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Namkaran Muhurat In 2023 | जाने शुभ नामकरण मुहूर्त कब है 2023

Namkaran Muhurat In 2023 | जाने शुभ नामकरण मुहूर्त कब है 2023

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Another important ceremony for a newborn child is Namkaran. However, completing this on a Shubh Muhurats is equally important. 

Have you ever wondered, why is it necessary to perform Namkaran on a newborn? Lets dive in to know the answer.

The naming of a child is one of the sixteen important sacraments listed in Hindu scriptures. It is a baby’s first and most important sacrament, and it is known to provide lifelong results when performed with full faith by the child’s family and parents. As a result, you should ensure that your child’s name is kept under the supervision of pundits and that an auspicious day that benefits the birth as well as his or her life in all ways is observed.

When Should You Perform Namkaran on Your Child?

The child’s naming ceremony must take place after the tenth day of his birth. It’s also possible to do it after your child’s 12th day of life. The Shudhikaran or Sutika phase should come before this. The Namkaran Sanskar considers this period to be unholy. As a result, you must complete these 10 days before planning a naming ceremony for your baby in 2023.

For this, you can use any Muhurat or Shubh date. However, you need to consult an astrologer or priest for more information. Make sure your child has two names. It is believed that having a nickname and an official name allows you to have two identities and provides you with stronger and better vibes. Keeping more than two names, on the other hand, distributes the energy you have with your name. As a result, you should remember not to give your infant many names during your baby naming ceremony in 2023.

Namkaran Muhurat’s Importance in 2023

The Hindu scriptures’ Namkaran Sanskar is the fifth Sankaar. You’d be known by that moniker till the day you died! That name will be recognized by everyone you encounter in life! As a result, the baby naming ceremony is extremely important in a newborn’s life.

Whatever you name him, make sure you do so in accordance with any astrologer or priest’s instructions. It’s because the energy associated with that name will remain by your baby’s side. It will either make him successful or make his life mediocre. As a result, making sensible decisions is entirely in your control. It becomes even more crucial to choose a Shubh Muhurat for Namkaran 2023.

Things to Remember in 2023 During Namkaran Muhurat

When planning a day for your child, you will undoubtedly need to take some measures. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of precautions to keep in mind when arranging the Namkaran ceremony in 2023:

  • Clean and purify the location where the ceremony will take place. You may plan one at home or, with God’s blessing, in a temple.
  • Remember to choose a Shubh Muhurat for the 2023 naming ceremony. It would make your child’s ceremony auspicious and timely.
  • Also, keep in mind that on the day of Namkaran, you should avoid eating or preparing non-vegetarian food at home. Also, abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages and engaging in other sinful acts.
  • Though the Pandits will provide you with adequate and proper guidance, you should remember to perform certain activities on the day of the naming ceremony in 2023, such as a father should refrain from shaving his beard and hair on the day of the event, and one should offer roti to cows in the morning of the event.

Now that you know why a newborn naming ceremony is so beneficial, have a look at all of the 2023 Shubh Muhurat for Namkaran (नामकरण मुहूर्त) that you can use while planning one for your child!

Namkaran Muhurats In January 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
1 Jan 2023, Sun  From 7.18 am to 12.48 pm Ashwini
4 Jan 2023, Wed From 7:18 am to 5 Jan, 9.26 pm Rohini
8 Jan 2023, Sun 8 Jan at 7.19 am to 9 Jan 06:05 AM Pushya
13 Jan 2023, Fri 13 Jan 04:35 PM 14 Jan, 07:19 AM Hasta
18 Jan 2023, Wed 18 Jan from 7.18 am to 5:22 pm Anuradha
22 Jan 2023, Sun Jan 22 from 7.17 am to 24 Jan 12.26 am Shravana
25 Jan 2023, Wed 25 Jan From 08:05 PM to 28 Jan at 07:15 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
30 Jan 2023 Mon 30 Jan 10:15 pm to 31 Jan 07:14 AM Rohini

Namkaran Muhurats In February 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
1st Feb 2023, Wed 1 Feb from 7.13 am to 2 Feb, 03:23 AM Mrigashirsha
5 Feb 2023, Sun 5 Feb 07:11 AM to 5 Feb, 12:13 PM Pushya
9 Feb 2023, Thur 9 Feb 10:27 PM to 11 Feb 12:18 AM Hasta
14 Feb 2023 Tue 14 Feb 2:35 am to 14 Feb 07:04 AM Anuradha
17 Feb 2023, Fri 17 Feb 8:28 pm to 18 Feb 07:01 AM Uttara Ashadha
19 Feb 2023, Sun 19 Feb 7 am to 20 Feb 11:46 AM Shravana
22 Feb 2023, Wed 22 Feb, 6:57 am to 25 Feb, 03:26 am Uttara Bhadrapada
27 Feb 2023, Mon 27 Feb from 5:18 am to 28 Feb 06:51 AM Rohini

