to be with the love of your life. So what if your friends believe she is not attractive enough or your parents believe he is not successful enough?