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How to Know if Your Partner is Jealous, According to their Zodiac Sign

How to Know if Your Partner is Jealous, According to their Zodiac Sign

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We all must have gone through feelings of insecurity or jealousy in a relationship.

It is acceptable to be jealous and a bit bitter when your partner talks about another person or spends extra time with their friends, but it may take the wrong course if he/she becomes resentful and grudging due to the same

In such circumstances, it is only appropriate to address such behaviour so that it does not start affecting your relationship.

How to Know When your Partner is Jealous?

There are certain signs your partner can exhibit when they are jealous or feeling insecure. These signs can easily be determined with the help of their zodiac signs.

Let’s explore various signs shown by zodiac signs, during their state of jealousy and insecurity.


If your partner is an Aries and he or she feels envious, you should expect to encounter a whole different personality. Because they are incredibly ambitious and cannot tolerate failure, they feel deeply offended and uneasy whenever you place someone else ahead of them. Once you observe that they are acting out and disliking everything you do, it is a solid sign that they are jealous.


It is extremely tough for a Taurean to fall in love. They seek fidelity in a partner, so when they decide to commit, it is because they have complete faith in you. Jealousy can also cause them to become excessively possessive. Once a Taurean partner detects that you have a trusted someone in your life – even if it’s simply a friend – he/she will become restless; this is your cue to leave.


Geminis are quite adept at managing envy, but when it becomes excessive, they will attempt to mirror your conduct. They will ensure that they have friends of opposite sexes in the same way that you do. If you begin partying with your friends or changing your plans with your partner to accommodate other people, they will do the same, which will irritate you and prompt you to voice your concerns.


As capable as Cancerians are of developing envy and insecurity, they are as adept at concealing these emotions. If you want to determine whether your partner is jealous, you must understand their conduct. They will appear more aloof and less attached than usual. Instead of displaying envy, they give you the space you’ve always desired, which will appear odd.


To determine whether a Leo is envious is the simplest of all zodiac signs They are not the type to hold back, so if they are ever envious, they will say it immediately. But beware. They might range from being incredibly kind to being outright impolite.


One of the strongest yet worst characteristics of Virgo is their tendency to conceal their feelings. Even when they are emotionally and physically broken, they will attempt to appear strong and composed. But do not be mistaken. They may appear to be indifferent, but they feel everything, including envy. Look for signals that are unique and not particularly to a Virgo. As Virgos are renowned for being quite critical, they will unexpectedly be very quiet and aloof. However, it is only their emotions acting up.


Librans are especially susceptible to manipulation in matters of the heart. When people are jealous, it is not because they are truly envious, but because they believe you want them to be so. Therefore, they pretend to be envious to make you feel unique. However, if they feel overwhelmed by their jealousy, they will attempt to improve themselves to prevent you from engaging with anyone.


When jealous, a Scorpion will transition from anger to paranoia. He/she would behave like possessive partners that seize control of your life in the guise of protection. They will invade your space and bombard you with inquiries about your day, which will be incredibly annoying and intrusive.


It is quite rare for a Sagittarius to experience jealousy. Even if he/she is a free-spirited person, it is uncommon for him/her to get caught up in a vortex of emotions. Consequently, when individuals feel insecure, their initial response is denial. They will then take time to accept it and become somewhat emotional. However, as time passes, they will harden and realise that there is nothing to worry about.


Capricorns are typically individuals that would never acknowledge their jealousy. Recognized as the most sensible and practical zodiac signs, they put on a convincing display of indifference. Nonetheless, no one can avoid insecurity in terms of love; everyone will confront it sooner or later. Although a Capricorn will never accept it, it will make extra steps to capture its partner’s interest. You may need to provide him with more reassurance, but they will eventually overcome their anxiety.


Additionally, Aquarians are not the type to talk about their vulnerability. They will be envious, but they will attempt to conceal their feelings by focusing on something else. In time, though, they will appear remote and on the periphery. In contrast to past days, they will be quite silent, as though evaluating the next move in their relationship internally.


Their partnership matters a great deal to a Piscean. If he or she ever feels envious of seeing you with another person, instead of striking out at you, he or she will blame it on themselves and let you determine the next step. However, this may irritate you to a great degree at times. First, because they make little effort, and second because they typically play the victim.