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Saturn Transit 2022: Effects of Saturn Transit on all 12 Zodiac Signs

Saturn Transit 2022: Effects of Saturn Transit on all 12 Zodiac Signs

Saturn is one of the nine planets in Vedic astrology that is said to be the most malefic. Moving at a bad period or into a bad house might lead to a lot of misfortune and problems in your life. You may experience events that obstruct or harm your progress and achievement in practically every sphere of your life, including your work, wealth, love, marriage, education, and so on.

Saturn oversees two zodiac signs, Capricorn and Aquarius.  Saturn in each of these houses demonstrates a high level of realism, maturity, and accountability. It is exalted and presents the best version of its features when it is in the Libra zodiac sign. If Saturn is in the sign of Aries, though, be prepared for a rough trip, since it is debilitated here.

Saturn Transit 2022 Date and Time

In 2022, Saturn will make two transits, both of which will occur in the home signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. It would first go from Capricorn to Aquarius, and then back to Capricorn. Saturn will be retrograde beginning July 12, 2022, and will make its next motion in 2023. Let’s have a look at the Saturn Transit 2022 dates and times:

Planet of Transit Transiting From Transiting To Date Time
Saturn Capricorn Aquarius April 29, 2022 12:17 PM
Aquarius Capricorn July 12, 2022 10:27 AM

Let’s take a closer look at the impact of Saturn’s transit in 2022 on each of the 12 zodiac signs.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Aries

Saturn is the lord of the tenth and eleventh houses for persons born under the sign of Aries. Saturn will transit the 10th house of fame, fatherhood, and career at the start of 2022. It will force you to concentrate entirely on your work and professional life. Students will put in additional effort in order to improve their concentration. Those who are experiencing ups and downs in their career might take a breather because the moment is advantageous in terms of work. However, as the phase progresses, you may find yourself in conflict with superiors and coworkers. Not only that but there’s a good probability you’ll have problems in your personal life as well. Your father may have difficulties as a result of Saturn’s transit in the 10th house. There’s a good risk you’ll have health problems or stress-related disorders.

With Saturn’s planetary transit in the eleventh house and the Aquarius sign in 2022, Aries borns should expect excellent times. You would become more socially involved during this time. Finances would improve, and you would be free of major health issues. Your friends would become an important part of your life on a personal level as a result of it. You would feel at ease around them, and your friends would compliment you in every manner conceivable. Keep in mind, though, to avoid persons who appear to be vulnerable to you. If you aren’t getting positive vibes from someone, keep as far away from them as possible.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Taurus


At the beginning of 2022, Saturn will transit Taurus’ 9th house of spirituality, learning, fortune, and luck. As a result, you will have a strong desire to pursue further education and study. You’ll be interested in studying philosophy and religion as you focus on new learnings and readings. Shrines, temples, and other such structures would also attract your interest. Saturn transit 2022 will be in the tenth house from the end of April to the middle of July. It might not turn out to be as good as you had hoped. Some limitations may prevent you from attaining the objective you’ve set for yourself. Despite the numerous advantages, your efforts will be hampered. The world will put your patience to the test, so make sure you don’t waste any time and keep moving forward patiently.

Furthermore, Shani Gochar 2022 predictions state that entrepreneurs would be able to expand their businesses into other industries. However, you may experience some difficulties at home in terms of love and relationships. There’s a good likelihood that your family’s health may go through some ups and downs. You or a member of your family may get sick from time to time, such as a fever or a common cold. It could be due to some long-standing legal disputes or property-related concerns. Finally, after mid-July, Saturn will retrograde in Capricorn for the remainder of the year, having little effect on your sign.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Gemini


Saturn would be travelling through Gemini’s 8th house. As a result of unforeseen circumstances, your own ideas will change. According to the planetary transit forecasts for 2022, a life-changing event can inspire you to become religious. With Saturn in Capricorn, your life and work path will surely change in the coming months. It’s possible that you’ll have a sense of detachment from everyone. Whether it’s a romantic relationship or a family connection, Gemini-borns prefer to hide in a corner rather than speak or express themselves. As a result, it is recommended that you channel this gap by improving your efforts and continue to work extra to achieve your objectives. Students must concentrate on their education while also maintaining their focus.

You may have to pay for some family-related expenses financially. According to the Saturn planetary transit forecasts for 2022, you should manage your finances with a long-term goal in mind and set aside enough money for an emergency. Because Saturn will have a straight aspect on the second house of finances from here. As a result, you must keep a careful eye on your finances and budget. Not only that, but with Shani Gochar in 2022, you might have some minor health issues. It is essential that you treat the condition or illness as soon as possible to avoid any negative consequences. Then, from May to July, Saturn will transit through Aquarius in the 9th house. It could indicate that you should be concerned about your father’s health.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Cancer



Saturn will be in the 7th house for most of the year in 2022, and in the eighth house from April end to mid-July for Cancer natives, according to the planetary transits. At the start of 2022, Saturn will transit the 7th house, causing some difficult situations in partnerships and causing you to focus on your relationship and marriage. The same may be said for teamwork and business. According to the planetary transit predictions 2022, you will be focused on relationships during this time, whether you are building new ones or maintaining old ones, and you should endeavour to comply as much as possible. You and your partners may experience ego clashes on a regular basis. It is up to you to either retain your ego or save your relationships from any difficulties.

