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11 Secret Ways On how does a Pisces man test you? [Bonus] Tips for You to PASS the test

11 Secret Ways On how does a Pisces man test you? [Bonus] Tips for You to PASS the test

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In case you have been searching for “how does a Pisces man test you “, then you are at the right place.

Pisces men are notoriously complex and difficult to comprehend.

While Pisces men are frequently tolerant, calm, and sympathetic, they are also keen observers. When people are interested in them at the start of a relationship, they want evidence that you are compatible with them.

Sometimes, they believe that testing you to determine your true character is the best method to obtain this evidence.

Here are 11 Ways on how does a Pisces man test you in a relationship:-

1. Pisces Man will Check Your Emotional immaturity

A Pisces man is constantly scrutinizing and monitoring your conduct. What matters most to him is that you are stable and anchored. If you are an emotionally immature lady, male Pisces will avoid you at all costs. This is because Pisces is poor at separating their belongings from yours, therefore your personal life will bleed into theirs. If your emotional turmoil becomes him, he will separate himself from you.

Therefore, to preserve the tranquility of his environment, he will avoid inviting anyone who can quickly turn it upside down.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. Never become an emotional wreck in his presence!
  2. It’s acceptable to demonstrate your emotions; he understands you’re not a robot.
  3. However, you should tone down your reactions and demonstrate that you have your act together.
  4. Develop your emotional quotient.
  5. Demonstrate your knowledge of nonviolent dispute resolution.

Simply put, be the emotionally secure companion he seeks.

2. Pisces Man requires his space

Like the fish he represents, Pisces is difficult to capture. He prefers swimming in a deep ocean to a little pond, as he needs ample space to do his thing. Due to his high introversion, he needs a great deal of alone time to recharge. And he detests it when someone keeps an eye on him. He builds distance between you by ignoring your texts, acting extremely casual, and not committing to certain dates.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. Avoid chasing after him. Give him time alone when he requests it.
  2. Demonstrate your willingness to be there for him when he is ready to resurface.
  3. Remember that you should create a calm atmosphere for the Pisces to pursue you.
  4. To him, there is an infinite amount of time to get to know one another. So why the hurry?

If you offer him the isolation and space he requires without forcing him to defend himself, he will be magnetically drawn to you.

3. Pisces Man can give you the cold shoulder.

If a Pisces man is ignoring you, you may have done something to cause him to halt. He feels insulted, overpowered, outraged, or uneasy. And because Pisces is extremely non-confrontational, he will not confront you. He will instead give you the cold shoulder. In the interim, he will await your response.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. Your Pisces is essentially waiting to see if you care.
  2. When it comes down to it, Pisces only want a kind, compassionate companion to whom he can devote his heart. Therefore, if you are such a person, you will allow him some breathing room while letting him know you are present.
  3. If you have upset him, explain that you wish to put things right and demonstrate your sincerity. Then, let him consider it without excessive touch.
  4. If he believes you’ve been sincere and he genuinely likes you, then you’ve passed this test for a Pisces guy and his silence will stop.

4. Pisces Man will Check your Dating tendencies

This zodiac sign is extremely insecure about his relationship with you. As the most sensitive zodiac sign, he has a profound fear of being injured.

Consequently, one of the Pisces man’s tests is determining with whom else you may be flirting.

If you met on a dating app, he will be attentive whenever you check in. He will examine your social media for evidence of interactions with other men. It’s less about envy and more about him understanding where he stands with you.

Moreover, to safeguard his too emotional temperament. He cannot pursue a relationship with a woman who does not share his feelings.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. Show your allegiance.
  2. You are not bombarding him with expressions of devotion. But if you truly desire a Pisces man, he must be the only candidate.
  3. If he observes you flirting with other men, he may linger for a long.
  4. But in the end, it will push him away, and he will not allow you to approach him.

5. Pisces Man will seldom call or text

Are you astounded and perplexed as to why Pisces has not yet dialed your number? You two struck it off instantly, and the conversation flowed effortlessly…but suddenly he is silent.

What’s up with his cold demeanor?

Well, according to this Pisces guy test, either- he’s weighing his options regarding you, or he believes it is up to you to call first.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. It can be tough to determine the precise reason why he has not called you. Nonetheless, your response should remain unchanged. You must contact him!
  2. Be nonchalant but assertive enough for the Pisces to respond.
  3. Pisces are notorious procrastinators and have difficulty making decisions, especially with issues of the heart. They require you to act as a catalyst.
  4. By calling him, you demonstrate your genuine interest and provide him with the motivation to emerge from his dreamy, undecided mood.

6. Pisces Man can be Obnoxious at times

Pisces men are weird ones. They are sensitive, emotional, and lovely, but they can also be obnoxious and combative.

But there is a logic behind this man’s behavior.

When a Pisces is assessing the situation with you, he will look for buttons to push to gauge your reaction. To him, it is crucial to know who you are at your core. He is concerned with your gut reactions, whether you have a strong temper or are calm and relaxed.

If you believe that searching for ways to ruffle your feathers is somewhat unfair, you’re not alone! However, this is the only way he will be convinced he is witnessing your true self.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. To pass this Pisces guy test, maintain your composure.
  2. Prepare yourself for him to get oddly combative over little matters or to press you on topics that make you feel uneasy.
  3. It won’t last forever; he’ll cease playing mind games once he’s more certain of his feelings for you.
  4. However, in the early days of dating, you must let him do his thing.

