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Know these 7 Super Tips to Start a Conversation With Any Girl You LIKE

Know these 7 Super Tips to Start a Conversation With Any Girl You LIKE

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Before approaching the girl you like, it’s normal to feel anxious. There may be a great deal of uncertainty in your mind regarding the conversation and your ability to impress her.  There is no rocket science involved. You only need bravery and a few tried-and-true techniques.

Following are the  7 Super tips to start a face-to-face conversation with a girl:-

1. Properly Greet Her

It is not always necessary to use a cheesy pick-up line when approaching an attractive woman. A simple “hi” can sometimes go a long way. Put on your best smile and say “Hello” to her with enthusiasm. Work on your body language and be confident, open, and calm.

Things to Take Care

Do not forget to make eye contact and be attentive while greeting. Maintain a respectable distance and do not intrude on her personal space. Observe her reaction while deciding your next approach. If she seems uninterested, step back.

2 . Shower Her with a Sincere Compliment

Girls Love Compliments. Be truthful and courteous while giving compliments, but set boundaries. Comments that are offensive or inflammatory may backfire.

Tell her she is beautiful and admires her eyes or smile. You can respectfully discuss her clothes. Say something like, “The dress looks fantastic on you!” or “That is a gorgeous dress.” Maintain brevity, potency, and authenticity, and do not go overboard. The objective is to make a good impression.

Things to Take Care

Too many praises may cause you to appear strange, desperate, or fake.

3. Properly Introduce Yourself

When meeting a new person, it is beneficial to inform them about yourself and pique their curiosity. Start the discussion by introducing yourself, and if she shows interest, you can continue by discussing your profession or hobbies. The reason you approached her may also intrigue her.

You might use a humorous anecdote to liven up your introduction. Keep things brief and concise.

While discussing yourself, observe her body language. If she smiles or appears to be attentive, the conversation is likely going well, but be sure to ask her follow-up questions.

Things to Take Care

If you talk too much about yourself, she will probably feel you are too self-absorbed.

4. Find a Common Thing to Connect

Starting a conversation with a topic of shared interest facilitates an immediate bond. When at a party, you could ask, “Isn’t it a nice party?” or “Do you recognise the emcee?” and proceed based on the response. If you met through mutual friends, you can inquire how she is acquainted with that acquaintance.

Things to Take Care

While initiating conversation, be casual but show interest.

5. Make use of a Pick-Up Line

A pick-up line can be an excellent icebreaker. Pick-up lines can be corny, but if they make her grin or laugh, you will earn brownie points. The body language, delivery, and content of the line are significant. You can make an excellent impression if your posture is comfortable, your eyes glint with humour, and your delivery is confident.

What to say should depend upon the setting, the mood, and your intention.

Things to Take Care

6. Give Her Importance

Asking a person about their likes and hobbies can help in establishing rapport and keeping a conversation going. You can be indirect if you wish to avoid appearing too straightforward.

Ask her about the most recent Netflix series she watched, the television show she binges on, and the foods she prefers. When she begins speaking, pay close attention and repeat everything you hear. Girls want men who are attentive listeners.

Things to Take Care

It’s good to stick to neutral topics in the beginning. Refrain from asking personal questions.

7. Ask Her for Suggestions

If you are hesitant to contact her directly, it may be a good idea to ask her for advice or suggestions. If you share the same office, you may seek her advice on a specific project. You may contact her for notes or study advice in college. If you meet at a party, begin by requesting directions or her opinion on the food and drink.

Things to Take Care

Be sincere in asking for her suggestions.