People who are employed may be unable to function effectively due to some constraints, according to the Saturn yearly transit 2022. In other words, you may need to allow your corporation or organization extra time to complete the deadline set for you owing to a busy schedule. It can be difficult for business owners to deliver items on time, which might hurt your bottom line. On a financial level, you will achieve stability. You won’t have to spend a lot of money and will have the opportunity to save some. In addition, when it comes to your health, it is recommended that you stay in a relaxed environment. Throughout the year, exercise utmost caution since illnesses may arise. You should be cautious of your health concerns, especially if you are in your forties and fifties.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Leo

For Leos, Saturn is the ruler of the sixth and seventh houses. Saturn in Capricorn in the 6th house represents debt, health issues, and work opportunities. When Saturn transits the 7th house from late April to mid-July, it clearly suggests that weddings and partnerships will improve. The Saturn transit 2022 phase could be unpleasant for employers and natives in professional positions. To keep your career and future chances open, you’ll need to brush up on your abilities, become more knowledgeable, and take on more responsibility. Even business people may face harsh rivalry, forcing them to develop powerful tactics and bigger margins in order to get an edge over their competitors. When it comes to nagging old health concerns, middle-aged and older folks must exercise considerable caution. You can have problems with your blood pressure or diabetes. Keep track of any modifications by evaluating them on a regular basis.

As a result of various events in marital life, married natives will be able to kick back and relax during Saturn’s transit phase. The only thing you need to remember is to respect your life partner’s senses and to listen to their advice on domestic issues. Even those in relationships must make an effort to understand their partners’ needs and to love and cherish them as much as possible. You should also take care of your funds while doing so. There’s a chance it’ll wobble a little, or you’ll have to make some ridiculous judgments about how to spend it.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Virgo

For Virgo borns, Saturn rules the fifth house of romance, creativity, and education, as well as the sixth house of disagreements, daily work routines, obstacles, and sicknesses. Planet Saturn will transit in the 5th house at the start of 2022, then in the 6th house from late April to mid-July, according to Saturn 2022 Transit Predictions. It means that if you work in a manufacturing or service-providing firm, you will be able to achieve your full potential. Local business owners, on the other hand, would need to have a competent sales plan. Job holders will be delighted with the prospect of future growth, which appears to be rather promising.

For Virgo students, the Saturn transit in 2022 may have unfavourable implications. They’ll be disappointed with their lacklustre performance. However, if you concentrate completely, you have a high chance of making the merit list. However, you must keep in mind that Saturn Gochar 2022 may bring you negative outcomes such as a loss of focus, attention, and determination. As a result, you should avoid poisonous friendships and negative actions. In terms of health, this is also not a good time for Virgos. As a result, be extra cautious. Because there’s a danger you’ll collapse unexpectedly at this period, take better care of your food and get regular health examination. Also, try to avoid all types of stressful circumstances, whether they are personal, professional, or both.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Libra

Planet Saturn rules the 4th house of motherhood, home, and tranquillity, as well as the 5th house of creativity, romance, and education, for Libra people. Saturn will start the year in the fourth house, then transit to the fifth house and the Aquarius zodiac sign from late April to mid-July, and finally transit to the Capricorn zodiac sign for the rest of 2022. During this time, it would assist you in purchasing a home, property, or any form of real estate land. However, the attention will remain on your house and mother, and Saturn’s planetary transit in 2022 Vedic astrology will have a positive impact on both of these variables. Not only that but diseases and disorders may affect your mother as a result of the transit. It could get out of hand to the point where medical help is required right away.

Professionally, Saturn’s annual transit in 2022 will yield mediocre results. Your business plans may not change dramatically, but they may decrease slightly. If you’re in a relationship, your partner’s relationship will be strained. Students will have moderate to poor academic and learning outcomes. You may have studied thoroughly for the exam, yet you may find it difficult to present or give your best effort. However, it will have no effect on your exam grades, so don’t be concerned. Shani Gochar 2022 will have a negative impact on family life. Domestic issues will worsen, and you may become depressed as a result of your spouse’s or a family member’s health issues.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Scorpio

Scorpions’ third and fourth houses are ruled by Saturn. From late April to mid-July 2022, Saturn will transit the 3rd house of bravery, travel, and siblings, and then the 4th house of comfort, luxury, and mother. Saturn will then be retrograde in the third house for the rest of the year. Individuals that want to put forth their best effort will benefit from this time. Your patience will be put to the test here. Business people must keep working hard and waiting patiently for their chance. To keep their employment and positions, job applicants must work to enhance their efficiency. Saturn’s momentum, on the other hand, would be on your side if you’re seeking a new job or considering a career move.

