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Too Many Breakups? Know These Astrological Factors Behind It

Too Many Breakups? Know These Astrological Factors Behind It

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Your astrological chart may reveal certain personality traits or relationship patterns if it reveals a pattern of repeated breakups, which may be a factor in the breakup. It might imply the need for greater introspection and personal development to address these trends and enhance upcoming interactions.

Planets Responsible for Breakups

Several planets in Vedic astrology can suggest possible breakups in relationships:

• Venus is the planet of harmony, affection, and connection. Venus can suggest problems in relationships, such as breakups if it is weak or afflicted in a chart. Venus disorders can result in a dearth of affection and understanding between partners.

• Mars is a planet associated with vigour, ardour, and violence. When Mars is troubled, it can result in mistakes and disputes that end relationships. A poorly placed Mars can cause rash decisions and an inability to regulate one’s anger, which can cause relationship issues.

• Saturn is a planet associated with karma and restraint. Long-term commitments and stable partnerships may be indicated by the strength of Saturn in a natal chart. Saturn’s weakness or affliction, however, can result in a dearth of emotional fulfilment and a breakup.

•  Rahu is related to addiction, fixation, and delusions. Rahu can suggest a strong yearning for relationships when it is strong. But it can also result in irrational expectations and emotional instability, which split up relationships.

• Ketu is linked to endings, mental development, and detachment. Relationship issues can result from a propensity to emotionally withdraw when Ketu is strong.

Houses Responsible for Breakups

Vedic astrology uses specific houses in a natal chart to predict possible breakups or difficulties in relationships:

• 7th House: The seventh house, also referred to as the house of partnerships, is symbolic of unions, commercial partnerships, and close relationships. Relationship problems that result in breakups or divorce can be indicated by an unfavourably positioned or affected seventh house. For instance, difficulties and disputes in relationships may arise if the seventh house is occupied by malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu.

• 8th House: The 8th house stands for change, shared resources, and intimacy. A troubled 8th house may portend difficulties in close partnerships. Additionally, it may result in separations or breakups. A lack of harmony and confidence in relationships, for instance, can be indicated by malefic planets like Mars or Saturn in the eighth house.

• 12th House: The 12th house is a symbol for goodbyes, hidden truths, and parts of oneself. Affected houses in relationships may have the propensity to hide things or have hidden intentions. Mistrust and ultimate breakups may result from it. A dearth of emotional openness and distance in relationships, for instance, can be indicated by malefic planets like Saturn or Rahu in the 12th house.

Planetary Alignments Responsible for Breakups

Numerous combinations in Vedic astrology have the potential to cause breakup:-

• Saturn-Mars conjunction: A horoscope’s combination of Saturn and Mars can produce powerful, flaming energy. Conflicts and disagreements in relationships may result. A lack of mental intimacy and connection can also be indicated by this combination. In the horoscope, it might result in a divorce.

• Venus-Mars opposition: When Venus and Mars are in opposition in a horoscope, it can lead to conflict and discord in relationships. Arguments and battles may result. In the end, it might lead to a separation in the horoscope.

• Sun-Saturn conjunction: In a horoscope, the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn can point to a dearth of harmony and compatibility in relationships. It may cause frustration and unhappiness, which may eventually result in a breakup in the horoscope.

• Moon-Saturn square: A horoscope’s square alignment between the Moon and Saturn can make relationships feel emotionally distant and detached. It may result in emotions of isolation and loneliness. It might eventually result in a split up.

• Venus-Rahu conjunction: When Venus and Rahu are conjunct in a horoscope, it may cause relationships to feel unstable and unsure. It may result in unease and uncertainty. It might eventually result in a split up.

• Jupiter and Saturn’s opposition in a horoscope can lead to tension and strife between romantic partners. It might result in a dearth of respect and comprehension. It might eventually result in a split up.

Patterns on Chart Responsible for Breakups

Numerous elements in a person’s birth chart may be responsible for a trend of breakups in their relationships. The fact that astrology is not predictable must be emphasised. Furthermore, a person’s decisions and actions can affect how the planetary positions affect them. Some potential causes of a trend of breakup in the horoscope are listed below:

  • Karmic patterns that haven’t been resolved: Astrology teaches us that we carry karmic imprints from previous lifetimes. Our present situation and relationships may be affected. Unresolved relationship-related karmic patterns can show up as a pattern of breakups or volatility in a person’s love life.
  • Venus is weak or afflicted. As a result, its position and aspect in a chart can greatly affect a person’s relationship life. Venus can suggest a propensity for instability, dissatisfaction, or strife in relationships if it is weak or afflicted by malefic planets.
  • Ailments to the 7th house: In astrology, the 7th house is linked to partnerships, marriage, and lifelong connections. Relationship formation challenges or hurdles may be indicated by difficult planetary placements or aspects in the seventh house.
  • A history of multiple divorces or breakups: In Vedic astrology, the 7th house is also linked to a person’s ancestors and family heritage. There may be a genetic predisposition to relationship problems if there is a pattern of numerous divorces or breakups in the family history.