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These Signs Show That God Is With You

These Signs Show That God Is With You

When you walk, do you ever feel as though someone is directing you, shining a light on the way? Whether it’s God, the cosmos, or some other supernatural force, many individuals have the belief in a higher power. Read on for four clues that can point to divine intervention if you’re wondering if that power is at work in your life.

Simple Directions

Is there a time when your intuition was absolutely correct? When you sense that a higher power is directing your steps, following your gut instincts can be a wise decision. Your intuition may be a conduit for heavenly guidance whether it presents itself in the form of an overwhelming desire to alter your usual homecoming route or a gut feeling on a major life choice. A closer relationship with the divine can be achieved through training one’s intuition to be heard and trusted.

Coincidence Meetings

When did you last encounter a fortuitous connection that seems too good to be true? We are frequently filled with wonder and appreciation after these fortunate meetings. Strange occurrences, like reconnecting with an old acquaintance in a strange city or finding someone who has the exact piece of advise you’re looking for, can often be seen as a manifestation of higher powers. If you’re looking for tiny signs from up high, pay attention to the synchronicities that keep popping up.

Calm in the Midst of a Storm

Have you ever experienced an overwhelming calmness while you were in the middle of a storm? A sense of peace, centering, and grounding may wash over you even when the world around you is in utter chaos. Feeling at ease within is a strong indicator that higher powers are on your side, providing solace and strength when times are tough. One way to find this serenity within and deepen one’s connection to the divine is to practice mindfulness, meditation, and prayer regularly.

Pleasant Surprises

Unexpected sorts of favors do occasionally materialize. Whether it’s a sudden influx of cash, a seemingly perfect job offer, or a false alarm after a health crisis, these unforeseen benefits might feel like gifts from above. Recognize the existence of spiritual guidance in your life and express thankfulness when you encounter unexpected good fortune.