Scorpions will enjoy ordinary to decent results in their family lives and relationships, according to the 2022 Saturn planetary transit predictions. Scorpions will gain from this Shani Gochar to some extent. Despite the fact that it is a joyous occasion, family members may get depressed for no apparent reason. As a result, avoid making your family time difficult by incorporating hot or opinionated debates. Additionally, use caution when speaking. For you, the health of your loved ones would become a top priority. The actions of your family members will astound you. Your social status will improve, but you must be cautious with others. According to the Shani Gochar 2022 predictions, financial benefits, professional progress, and advancement in career status are all promised.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Sagittarius

For Sagittarius borns, Saturn oversees the second house of families, finance, and speech, as well as the third house of bravery, siblings, and voyages. Saturn will begin the year in the second house, then travel to the third house from late April until mid-July, before retrograding back to the second house for the remainder of 2022. For your financial journey, this phase would be typical. So, don’t be afraid to say “No” to people who seek you for help with loans or credit because, according to the Saturn transit 2022 forecasts, there could be a financial loss on the cards. Theft may also be a source of cash shortages. So, be cautious!

You will also have the ability to save money, allowing you to buy a newer, larger home at a better price. If you properly plan your investments, you might be able to find better ways to manage your finances. In general, business people will enjoy a prosperous year in 2022. It looks that now is an excellent moment to invest in sales or development. Career-oriented individuals must stay on top of their work and endeavour to improve their production field in order to increase their efficiency. To be effective, all of your creative powers must work together. In terms of health, there would be no major issues on the horizon. However, you may have some minor inconveniences over the year. As a result, work on some corrective activities as soon as feasible to avoid problems. Eat healthy foods and stick to the diet plan you’ve devised for yourself.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Capricorn

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn’s first and second houses. Saturn will begin the year in the 1st house of uniqueness and personality, then transit the 2nd house of family, wealth, and communication from late April to mid-July, before returning to the 1st house after retrograding for the remainder of the year. In terms of money, this period would be unhealthy and unfavourable. As a result, avoid extending them money or providing them with credit. Unexpected and unnecessary expenses will cause you to get overburdened. In terms of their jobs, Capricorns can expect a variety of outcomes. You may endure everyday distress, separation, discontent, and mental pressure during the Saturn Transit 2022. During this phase, job transfers, relocations, job losses, and other job-related concerns may all occur.

You can come across some unanticipated challenges with the professional money or salary you’ve collected. However, if you maintain your hardworking attitude and adherence to the rules and regulations, you will breeze through the difficult period. According to the 2022 planetary transit, luck will not be on your side in terms of academic accomplishment, and your results will fall short of your expectations—a lack of intensity, distraction, and diligence will result in bad results. As a result, keep a safe distance from that friend who prevents you from progressing or concentrating on your profession. Avoid all kinds of tensions and worries, and make sure you don’t neglect your food or exercise routine in any way.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Aquarius

For Aquarians, Saturn rules the twelfth and first houses. The first house represents individuality and personality, whereas the 12th house represents expenditure, salvation, and international adventures. Saturn will begin the year 2022 in the 12th house, then move to the first house from late April to mid-July, before returning to the twelfth house after going retrograde for the remainder of the year. This time frame suggests that students who aspire to pursue higher education in another country will be successful in their endeavours. Business people who want to embark on a short trip to another country to clinch a large agreement with a foreign corporation will benefit from Saturn transit 2022. To keep their employment, a career-oriented individual must stay focused on the task at hand and endeavour to increase productivity where possible.

On a personal level, you may confront significant interpersonal difficulties. You may be concerned about the assistance of one of your family members. Your spouse and children may have health issues. Eye problems may also be on the horizon. You will have to wait for a lucky moment if you are suitably qualified for marriage and seek to find a companion. Now is the greatest time to start thinking about how to take better care of yourself in terms of health. Maintain a healthy diet and arrange regular health examinations because there is a danger of health decline at this time.

Saturn Transit 2022 for Pisces

For Pisces people, Saturn is the lord of the 11th and 12th houses. Saturn will also transit the 11th house of social life, income, and friends at the start of 2022. Planet Saturn will transit the 12th house of expenditure, salvation, and foreign profits later this year, from the end of April to the middle of July. For the rest of 2022, the planet will retrograde, crossing back into the 11th house. This historical period indicates that natives who are career-oriented will succeed admirably. Job holders would be pleased with their possibilities for advancement in the future and look to be upbeat. In your life this year, constructive forces will be more effective. You must maintain a good financial position throughout your voyage. To pass competitive assessments with a high score, students must put in the extra effort.

Serendipity may not be on your side with the Shani Gochar 2022—lack of focus, distraction, and passion will all combine against you, resulting in disastrous results. Keep a safe distance from someone who isn’t trustworthy. According to the predictions for the Saturn Transit in 2022, you may have serious domestic problems at home. You and your spouse, as well as you and your children, may experience some conflict. All of that conflict will be settled as a result of favourable planetary motions. The transit of Saturn in 2022 will be quite beneficial to your health. Aches and pains in the chest, heart, and abdomen may occur, although these should only last a few days. If you have a chronic illness, you should be particularly cautious. Also, don’t neglect any details and get medical help as soon as possible.

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