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Best 50 Pumpkin Puns And Jokes That Are Very Funny

Best 50 Pumpkin Puns And Jokes That Are Very Funny

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In case you have been searching for “Best Pumpkin Puns And Jokes” or Pumpkin Puns One Liner, then you are at the right place.

Are you aware of the reason pumpkins are correlated with the holiday of Halloween? Irish immigrants immigrating to the United States employed pumpkins as a means of deterring malevolent entities. As time passed, pumpkins were transformed into humorous and even eerie figures, which were subsequently dubbed “Jack-o’-lanterns.”

As you anticipate your Jack-o’-lantern cravings on Halloween, you might want to consider sharing some humorous pumpkin puns or gags. This would be an excellent opportunity to create new memories and spend time as a family.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Pumpkin Jokes. Let us explore

Pumpkin Puns for Instagram And Pumpkin Puns Captions

Pumpkin carving is awesome – and that’s a fact, Jack

If you don’t love fall, you must be out of your gourd

Feeling vine and dandy

Orange you pumped for Halloween?

Better to be lucky than gourd

The size of this pumpkin caught me off gourd

Someone’s getting smashed this Halloween

When it comes to Halloween, I’m ahead of the carve

Oh my squash

Oh my gourd

Here’s the scoop on pumpkin carving this year

I’m going through a rough patch

What do you call a pumpkin that’s bad at math? A pumpkin pi.

How do you make a pumpkin stand up? Take away its chair.

Why did the pumpkin cross the road? To get to the pumpkin patch on the other side.

What do you call a pumpkin that can sing? A gourdian angel.

Why did the pumpkin break up with his girlfriend? She wanted to carve out her own life.

How do you carve a pumpkin that’s already been carved? Re-gourd it.

What’s a pumpkin’s favorite horror movie? Pulp Fiction.

Why did the pumpkin run away from the pumpkin patch? It heard they were planning to squash it.

Why did the pumpkin go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling well, it was a little squash-ed.

What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash.

How do you know when a pumpkin is really ripe? It has a pumpkin-spice aroma.

What did the pumpkin say when it saw the pie? You’ve stolen my heart, and my insides.

How do you know if a pumpkin is really tired? It’s yawning its stem off.

Why do pumpkins like to watch horror movies? They love to get squashed.

What do you call a pumpkin that’s always grumpy? A grouch-o-lantern.

Why did the pumpkin call the doctor? It had a stem-ache.

What do you name a fashionable ghost? Faboolous.

How do you welcome your guests? Welcome, GourdGeous.

How do you amaze someone with a delightful message? Hi, bootiful.

How is your life going? You will never be ghosted by me.

Little pumpkins are helped by whom to cross the road without causing any harm? The gourd of the crossing.

Do you know the favorite sport of pumpkin? It’s squash.

Do you know the probability of pumpkin’s girth to its diameter? Pumpkin pie.

Do you know what is said by the pumpkin after Thanksgiving? Goodpie people.

What will be the answer if you ask a pumpkin about its feeling? Vine. Grateful that you ask.

Have you any idea where do the pumpkin lanterns exist? In the seedy portion of the city.

What do you name a little pumpkin who ignores everything a crossing gourd says? Squash.

What do you name a pumpkin when seeds spat everywhere by it? A jerk o’ lamp.

What can be the outfit of pirate jack o’ lantern? A pumpkin plant area.

What do you name a pumpkin that is strong? Goodpie people.

What’s a pumpkin’s favorite horror movie? Pulp Fiction.

Why did the pumpkin run away from the pumpkin patch? It heard they were planning to squash it.

What do you call a pumpkin that’s really good at sports? A jock-o-lantern.

What do you call a pumpkin that’s always looking for love? A hopeless gourd.

Why do pumpkins always look good in photos? They’re very squashful.

How do you know if a pumpkin is polite? It always says thank-gourd.

What do you call a pumpkin that’s been out in the sun too long? A tan-gourd.

Why don’t pumpkins like to go on roller coasters? They get too squashed.

What did the pumpkin say to the watermelon? You’re one in a melon, but I’m a gourdgeous pumpkin.

How do you know if a pumpkin is really rich? It’s got a lot of squash in the bank.