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40 Best Shark Jokes – 40 Shark Jokes One Liners

40 Best Shark Jokes – 40 Shark Jokes One Liners

In case you have been searching for “Best Shark Jokes For Kids” or Shark Jokes One Liners, then you are at the right place.

Sharks are among the most dangerous predators on Earth, yet they are also quite amusing! If you are searching for humorous shark jokes for children, you have come to the perfect site. Here is our compilation of the “finniest” shark jokes available.

If our jokes about great white sharks, hammerhead sharks, and shark puns tickle your funny bone, check out our selection of water jokes that are sure to make you chuckle. Or, head to the beach with this amusing selection of beach puns.

This article contains quotations by poets, writers, and influential figures about Best Shark Jokes. Let us explore

Shark Jokes for Adults And Shark Jokes One Liners

What’s a shark’s favorite bible story? Noah’s Shark.

What’s a shark’s favorite science fiction TV show? Shark Trek.

What do you get when you cross a shark with a snowman? Frostbite.

What do you call the stuff caught in a great white shark’s teeth? Slow swimmers.

What kind of shark likes to gamble? A card shark.

What happened when the shark got famous? He became a starfish.

How did the hammerhead do on the Math exam? He nailed it.

What do you get from a bad-tempered shark? As far away as possible.

Can’t wait to see a Great White shark before I die. But not right before I die.

Where do lonely sharks go to find companionship? Sand Bars.

What do sharks have on their toast? Mermaid.

How did they know the victim of the shark attack had dandruff? They found her head and shoulders on the beach.

There’s a little-known but foolproof defense against sharks. Sharks will only attack you if you’re wet.

Why was the shark blushing? It saw the ocean’s bottom.

What happened to the shark who ate keys? It got lock-jaw.

What’s a shark’s favorite cereal? Captain Crunch.

Why do sharks live in saltwater? Because pepper water makes them sneeze

Where do sharks go on vacation? Fin-land.

What does a shark order at McDonalds? A quarter flounder with cheese?

What did one shark say to the other shark? There’s some-fin special about you!

What’s a shark’s favorite Bible story? The one about Noah’s shark!

What was the shark’s favorite movie? Eating Nemo!

What sort of fish operates on a sick shark? A sturgeon!

Pretend you are on a boat surrounded by sharks. How do you survive? You stop pretending!

What did the shark say to the whale? What are you blubbering about?

What should you do if you see a shark? Swim away!

Why do the Sharks live in the ocean and not the sky? Because the sky is Jets territory!

How does a shark greet a fish? He says, “Pleased to eat you!”

What do you call two sharks who get married? Hooked for life.

Which candy should a shark with braces avoid? Jaw-breakers.

How does a shark announce food is ready? “Hot off the gill!”

Where do country-singing sharks try to make it big? Gnashville.

Who is the most famous shark writer? William Sharkspeare.

What do you call a shark who wants to be by himself? A lone shark.

What did one shark say to the other after eating a clownfish? “Not only does it look funny, but it tastes funny too.”

What should you do if you see a shark? Swim away.

Who gives sharks presents on Christmas? Santa Jaws.

Why did the Great White shark cross the Great Barrier Reef? To get to the other tide!

What do sharks say when they have a big decision to make? Chews wisely!

What do you get from an angry shark? As far away as possible!

What kind of shark wears big, baggy, gold trousers? MC Hammerhead!

What’s a shark’s least favorite sweet? Jawbreakers!

Why don’t sharks like fast food? Because they can’t catch it!

Why didn’t the shark want to fight the octopus? Because he knew he was well-armed!

Which sharks would you find at a construction site? Hammerhead sharks.