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40 Funny Magician Jokes and Puns

40 Funny Magician Jokes and Puns

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In case you have been searching for “Best Magician Puns and Jokes” or Magician Jokes One Liner, then you are at the right place.

As I was in need of a good chuckle, I decided to share some of my favorite magician jokes. These quips are not original. I obtained them online and am now disseminating them.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Magician Jokes. Let us explore

Magician Puns for Instagram And Magician Jokes One-Liner

If I want to be a good magician I really have to pocus on my craft.

I have got a magical hoodie. I call it hoodieni.

Last week I saw a magician walk down the street. He turned into a supermarket.

I showed a mime a magic trick. He was speechless.

I asked why the magician was late to the party. He said, “bewitcha in a minute.”
I went to witch school when I was a kid. I didn’t love it. All we did was spell.

I never saw the magician’s spell book. He kept it under warlock and key.

The witch hated riding her broomstick on a cold night. She just went out for a short spell.

A Mexican magician was doing a magic show. He said “Uno, dos…”And he disappeared without a tres.

The magician was sad he’d failed at his trick. He became a wand erring soul.

I’ll just locate the middle of the rope, should be somewhere near the center I think

A good magician’s assistant is hard to find. They’re highly sawed after.

Witches don’t really like martial arts. The only exception being taekwando.

I was fired from my job today as a children’s magician. Apparently, when I make the kids disappear out of thin air, I also have to make them reappear.

I’m like a magician, I make things disappear, like my money.

My son asked me to make him a paper airplane. I tried all the magic I know but he’s still just a boy.

The magician was worried about his garden after the summer. He’d been going through a dry spell.

I asked my magic 8-ball which email client to use. It told me, Outlook not so good.

The magician was unrecognizable in the street. He always kept his hoodini up.

Why did Jafar not finish school? He was ex-spelled.

Did you hear about the magician who did magic with chocolate? He had loads of Twix up his sleeve.

What happened to the bad-tempered witch? She flew off the handle.

Why did the witch go to the doctor? She had a dizzy spell.

What did the magician say when he failed to pull a rabbit out of his hat? I guess it was just hare-brained idea.

How many magicians does it take to do magic? Just one will do the trick.

Why did three witches call in the plumber? Hubble, bubble, toilet trouble.

What do you call a magic owl? Hoodini.

What did the magician say when he couldn’t make his magic wand work? Oh stick.

What did the magician say after saying he was going to pull a rabbit from his hat? This next trick is a hare-raising experience.

What do you call a large bird that practices dark magic? An ostwitch.

What kind of magic do cows believe in? Moodoo.

What do you call a small fish magician? A magic carpet..

What did the avocado say before the rabbit disappeared? Avocadobra.

What do you call a fairy who likes to fix things? Tinkerbell.

What do you call a bee with a spell on him? Bee-witched.

What do you call a wizard that uses Ice Magic? A blizzard.

Did you hear about the magic tractor? He went down the road and turned into a field.

Why couldn’t harry potter feel the magic? Because he was having a dry spell.

What do you call someone who manages the money of an organization that practices black magic? An occultant.

What type of candy does the most magic? Twix.

Why did the magician take a bath? So he could clean up his act.

What do you learn at witch school? Spelling.

What’s a magician’s favorite make-up? Vanishing cream.