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Fascinating Connection Between Planets and Numbers: What do They Say about Your Personality?

Fascinating Connection Between Planets and Numbers: What do They Say about Your Personality?

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Numbers have their own significance in astrology and so do letters, alphabets, stars, and planets. But what if we tell you that all these factors, when combined, have a lot more to say about your personality?

Planets and numbers are interconnected and it’s their connection – and the effects of that connection – that we will be discussing in today’s guide. Read through to learn more secrets about your own personality that you probably didn’t know.

Planets and numbers connection in astrology

Astrology makes a mention of 9 different planets – the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Ketu, Saturn, and Mars. Here are some intriguing facts about each of these planets.

  1. Each of these 9 planets is allotted a number.
  2. These 9 planets rule different houses in a Kundli.
  3. These planets are the rulers of all zodiacs.
  4. It is only the Sun and the Moon that have double numbers.

That said, let’s look at these planets in a different light than you might actually like.


The Planet Mars

 It is allocated the numbers 9 positive and 9 negative. As +9, Mars is the lord of Aries. It represents fire and its symbol is Lord Ram. As -9, Mars is the Lord of Scorpio. It represents Water and its symbol is a scorpion.
Day to worship Mars (Mangal) – Tuesday.

The Planet Venus

 It is allocated the numbers 6 positive and 6 negative. As +6, it is the Lord of Taurus. It represents Earth and its symbol is Bull. As -6, Venus is the ruler of Libra. It represents the element Air and its symbol is balance.
Day to worship Venus – Friday.

The Planet Mercury

It is allocated the numbers, 5 positive and 5 negatives. As +5, it is the Lord of Gemini. It represents Air and its symbol is, Twins. As -5, it is the ruler of Virgo. It represents the element Earth and its symbol is the Virgin.  Day to Worship Mercury – Wednesday.

The Planet Moon

The moon is allocated double numbers, 2 and 7. The moon, in general, is the Lord of Cancer. It represents the element Water and its symbol is a crab.  Day to worship the Moon – Monday

The Planet Sun

Just like the moon, the sun too has double numbers, 1 and 4. The sun, in general, is the Lord of Leo. It represents the element of fire and its symbol is Lion.
Day to worship the Sun – Sunday

The Planet Jupiter

It is allocated the numbers, 3 positive and 3 negatives. As +3, it is the Lord of Sagittarius. It represents the element, Fire and its symbol is an Archer. As -3, it is the ruler of Pisces. It represents the element Water and its symbol is a Fish.
Day to worship Jupiter – Thursday

The Planet Saturn

It is allocated the numbers, 8 positive and 8 negatives. As +8, it is the Lord of Capricorn. It represents Air and its symbol is a goat. As -8, it is the ruler of Aquarius. It represents the element Earth and its symbol is Water.
Day to worship Saturn – Saturday

Now that you know which planet rules which Zodiac, let’s take you through the ways in which planets and numbers determine the personality of a person – good traits, bad traits, and how to fix those bad traits.


Planets and Numbers for Fortune and Destiny

The Sun

Linked directly to the number 1, the planet Sun should be of consequence to you if you’re born on 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month. When the Sun is strong in your birth chart, here’s what you’ll be blessed with – name, fame, and money. You’ll do better as a government official or a royal Patronage. But if weak, it’s likely to make you very moody and very volatile and aggressive.

Here’s how you can please the Sun.

  1. Offer water to the rising sun every morning.
  2. Whatever important decision you have to make during the day, make it before 3 PM.

The Moon

Linked directly to the number 2, the planet moon should be of consequence to you if you’re born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month. When the moon is strong in your birth chart, you’ll be blessed with intelligence and intellect. You’ll have a very pleasing personality and you’ll be blessed with a lot of opportunities to travel overseas. But if weak, it will cause distractions and reduce your focus.

Here’s how you can Strengthen the Moon.

  1. Do not take any decision during Amavasya.
  2. Whatever career decisions you have to make, make them after 8 PM only.

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The Planet Rahu

Interestingly, Rahu is linked with the number 4. It should be of consequence to you if you’re born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month. If strong, Rahu – the planet of karma – can bless you with unlimited wealth and success. But, if weak or angered, it will make you less interactive and your decision-making skills will become poor.

Here’s what you can do to make things better.

  1. Saturday is the day to please Rahu. So, worship the planet on every Saturday.
  2. Donating to the needy and poor will also reduce the anger of Rahu.

The Planet Jupiter

Jupiter and number 3 go hand in hand. It should hold relevance in your life if you’re born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month. If strong, the planet Jupiter will bestow you with knowledge. The virtues like respecting elders and helping people will be a part of your personality that will make people trust you. But if weak, Jupiter will make you money minded. You will be extremely disliked in your circle.

Here’s what you can do in such cases.

  1. Pay your respect to the planet every Thursday of the week.
  2. Try taking all career decisions on Thursday, preferably during the first half of the day.

The Planet Mercury

Linked to number 5, mercury should concern you if you’re born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month. When strong, it will bless you with money and intellect. If weak, it will make you aggressive and restless.
Here’s how you can make Mercury strong.

  1. Wear green clothes since green is the colour to pacify mercury.
  2. Make decisions on Wednesday only.

The Planet Venus

Planets and numbers connection in the case of Venus is that it is linked with the number 6. Be mindful of this planet if you’re born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month.  When strong, Venus will give you surplus wealth and you’ll be blessed with good luck and long-lasting fortune. If weak, you’re more likely to develop addictions like addiction to alcohol and overeating. Here’s what you can do.

  1. Worship Venus on Fridays.
  2. Take important decisions on Fridays only.

The Planet Ketu

Linked with the number 7, Ketu affects the life of people born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month. When strong, it will bless you with spiritual knowledge as well as wealth. If weak, it will make you egoistic and hypersensitive.

Tuesday being the day of Ketu, taking decisions on this day will be beneficial for you.


The Planet Saturn

Planets and numbers link in the case of Saturn is that it is linked with the number 8. It should be of concern if you’re born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month. If strong, Saturn will make you wise, rich, lucky, and intellectual. If weak, it will make you a coward.

Here’s what you can do to make Saturn strong.

  1. Wear the colour black.
  2. Feed black dogs.
  3. Take important decisions on Saturdays.


The Planet Mars

Linked with the number 9, Mars is of significance for people born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month. If strong, Mars will take away all health disorders and bless you with name and fame. If weak, it will make you fearful, restless, negative, and aggressive.

Here’s what you should do.

  1. Wear red clothes.
  2. Worship the planet on Tuesdays.
  3. Offer food to the poor on Tuesdays.


  1. Planets and numbers decide the personality.
  2. Every planet has a lucky number, lucky colour, and lucky date.
  3. Angry or weak planets can be made stronger with astrology tips.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the connection between numbers and planets?

All the 9 planets in astrology are allotted a specific number between 1 to 9, and those planets have a major impact on every zodiac sign.

2. Which is the number for Jupiter?

Jupiter is allocated the number 3 in astrology. It affects the Sagittarius zodiac sign and the best way to strengthen weak Jupiter in Sagittarius is by praying to the planet on Thursday.

3. What is the number for Saturn?

Saturn (Shani dev) is allocated the number 8 in astrology. It affects the Aquarius zodiac sign. You can donate til and oil to strengthen weak Saturn in Aquarius. Do it on Saturdays.

4. What are the numbers and their planets in numerology?

Number 9 is for Mars, number 6 is for Venus, number 5 represents Mercury, numbers 2 and 7 are for the Moon, numbers 1 and 4 are for the Sun, and number 8 is ruled by Saturn.

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