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12 Signs Your Ex will NEVER Come Back – [Bonus] Know our Expert Advice

12 Signs Your Ex will NEVER Come Back – [Bonus] Know our Expert Advice

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In case you have been searching for signs your ex will never come back, then you are at the right place.

What are the signals that your ex will never return? People frequently reconcile after a breakup and time apart. Typically, this occurs as a result of their realization that they are indispensable to one another and cannot exist without each other. However, you cannot always wait for them to comprehend this, correct? So, what are those signs your ex will never come back? We have a solution for you.

Following is a list of signs your ex will never come back

12 Signs Your Ex will NEVER come Back

1. There is no interaction

While some individuals attempt to minimize the frequency of communication, others just cut off all contact when you request a breakup. They may alter their phone number, block you across all social media platforms, or block your calls and messages.

They make every attempt to avoid being reached by you. If this continues for an extended period, it is evident that they are uninterested in contacting you or being contacted by you.

2. Your conversations have gone boring

They may have moved on if there is a significant change between how you used to interact and how you communicate now. When conversing, you consider what to say and how to react because your conversations lack depth, and you no longer feel as at ease as you once did.

You observe an identical pattern in both your text messages and phone talks. The majority of the time, there may be casual responses or none at all, even after the recipient has seen the message.

3. Your Ex is enjoying life after the breakup

The first few days after a breakup can be difficult for anyone. But if your ex is arranging trips and vacations shortly after the breakup, it is a clear indication that they are content without you and have no intention of returning.

4. Your Ex has blocked you on Social Media

While not communicating is one way of signaling that your ex is not interested in further engagement with you, banning you on WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media platforms is a direct manner of expressing this sentiment. They care little about what is occurring in your life, and they are unwilling to discuss what is occurring in theirs.

5. Your Ex speaks negatively about you

This is among the worst things a person could do following a breakup. And if they do this, it is not worthwhile to wait for them to return. Negative personalities tend to disparage you to place the full burden of the breakup on you.

And if they defame you in front of your shared friends and family, it is a clear indication that they wish to harm you and do not want you to return.

6. Your Ex request to return all their belongings  

This appears to be a scene from a film. Though, there are fewer odds that your ex will seek their belongings back. Consider it a strong indication that they have decided to go on if they request the return of all the items they have given you as gifts or their personal belongings that they may have left behind at your home.

There are equal possibilities that they will return your items. If this occurs, they are making a real attempt to eliminate you from not only their lives but also their memory.

7. Your Ex avoids you and your loved ones

It is normal for those in a relationship to meet each other’s family and friends. You may have formed friendly contacts with them over time. There is no harm in maintaining that warmth with them after the breakup.

However, if your ex avoids your acquaintances, it indicates that they do not wish to communicate with anyone who reminds them of you. They do not wish to place themselves in a precarious position where you may believe they are still interested. It is also a strategy to avoid people, such as mutual friends, who try to get you back together or who ask numerous questions regarding the breakup.

8. Your Ex shows no signs of Jealously

If someone has feelings for you, it is natural for them to experience jealousy when you spend time with others.

If your ex shows no signals of jealousy after seeing you with another person, it is apparent that they do not care about what is happening in your life. It does not matter to them whether you are hanging out with someone, dating someone, or in a committed relationship.

9. Your ex is dating someone for quite some time

This is further evidence that your ex will not return to you. You may believe they are in a rebound relationship, but if they have been committed to the other person for a considerable amount of time, you must respect their space and decision and move on with your life.

10. Your Ex is not bothered about who you are dating

You’re not interested in beginning a new relationship soon, but someone else is interested in you, and you don’t want to say “No” directly. You may be in the beginning stages of getting to know each other.

If your ex learns about it through mutual contacts and is completely fine with it, then you have your answer. They have no interest in what is happening in your life and do not wish to interfere with your progress.

11. Your Ex leaves the city to avoid you

You may have lived together for an extended period. And throughout your entire journey, they have never mentioned leaving the city. However, if they have moved to a new place or city after your breakup, they may be attempting to escape you and begin a new chapter in their life.

12. Your Ex has changed significantly

You may remain in contact with each other after the split. If you detect a significant shift in your ex’s demeanor or attitude toward you, it is a strong indication that they are making a concerted effort to let you know that you no longer play a significant role in their life.

[Bonus] Our Advice to You

Holding on to your ex’s memories and hoping they will return can be more painful than the breakup itself. Understanding these indications that your ex will never return could help you move on. Also, remember that reconciliation after a breakup is only possible if both ex-partners desire to be together. If not, it is preferable to go on with life rather than dwell on the past and spoil the present. Additionally, try to be active, pursue a pastime you enjoy, go out, meet new people, and invest your time in activities that bring you joy.

The lingering hope may prevent you from accepting that your ex will never return. However, this may result in significant emotional damage, and you should avoid engaging in activities that prevent you from letting go of the person or their memories. If you wish to recuperate and heal, the infographic below illustrates what you should not do.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you know your ex will never come back?

If your ex keeps saying things like “maybe I’ll go out next week,” “I’m busy right now,” or “I have errands to run,” it’s likely that they don’t want to be around you.

2. Can your ex completely forget you?

It is EXTREMELY improbable that your ex-partner will forget about you. Unless they suffer traumatic brain damage that causes memory loss, they will not forget you.

3. Why do exes go no contact?

The effectiveness of the No Contact rule stems from the fact that it allows you to sit with your sadness and scars without filling any voids or feelings of emptiness with someone else.

4. Why silence is powerful with an ex?

There is no simple way to handle a breakup, but your silence speaks volumes to your ex. Indeed, deeds speak louder than words! By remaining silent, you demonstrate your strength, resilience, and independence to your ex.