Namkaran Muhurats In March 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
1 Mar, 2023, Wed 1 Mar 6:50 am to 09:52 AM Mrigashirsha
3 Mar, 2023,Fri 3 Mar 03:43 PM to Mar 4, 06:47 AM Pushya
9 Mar, 2023 Thur Mar 9 at 4:20 am to Mar 10 at 05:57 AM Hasta
13 Mar 2023, Mon 13 Mar 08:21 AM to 14 Mar, 06:36 AM Anuradha
17 Mar 2023, Fri 17 Mar from 4:47 am to 18 Mar, 06:31 AM Uttara Ashadha
19 Mar 2023, Sun 19 Mar, 6:30 am to 19 Mar, 10:04 PM Dhanishta
22 Mar 2023 , Wed 22 Mar from 6.27 am to 24 Mar at 1:22 pm Uttara Bhadrapada
26 Mar 2023, Sun 26 Mar from 2:01 pm to 28 Mar 06:20 AM Rohini

Namkaran Muhurats In April 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
1 Apr 2023, Sat 1 Apr 12:00 AM to 01:57 AM Pushya
5 Apr 2023, Wed 5 Apr 11.23 am to 6 Apr 12:41 pm Hasta
9 Apr 2023, Sun 9 Apr from 02:00 PM to 10 Apr 01:39 PM Anuradha
13 Apr 2023, Thur 13 Apr from 10.43 am to 15 Apr at 06:00 AM Uttara Ashadha
18 Apr 2023, Tue 18 Apr from 02:28 AM to 18 Apr 05:56 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
19 Apr 2023, Wed 19 Apr from 05:55 AM to 20 Apr 11:10 PM Revati
23 Apr 2023, Sun 23 Apr from 05:52 AM to 25 Apr, 02:07 AM Rohini
28 Apr 2023, Fri 28 Apr 12:00 AM to 09:53 AM Pushya

Namkaran Muhurats In May 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
3 May 2023, Wed 3 May 5:43 am to 8.56 pm Hasta
7 May 2023, Sun 7 May 5:40 am to 8.21 pm Anuradha
10 May 2023, Wed 10 May 04:12 PM to 13 May 05:35 AM Uttara Ashadha
15 May 2023, Mon 15 May from 09:08 AM to 16 May 05:34 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
17 May 2023, Wed 17 May 05:33 AM to 18 May 07:22 AM Revati
21 May 2023, Sun 21 May from 05:31 AM to 22 May 10:37 AM Rohini
24 May 2023. Wed 24 May from 3:06 pm to 25 May 03:06 PM Pushya
30 May 2023, Tue 30 May 04:29 AM to 05:28 AM Hasta
31 May 2023, Wed 31 May 05:28 AM to 06:00 AM Hasta

Namkaran Muhurats In June 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
7 June 2023, Wed 7 June from 5:26 am to 9 Jun 05:09 PM Uttara Ashadha
11 June 2023, Sun 11 June 2:32 pm to 13 June 05:26 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
14 June 2023, Wed 14 June 05:26 AM to 01:40 PM Ashwini
16 June 2023, Fri 16 June 03:07 PM to 17 June, 05:27 AM Rohini
18th June 2023, Sun 18th June 05:27 AM to 06:06 PM Mrigashira
21 June 2023, Wed 21 June 05:27 AM to 10:36 PM Pushya
26 June 2023, Mon 26 June 12:44 pm to 27 June, 05:29 AM Hasta
30th June 2023, Fri 30th June from 4:10 pm to 1st July at 5:30 am Anuradha

Namkaran Muhurats In July 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
5 July 2023, Wed 5th July at 5:32 am From 7th July till 12.25 am Uttara Ashadha
9 July 2023, Sun 9th July from 5:34 am to 11th July Uttara Bhadrapada
13 July 2023, Thur 13 July from 8.52 am to 15.07.37 am Rohini
18 July 2023, Tue 18 July from 05:11 AM to 05:38 AM Pushya
19 July 2023, Wed 19 July 05:39 AM to 07:58 AM Pushya
23 July 2023, Sun 23 July 07:47 PM to 24 July 10:12 PM Hast
28 July 2023, Fri 28 July from 01:28 AM to 29 Jul 12:55 AM Anuradha
31 July 2023 Mon 31 July 06:58 PM to 1 Aug 05:46 AM Uttara Ashadha

