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Do You Know Queen Used to Have 4 Drinks Every Single Day? [BONUS] Know Her Favourite One

Do You Know Queen Used to Have 4 Drinks Every Single Day? [BONUS] Know Her Favourite One

People have always found the lifestyle choices and habits of the royal family to be an attractive topic of discourse. The late queen Elizabeth II’s drinking habit is certain to surprise us all.

According to former royal chef Darren McGrady, the queen used to have approximately four cocktails every day. And we are not kidding. This is the truth.

This was a series of four cocktails that queen Elizabeth II consumed daily.

The Gin and Dubonnet Cocktail (Before Lunch)

The cocktail is composed of gin, Dubonnet, a lemon slice, and plenty of ice. She used to love this cocktail immensely. Before lunch, the queen used to have her first drink.

A Glass of Wine (After Lunch)

After finishing her lunch, the queen would consume a piece of chocolate and a glass of wine.

Dry Gin Martini (Around Evening)

Margaret Rhodes, the queen’s cousin, divulged the fact that the queen also drank dry gin martinis.

A Glass of Champagne (Before retiring for the Evening)

The queen’s last drink of the day was a glass of champagne before she retired for the evening. These four beverages are nothing short of a regal mixture of style and sophistication

Her Favourite Drink Was…

Well, we cannot tell this for certain, but it seems that she was fond of Gin. And why not? Gin has numerous health and skin benefits. More gin results in fewer wrinkles, it is a low-calorie beverage, and yes, it helps you live longer!