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Lost Spark in Your Marriage? Here are 5 Tips on How to Rekindle a Marriage?

Lost Spark in Your Marriage? Here are 5 Tips on How to Rekindle a Marriage?

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“My spouse and I live in a house as if we were roommates. Even though we were married for love and shared a child, we do not feel like a married couple. He has never had sexual relations with me, and I occasionally become anxious and frustrated. I feel incredibly trapped in this endless loop.”

This is one of the most common challenges faced by couples who have been married for an extended period.

As an institution, marriage has been accorded a great deal of importance, possibly to the point of being regarded as the only acceptable way to live.

However, no one prepares us for the difficulties we will encounter.  

Your marital life is frequently ignored and overwhelmed by your parental responsibilities, among others. Moreover, given the current situation, which includes financial concerns, professional objectives, and health-related challenges, it is natural for sex life to take a back seat. The constant commotion and strains of daily living frequently affect a person’s sexual desire.

The most important rule for married couples is to always prioritise their partner. Before becoming a parent, one is a husband or wife. This relationship requires as much effort, focus, and significance as any other role you play, if not more.

Here are the Five Tips on How to Rekindle a Marriage

• The healthiest way to address this problem would be to begin by dividing up responsibilities. After contribution responsibilities have been identified, you will feel less stressed and more supported. This will offer you time to do the things you enjoy or that bring you joy. Having some privacy is also soothing.

• Spend a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes alone with your partner. It may be over tea while going to the grocery store, or while watching a television series.

• You need to rekindle the romance, and the most effective way to do so is by appreciating, complimenting, and spending quality time together – sharing jokes, reminiscing the past, singing a song on the radio together, discussing work, sharing, emoting, and reopening the channel for emotional intimacy that may have faded due to the monotony of daily life.

• Strive to look your absolute best. Physical and emotional connections are equally vital and go hand in hand. Use your body to express yourself. Physical contact is the purest means of building a bond. Give random hugs and kisses, hold his hand, straighten his hair, and maintain eye contact at all times.

• Discuss your requirements, what you miss from the beginning of your marriage, and if necessary, take care of the issue. You may organise a vacation or send your son to a friend’s house for the night to revitalise your sexual life.