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Most Jealous Zodiac Signs! Ranked From Most Jealous to the Least one

Most Jealous Zodiac Signs! Ranked From Most Jealous to the Least one

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When you date someone, you expect them to adore you and protect and defend you. Whilst everybody in love is territorial and possessive, but, sometimes, some people go overboard! Who are these people? Do zodiac signs have anything to do with the over-possessive nature of a person? Are you dating the right guy or gal? Don’t these questions bother you again and again? If yes, then, let us tell you, zodiac signs have everything to do with possessiveness. In this guide, we have mentioned the most Jealous zodiac signs, ranked from the most jealous to the least jealous. Dive in to find out more!  

Most Jealous Zodiac Signs! Ranked from Most Jealous to Least Jealous 

Feeling insecure in a relationship can drive a person nuts. Find out who you are, where you stand in our list of most possessive and jealous zodiac signs, or explore the real personality of the person you’re dating in this guide! 

Scorpio Zodiac Sign 

The Scorpio zodiac sign is ruled by none other than the planet Mars. People born under this star sign aren’t just the most possessive, they’re also the most jealous zodiac sign. 

Talk about going nuts in possessiveness? There’s absolutely nobody who can come even close to the possessive nature of a Scorpio woman. A Scorpio woman in love is very territorial. She will make you cut off ties with most of your female friends out of jealousy. 

A Scorpio man is no less threatening than a ticking time bomb. This man can go all psycho when he comes in his possessive element. He can also get clingy. 

Having said that, Scorpio-borns aren’t a lost cause. They’re insecure but they’re so loyal that they’re worth the trouble. 

Leo Zodiac Sign

Stay away from a Leo man and a Leo woman if you can’t keep your eyes and attention on them, and only them. 

Leo is one of the most possessive zodiac signs you don’t want to date if you can’t handle drama in life. These people genuinely believe that they own the mind, heart, body, and soul of the person they’re dating. 

A Leo man can still be considerate if you set certain boundaries. But, a Leo woman in love is an unstoppable force. Dating her means dating the jealous and possessive part of her as well. Period! 

Cancer Zodiac Sign

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to find the cancer zodiac sign so high up in our list of the most possessive zodiac signs. These people are an emotional mess. Their sensitive nature gives birth to immense jealousy that’s very hard to curtail. 

A cancer woman in love is another level of possessiveness. She’s the kind who wouldn’t mind going through your phone. However, she’s not a lost cause. With time, she will learn to give you some space. Yet, don’t expect the drama in her to disappear in thin air. 

A cancer man in love is not far behind the ladies. He won’t go through your phone but won’t mind picking frequent fights with other males, leaving you embarrassed. Yet, the hopeless romantic that he is, he’s too hot to give up! There’s hope that he’ll improve if you can communicate with him without yelling at him.

Aries Zodiac Sign

Make no mistake, Aries zodiac sign individuals are absolute nuts when they get jealous. They’re way too possessive than what’s normal. Yet, they don’t react badly in public. That’s the silver lining.

They are difficult, insecure, and they get very defensive. Yet, they’re very loyal. It makes them date-worthy despite them getting way too jealous way too quickly. 

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Capricorn Zodiac Sign

The Capricorn zodiac sign males and females are immensely possessive about the people they love. If you’re dating them, there’s no way that you’ll not come across their jealous nature. 

Capricorn-borns behave very differently when they get jealous. Yet, the good part is that they never create a scene in public. 

Pisces Zodiac Sign

The Pisces zodiac sign is sure possessive, no doubt about that. However, they’re not the psycho or spying kind of possessive. They’re not exactly immensely territorial. The thing is, a Piscean in love cannot share attention at all. 

A Pisces woman in love is dangerous. Always expect a bit of drama if you’re dating her. Though, she’s absolutely worth the trouble. 

Taurus Zodiac Sign

A Taurus zodiac sign man and woman are different when it comes to love. The ladies aren’t very harmonious but the men are. 

A Taurus man in love is possessive but not the psycho kind of possessive. He is territorial but he sets limits. As long as you say and do things within that limit, he won’t lose his mind. 

A Taurus woman in love doesn’t have such bounds. She won’t hesitate to scare other women out of pure jealousy. However, she isn’t a lost cause. If you declare your love for her openly, she’ll get relaxed and stop acting all psycho and crazy. 

Gemini Zodiac Sign

Gemini zodiac sign is the happy-go-lucky kind that you want to date for a chilled-out love life. A Gemini-born in love isn’t a psycho at all. This is one reason that people think Geminis are flirts and don’t really care a lot about the feelings of people they’re dating. However, that’s untrue. Gemini-borns in love are loyal but not over-possessive.

Virgo Zodiac Sign

The Virgo zodiac sign individuals aren’t overly possessive. People tend to confuse protectiveness with possessiveness. Yet, the two are very different. The Virgo zodiac sign is more of a protective sort, not the possessive sort. These people tend to defend their lovers but they’re not clingy. 

Libra Zodiac Sign

Libras are some of the coolest people when it comes to dating, especially, a Libra man. A Libra man in love isn’t possessive or controlling. He isn’t nagging and won’t keep doubting you. Dating him is exciting, not stressful. 

A Libra woman is chilled out too. She won’t doubt you, though, she’s not as chilled out as her male counterparts. Yet, dating a Libra woman means having the space to breathe and do your own thing without someone spying on you. 

Sagittarius and Aquarius Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius zodiac sign and Aquarius zodiac sign are the least possessive in a relationship. 

A Sagittarius in love is the least clingy of all zodiac signs. These people are understanding and pretty loyal. They’re not always looking for love. But, when they find love, they let it bloom instead of choking it with over-possessiveness. 

Aquarius zodiac sign individuals are protective, not possessive. And as we said, possessiveness and protectiveness are different. 

An Aquarius man in love will protect you to keep you safe from situations he finds threatening. Even if he disapproves of something, he’ll do it privately. He’s certainly not the kind who’ll stalk you or cut off your male friends. 

An Aquarius woman dates with the hope of enjoying life with someone. She’s not the nagging kind but the kind who believes in live and let live. If she can’t trust you, she finds it better to move on instead of getting all possessive and psycho.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which is the most possessive zodiac sign?

That would be Scorpio. A Scorpio woman in love gets super possessive in no time. A Scorpio man in love can be very controlling.

2. Which zodiac sign is more jealous?

That would be Scorpio, again. A jealous Scorpio woman would try to ax your female friends. A jealous Scorpio man will lash out at every second man you’ll talk to, leaving you pretty embarrassed. Leo closely follows Scorpio in terms of both possessiveness and jealousy.

3. Which are the most possessive male zodiac signs?

Scorpio, Cancer, and Aries are extremely possessive men. They can’t control their jealousy when they fall in love.

4. Which are the most possessive female zodiac signs?

Scorpio, Leo, and Cancer are the most possessive females. They’ll go through your phone, will spy on you, and are known to be very clingy during the initial phases of the relationship.

5. Which zodiac sign is the least possessive?

Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius are the least possessive and most fun to be with. They’re not clingy either.

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