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Which is the Most Loyal Zodiac Sign? Find Out if Your Partner is Loyal According to Astrology!

Which is the Most Loyal Zodiac Sign? Find Out if Your Partner is Loyal According to Astrology!

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Loyalty isn’t something that can be limited to a single word or a single emotion. For some, it could mean emotional availability, for others it could be physical commitment. If we talk about it on a deeper level, loyalty is completeness. So, the most logical definition of loyalty is a mixture of many emotions – having each other’s back no matter the situation, not leaving each other no matter the circumstances, and, the most obvious, not cheating on each other. If you too want to find someone who’s a mixture of all these traits, then this guide on the most loyal zodiac sign will be a great help. Dive in! 

5 Most Loyal Zodiac Signs You Can Count On

Scorpio (October 23rd to November 21st) 

If you already have a Scorpio in your life, you probably know that these people are true to their core. Scorpio-borns are not just diehard romantics, they also know how to fulfill commitments and not break the promises that they make, EVER! As long as you’re loyal to them, they’ll be loyal to you too. 

Scorpio zodiac sign individuals do not know how to fall out of love once they fall in love. They can get a little hard to handle when they’re jealous, but the good thing is that they will never, in consciousness or otherwise, cheat on you. 

As long as you treat them right, Scorpio, hands down, is the most loyal zodiac sign you will ever meet. It might also intrigue you that a Scorpio woman is the most loyal zodiac sign woman you can ever meet. 

The popular American actress and the winner of the Golden Globe award, Goldie Hawn who has been married to Kurt Russell for 33 years is a Scorpio woman. 

Cancer (June 21st to July 22nd)

The cancer zodiac sign individuals are born leaders. But, what most people do not know about the Cancer zodiac sign individuals is that they are faithful lovers too. A cancer-born partner will love you and be loyal to you until they breathe their last. There’s no way in the world that they’ll ever leave you when you’re a puddle of emotional mess. 

They are committed and loyal and they protect not just their lovers but also their friends and family. The best part about a cancer zodiac sign spouse is that they are very secure and trusting. 

It’s quite intriguing that a cancer-born man is the most loyal zodiac sign man who makes a very loyal husband too. The same holds true for cancer-born women. They make wonderful and loyal wives.

Tom Hanks, the popular American actor, who has been married to Rita Wilson for 28 years is a cancer zodiac sign. Meryl Streep, who has been married to Ron Gummer for 38 years is a Cancer zodiac sign too. 

Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)

Leo-born individuals are the best people to get in a relationship with. Ask us why? Well, they will make you their entire world when they’re in love with you. And not to forget that they’re very territorial. Let’s just say, if a Leo zodiac sign is guarding your emotions, there’s no way on Earth that they’ll let any harm come to you as long as they are alive.

Seriously, what else can somebody want if they have a partner who means, I do when they say, I do?

Barack Obama, the 44th president of America, has had just one sweetheart, Mitchell Robinson, who has been his wife since 1992. 

Taurus (April 20th to May 20th) 

A Taurus-born person will never commit their heart and soul easily. But when they do, they are the most loyal people on this planet. Loyalty for their one true love runs in their body like blood. When a Taurus person commits to someone, they won’t let go of the relationship, EVER! They can and will walk Earth and Sky to be with their soulmates. 

Who can be the best example of love and loyalty than the master of romance, William Shakespeare? He married Anne Hathaway in 1582 and made her his forever. 

Gemini (May 21st to June 20th) 

Gemini is the most misunderstood zodiac sign when it comes to loyalty because Gemini-born people have many relationships in their life. But, here’s the thing about a Gemini – they don’t cheat on their partners. When a relationship breaks, that’s never because of dishonesty. Gemini-born people do fear commitment, but it doesn’t mean that they’re cheaters. 

Once Gemini people find their forever, they settle and commit for better and for worse. There’s no U-turn once they’re really in love with you. So, if you have a Gemini in love with you, you’re one of the luckiest people on Earth. 

The tennis legend Stephi Graf is a Gemini zodiac sign. She dated Alexander Mronze, Mick Hucknall, and Micheal Bartels. After a spree of relationships, she fell in love with Andre Agassi, married him in 2001, and the two are a couple till now.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which is the most loyal zodiac sign?

Scorpio, the die-hard romantic, is the most loyal zodiac sign ever. It is closely followed by Cancer, Leo, Taurus, and Gemini.

2. Which is the most loyal zodiac sign woman?

Cancer and Scorpio and the most faithful female zodiac signs. These women make excellent wives and great mothers.

3. Which is the most loyal zodiac sign man?

Taurus zodiac sign, Leo zodiac sign, and Cancer zodiac sign make the most loyal husbands. Once in love with you, they will always be in love with you.

4. Which is the most misunderstood zodiac sign in love?

Gemini zodiac sign is the most misunderstood zodiac sign in love because of a string of relationships they have. However, Gemini-born individuals are not cheaters. They are loyal and faithful to their partners.