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Your Lucky Colour According to Your Zodiac Sign: Find Out the Answers in This Guide

Your Lucky Colour According to Your Zodiac Sign: Find Out the Answers in This Guide

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Colors can sometimes mean more than just hues that are pleasing to the eyes. Did you know that every zodiac sign has lucky colours of its own? While people do a lot of things to bring positivity in their life – they take care of the Vastu of the house, they take care of offering prayers to planets, and they also keep fasts to appease gods – but, sometimes, a thing as simple as colours can bring all the positivity that was once missing from life. So, want to know your lucky colour according to the zodiac sign? If yes, then we have all the answers and we have listed them below at your disposal.

Lucky Colour For Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries, the fire sign that it is, is ruled by the planet Mars. Aries born people carry the same feisty and fearless attitude as that of the Planet Mars.

Thus, the lucky colour according to the zodiac sign Aries is Red. In fact, the deeper shades of blood red are most suitable for the hot-headed Arianas. Red colour symbolizes not just the fire within the hearts, it is also considered to be a sign of purity in Vedic astrology.

  1. Alternate Lucky colors for Aries – White, yellow, and darker shades of pink.
  2. Colors Aries Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – Black, green, and blue.


Lucky Colour for Taurus Zodiac Sign

The ruling planet of the Taurus Zodiac Sign is the planet Venus and it has the Earth sign. Clearly, since Venus is the ruling planet for this zodiac, Taurus born people will always have an eye for exquisite material things.

According to vedic astrology, the lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Taurus are pale blue and green.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colours for Taurus – Earthy shades like brown and beige, pastel pink, and white.
  2. Colours Taurus Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – Every shade of red, maroon, crimson, and yellow.


Lucky Colours for Gemini Zodiac Sign

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and its element is air. It gives these people a breezy attitude. Since Gemini born people are cheerful, the colours they wear should invoke the same feeling of freedom and happiness.

The lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Gemini are the lighter or pastel shades of yellow and green.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colours for Gemini – Pink and white.
  2. Colors Gemini Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – blue and red.


Lucky Colours for Cancer Zodiac Sign

Ruled by the Planet Moon with water as its element, the Cancer zodiac sign is known to be of a very nurturing and giving nature. These people have emotions running like water. So, the colors they wear should be refreshing.

According to vedic astrology, the lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Cancer are blue and white.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colours for Cancer – Sea green and silver.
  2. Colours Cancer Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – Red and black.


Lucky Colors for Leo Zodiac Sign

The feisty Leos are ruled by the Sun. Naturally, they have a fire sign. They’re passionate, goal-oriented, and kind. Such is their charisma that they’re like magnets attracting people around them. Naturally, the colours for a Leo born should be something as bright as the sun itself.

According to Vedic astrology, the lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Leo are orange and reddish-orange.

  1. Alternative Lucky Colours for Leo – Golden, Purple, and Red.
  2. Colours Leo Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – Pastel and Light colors.


Lucky Colours for Virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgo has the element Earth and its ruling planet is Mercury. This is why these people thrive for nothing but perfection. It gives them an air of strictness and you will naturally want to stay in line when a Virgo is around.

According to Vedic astrology, the lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Virgo are blue and green.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colours for Virgo – Pastel shades of yellow, mauve, grey, and peach.

Colours Virgo Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – Red and Bright Orange.

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Lucky Colours for Libra Zodiac Sign

Libra born people are quite balanced in life. They are ruled by the element Air and the ruling planet of Libra is Venus. All they need in life is peace, order, and harmony.

The Lucky Colours according to the zodiac sign Libra is the shades of Blues and Greens.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colours for Libra – Pastel Pink.
  2. Colours Libra Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – Red.


Lucky Colours for Scorpio Zodiac Sign

The Scorpio Zodiac Sign is ruled by the planet Mars and its element is water. They carry the fearlessness of Mars and they’re extremely focused in life.

According to Vedic Astrology, the lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Scorpio are Red, Maroon and Orange.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colours for Scorpio – Black and yellow.
  2. Colours Scorpio Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – all pale colors.


Lucky Colours for Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

The Sagittarius Born people love nothing more than freedom. Their ruling planet is Jupiter and their element is fire. These people are not born to follow others unless they have a reason. They’re quite optimistic and the colours they wear should certainly match their enthusiasm.

So, the lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Sagittarius are Purple and Yellow.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colours for Sagittarius – Light pink.
  2. Colours Sagittarius Zodiac Sign should Avoid – Blue.


Lucky Colours for Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn zodiac sign is ruled by the element Earth and the governing planet is Saturn (Shani). These are hardworking people. Hence, the lucky colours for them are more of a practical nature.

According to Vedic astrology, the lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Capricorn are Grey and Brown.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colors for Capricorn – Black and White.
  2. Colours Capricorn Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – Red and maroon.


Lucky Colours for Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Aquarius is an air sign and its ruling planet is Saturn. These people are very creative and they have a very positive outlook towards life.

The lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Aquarius are Electric blue and turquoise.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colours for Aquarius – Purple.
  2. Colours Aquarius Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – Dark Blue and green.


Lucky Colours for Pisces Zodiac Sign

The ruling sign for Pisces is fire and the governing planet is Jupiter. These people are emotional yet driven. They usually have a lot of questions and they’re very spiritual. In other words, they’re givers.

According to Vedic astrology, the lucky colours according to the zodiac sign Pisces are Sea Green and Yellow.

  1. Alternate Lucky Colours for Pisces – Lavender and peach.
  2. Colours Pisces Zodiac Sign Should Avoid – Black and all bright dramatic colours.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which zodiac is the luckiest?

Aries is known to be the luckiest zodiac sign in general. However, the lucky zodiac also depends upon planetary alignment every year.

2. Which zodiac is luckiest in 2021?

The year 2021 will be best for Taurus, Scorpio, and Libra zodiac signs.

3. Which is the colour of good luck for Sagittarius?

Purple, yellow, and light pink are the colors of success for the Sagittarius zodiac sign.

4. What color is the zodiac sign cancer?

Silver, blue, and white are the colors of the Moon and Moon is the ruling planet of cancer. So, all these 3 are the lucky colors for cancer.

5. Which color is the luckiest?

Red, green, and yellow and the 3 luckiest colors for most zodiac signs since these are the colors of fire, earth, and the Sun.

6. What is the lucky colour for 2021?

White, silver, and blue will be the luckiest colours for the year 2021.

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