7. Pisces Man will check whether you will endanger his existing friendships

Homeboys are vital to a Pisces man. He will not enter a sexual connection with a woman whose friendships endanger his own.

When you invite a Pisces to hang together, anticipate that he will bring along his friends. Men of the zodiac sign Pisces rely on their friends to help them gauge a love interest.

Therefore, while it may appear that the Pisces doesn’t want to be alone with you, he is determining if you belong in the group.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. To pass this Pisces man exam, you must win over his buddies.
  2. Utilize the fact that they have such an enormous impact on him.
  3. Be hospitable to his friends and demonstrate that you have his best interests in mind.
  4. Because his friends are aware of his sensitivity, they will be protective of him.

However, know that they are some of your most effective tools for convincing the Pisces man to take you seriously.

8. Pisces Man will demonstrate his dual personality.

If you’re curious, how does a Pisces man evaluate you? This is a major event. The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions. Contradictory is the perfect description of the Pisces personality.

Similarly to Gemini, the male Pisces has a well-deserved reputation for having a divided personality. He experiences mood swings; he can be subdued one moment and elated the next.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. Essentially, he needs to know that you are capable of handling all his distinct personalities and mood swings.
  2. Follow the flow and never be critical of him.
  3. Demonstrate that you are committed to your partnership regardless of his mood.
  4. And never tell him that you cannot comprehend him or why he behaves in this manner. This is normal for him.

9. He changes his plans at the eleventh hour.

Don’t get him wrong. A Pisces is not cruel; he would not intentionally break up with you. However, Pisces are notoriously unreliable when it comes to following through with predetermined plans.

If he cancels on you, he is most likely not in the mood.

However, he wants to ensure that you’re adaptable.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. To be with Pisces requires a great deal of patience and understanding.
  2. It can be discouraging when your plans with him fall through but be courteous.
  3. Let him know you understand and end the conversation.
  4. If you haven’t heard from the flighty Pisces man in a while to reschedule, a subtle nudge is good.

10. Pisces Man will introduce you to his relatives.

Have you met the Pisces man’s parents, siblings, or cousins? Even in the early phases of a love engagement, Pisceans are known to present their partners to their families.

However, whereas most guys do this to get closer to you, Pisces does it to test you.

He wants to determine if you and they share a mutual attraction. Pisces men are extremely concerned with the opinions of their loved ones and desire their acceptance.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. Impress his relatives!
  2. All you need to do is demonstrate that you care about the Pisces man and are in it for the long term.
  3. Never be disrespectful, disregard them, or speak negatively about the Pisces man’s family.
  4. If his family members receive negative vibes from you, he will have to cancel. If they love you, however, you’re in.

11. Pisces Man has an Unpredictable Behaviour

Nobody is better than a Pisces at playing hot and cold. You’re quite convinced he likes you. Despite being kind and affectionate, he becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative.

Given Piscean’s extremely emotional character, it does not make much sense. Isn’t he meant to be a compassionate, romantic, and thoughtful partner?

So why is this?

If you cannot understand his behavior, it is because he cannot understand it himself. Their emotions are all over the place for Pisces. He desires you, but he is also terrified.

Afraid that the relationship may fail or that he is making the wrong judgments.

Sometimes he allows his emotions to control him, and other times he withdraws.

What can You do to pass the test?

  1. If the Pisces man is playing this game with you, you will ultimately need to motivate him. He requires a prod, not an ultimatum.
  2. When he loses interest, do not pursue him. Live your life and cease your efforts to contact him.
  3. When he calls to find out where you’ve been, explain how his behavior has affected you and discuss the type of relationship you desire with him.
  4. Pisces despise inflicting pain on others, thus it will be difficult for him to observe him upsetting you.
  5. It will force him to examine his conduct and back up his words with actions.
  6. If he never calls you and you’re the only one doing the work, he’s not worth your time.

This kind of one-sided behavior is not conducive to a healthy relationship, and it suggests that he may be playing you. Don’t be hesitant to make this move, for a caring male Pisces will not ignore you.

Editor’s Notes

A Pisces will test your limits and do everything in his ability to disclose your “true self” as he determines what he ultimately desires.

The best course of action is to maintain composure. Be understanding and adaptable but avoid becoming a doormat.

If you can weather the storms with him, support him, and win over his friends and family, you will pass his tests with flying colors.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do Pisces do when they like someone?

When Pisces is in love, they are extraordinarily generous and caring to their spouse. They may go out of their way to assist the person they are with because they enjoy the feeling of helping others.

2. Do Pisces get emotionally attached?

Pisces men are attracted to women who are emotionally in tune with themselves and sensitive towards others. Due to his sensitive zodiac sign, he is a sensitive man.

3. What keeps a Pisces man interested?

They are conscious that their feelings may be wounded, but they give their all in relationships anyhow. Therefore, regardless of the duration of a relationship, they will develop emotional attachments to other people.

4. What do Pisces want in a relationship?

Pisces seeks love, romance, and deep connection more than any other zodiac sign. “Pisces requires a great deal of comfort, romance, and attention, and will provide the same in return.