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25 Hilarious Physics Puns and Jokes That Kids And Teens Will Love

25 Hilarious Physics Puns and Jokes That Kids And Teens Will Love

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In case you have been searching for “Best Physics Puns and Jokes” or Physics Puns for Instagram, then you are at the right place.

The field of physics is rich in oddities and interesting trivia. You might be surprised to learn that, due to their atomic structure, even seemingly solid items like tables and chairs are mostly comprised of empty space. Or that a neutron star would weigh around six billion tonnes if you could scoop up a teaspoonful? Neither did we until we allowed ourselves to be interested in physics.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Physics Puns Pick Up Lines. Let us explore

Physics Puns for Captions And Physics Puns Funny

What do you call a glass robot that is good at physics? A new-clear physicist.

What do you call scientists who love to study gas laws by drinking soda? Fizz-icists.

What do you call someone who steals energy from the museum? A Joule thief.

Why should you go drinking with neutrons? Wherever they go, there’s no charge.

What did one electron say to the other electron? Don’t get excited. You’ll only get into a state.

A piece of wood got a job on the train but got fired the next day. It was a poor conductor.

Electricity is terrible at social events. It doesn’t know how to conduct itself.

An electrical physicist bought a new car. It was a volts-wagon.

A detective came over to inspect that malfunctioning electrical box. His name was Sherlock Ohms.

A physicist went on a caravan holiday. She thought it was very convenient to travel with a mobile ohm.

A physics professor always made his class sit on the edge of a cliff while they studied. He said that was where they had the most potential.

A student wanted to know what happened before the Big Bang. The teacher couldn’t explain, because there was no time.

A student kept asking the physics teacher, “What is the unit of power?” but the teacher just kept saying “Yes.”

What’s a physicist’s favorite snack? Fig Newtons.

What do physicists enjoy doing the most at baseball games? The wave.

What is Albert Einstein’s rapper name? MC Squared.

What did Donald Duck say in his graduate physics class? Quark, quark, quark.

What’s the difference between an auto mechanic and a quantum mechanic? The quantum mechanic can get the car inside the garage without opening the door.

A nuclear physicist went into a chip shop. She ordered fission chips.

A physicist woke up feeling ill. “My head hertz,” he said.

A physicist was reading a book. “This chapter’s really tough to move through,” she said. “What’s it about?” asked her friend. “Friction,” the physicist replied.

Two physicists got into a fight. One tried to hit the other, so the rest of the team grabbed him and held him back. “Let me atom!” he shouted.

A nuclear physicist logged into his friend’s playlist. The first song up was “Atomic”.

Physicists never wear black socks. They’re afraid of getting black holes.

A physicist lost the keys to his underground research lab. He was very con-CERN-ed.