Namkaran Muhurats In August 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
2 Aug 2023, Wed 2 Aug 05:46 AM to 3 Aug, 9.56 am Shravana
5 Aug 2023, Sat 5 Aug 04:44 AM to 05:48 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
6 Aug 2023, Sun 6 Aug 05:49 AM to 8 Aug 01:16 AM Revati
10 Aug 2023, Thur 10 Aug 02:29 AM to 12 Aug 05:52 AM Rohini
14 Aug 2023, Mon 14 Aug 11:07 AM to 15 Aug, 05:53 AM Pushya
20 Aug 2023, Sun 20 Aug from 5:56 am to 21 Aug at 4:22 am Hasta
24 Aug 2023, Thur 24 Aug 09:04 AM to 25 Aug 09:14 AM Anuradha
28 Aug 2023, Mon 28 Aug 5:15 am to 29 Aug at 06:01 AM Uttara Ashadha
30 Aug 2023, Wed 30 Aug 06:01 AM to 08:46 PM Dhanishta

Namkaran Muhurats In September 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
1 Sep 2023, Fri 1 Sept from 2:56 pm to 2 Sept 06:03 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
3 Sept 2023, Sun 3 Sept from 06:03 AM to 4 Sept 09:26 AM Revati
6 Sept 2023, Wed 6 Sept from 9.20 am to 8 Sept at 12:09 PM Rohini
10 Sept 2023, Sun 10 Sept 5:06 pm to 11 Sept 08:01 PM Pushya
17 Sept 2023, Sun 17 Sept 06:10 AM to 10:02 AM Hasta
20 Sept 2023, Wed 20 Sept at 2:58 pm to 21 Sept at 3:35 pm Anuradha
24 Sept 2023, Sun 24 Sept from 01:41 pm to 26 Sept 06:14 AM Uttara Ashadha
27 Sept 2023, Wed 27 Sept 06:15 AM to 07:10 AM Dhanishta
29 Sept 2023, Fri 29 Sept 01:48 AM to 30 Sept, 06:17 AM Uttara Bhadrapada

Namkaran Muhurats In October 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
1 Oct 2023, Sun 1 Oct from 6:17 am to 7.27 pm Ashwini
4 Oct 2023, Wed 4 Oct 6.19 am to 5 Oct 07:40 PM Rohini
8 Oct 2023, Sun 8 Oct 6.21 am to 9 Oct 02:45 am Pushya
13 Oct 2023, Fri 13 Oct 02:11 PM to 14 Oct at 6.24 am Hasta
18 Oct 2023, Wed 18 Oct 06:27 AM to 09:00 PM Anuradha
22 Oct 2023, Sun 22 Oct at 6.29 am to 24th Oct at 06:31 AM Uttara Ashadha
26 Oct 2023, Thur 26 Oct from 11.27 am to 28 Oct 06:33 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
31 Oct 2023, Tue 31 Oct 04:01 AM to 06:35 AM Rohini

Namkaran Muhurats In November 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
1 Nov 2023, Wed 1 Nov 06:36 AM to 2 Nov, 04:36 AM Mrigashirsha
5 Nov 2023, Sun 5 Nov 06:39 AM to 10:29 AM Pushya
9 Nov 2023, Thur 9 Nov 09:57 PM to 11 Nov 12:08 AM Hasta
14 Nov 2023, Tue 14 Nov from 03:23 am to 06:46 AM Anuradha
18 Nov 2023, Sat 18 Nov from 1:17 am to 6.49 am Uttara Ashadha
19 Nov 2023, Sun 19 Nov from 6.50 am to 20 Nov at 9:26 pm Shravana
22 Nov 2023, Wed 22 Nov from 6.37 pm to 25 Nov 06:55 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
27 Nov 2023, Mon 27 Nov at 1:35 pm to 28 Nov at 6.57 am Rohini
29 Nov 2023, Wed 29 Nov 6:58 am to 01:59 PM Mrigashirsha

Namkaran Muhurats In December 2023

Day Time Nakshatra
1 Dec 2023, Fri 1 Dec 4:40 pm to 2 Dec at 07:00 am Pushya
7 Dec 2023, Thur 7 Dec at 6.28 am to 8 Dec 8:54 am Hast
11 Dec 2023, Mon 11 Dec 12.13 pm to 12 Dec 07:08 AM Anuradha
15 Dec 2023, Fri 15 Dec 8.10 am to 16 Dec 07:10 AM Uttara Ashadha
17 Dec 2023, Sun 17 Dec 7:11 am to 18 Dec 02:54 AM Dhanishta
20 Dec 2023, Wed 20 Dec 07:13 AM to 22 Dec 09:36 PM Uttara Bhadrapada
24 Dec 2023, Sun 24 Dec 09:19 PM to 26 Dec at 7.15 am Rohini
29 Dec 2023, Fri 29 Dec 01:04 AM to 30 Dec 03:09 AM Pushya

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