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Triple Cancer – All You Need to Know about Triple Cancer

Triple Cancer – All You Need to Know about Triple Cancer

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When we consider Cancer, we immediately think of highly emotional and family-oriented individuals. Cancerians are water signs who are extremely intuitive and known as the empaths of the zodiac.

Individuals born under this sign have a remarkable ability to tune in to other people’s emotions and experience their sorrow, happiness, or anger as if it were their own. When we say to “walk a mile in another’s shoes,” we are likely referring to Cancer.

Cancer is governed by the Moon, which has a close connection to our emotions. This is why Cancer is considered one of the most sensitive and emotional zodiac signs.

Cancers are extremely cautious, somewhat withdrawn from the public eye, and excessively protective of their family and loved ones.

Triple Cancers have the Sun, Moon, and ascendant (Rising sign) in Cancer. This is also known as the Big 3 in Astrology and has a significant influence on a person’s attributes and characteristics.

Consequently, what does it mean to be a Triple Cancer? Continue reading to learn what makes individuals with the Big 3 in Cancer special and unique.

The Big Three in Cancer

Sun in Capricorn

The Sun sign represents our primary attributes and characteristics. Cancerians, for instance, are emotional, persistent, extremely imaginative, loyal, and compassionate.

In life, these individuals are guided by their emotions and souls. Cancer enjoys being near their loved ones and takes great pride in their home.

Moon in Cancer

The Moon Sign reveals a person’s emotional management. It explains the aspect of ourselves that we keep concealed from the rest of the world and can significantly aid us in comprehending how we perceive and express our emotions.

Having the Moon in Cancer provides you with strong intuition as if you were a clairvoyant.

The little voice in your head and your gut, which always informs you when something is off, are nearly impossible to fool. The Moon in Cancer signifies a sensitive personality and a strong desire to nurture your loved ones.

The inconsiderate actions and hurtful words of people you care about can leave you feeling disoriented and despondent.

Ascendant (rising sign) in Cancer

By examining your Rising sign, you can determine how others perceive you and what impression you make on them.

If your Rising sign is Cancer, it takes some time before you can relax around new people. You enjoy assisting others, and people find you extremely affable and attractive.

Regardless of how hard you attempt to conceal your sensitivity, it is almost immediately apparent to others. You are intelligent and leave a lasting impression on others.

However, there are instances when you prefer to remain silent and listen, at least until you get to know the people around you better and gain their trust.

Cancer is the first person we contact when we are sad and in need of consolation, affection, compassion, and understanding.

There is something very wholesome about the energy of those born under the Cancer zodiac sign. Here are some of the most prominent characteristics of Triple Cancer.

12 Characteristics of a Triple Cancer

1. Triple Cancer have Telepathic and Psychic Capabilities

As a Triple Cancer, you are aware of your highly developed intuitive faculties. This is a gift you have carried with you since birth, and it has helped and protected you from a variety of dangerous individuals and perilous situations.

Always rely on and heed your intuition. And when your gut informs you that a person is not who they appear to be, it is likely true.

As one of the most empathic zodiac signs, you must safeguard yourself and your energy from negative and toxic individuals.

2. Triple Cancer is extremely Sensitive To The Feelings Of Others

Yes, as a Triple Cancer, you can instantaneously comprehend another person’s emotions.

You are a potent energy absorber; consequently, you must protect yourself from negative energy.

You neutralize negative energy by absorbing it and transforming it into positive energy, but the process frequently leaves you exhausted, emotionally depleted, and physically exhausted!

3. Triple Cancer Feel Things Extremely Deeply

People may perceive you as excessively sensitive or even call you a “crybaby” on occasion. However, this is not the case.

As a Triple Cancer, you tend to experience emotions on a much deeper level than the rest of the population.

Every emotion, regardless of whether it is happiness or sadness, has a triple impact on you and your psyche.

4. Triple Cancer does not Enjoy Large Crowds And Groups

Larger groups of people have a profound effect on your temperament, emotions, and whole-body energy as an empath.

As a Triple Cancer, you may frequently experience feelings of isolation and yearning for a sense of belonging.

Once you discover your place and your people, it can be extremely difficult to accept newcomers.

People you do not know well can cause you to lose your equilibrium and sense of safety. You feel most secure in a familiar environment and with longtime friends!

5. For Triple Cancer, their Residence Is the Holy Grail

Your family and home are sacrosanct. Naturally, we all care about our homes and our loved ones, but as a Triple Cancer, you take this to an entirely new level.

No one is permitted to interfere with your family and property, and you can be quite protective.

Some might say you are OVERPROTECTIONIST and willing to do whatever it takes to safeguard your family and property.

6. Triple Cancer are the great caregiver

You enjoy taking care of others. You are the type of person who brings homemade soup to an ill person and stays by their side until they recover.

As a Triple Cancer, nurturing is one of your strongest qualities.

You have an innate ability to make those close to you feel cherished, protected, secure, and at ease.

Therefore, it is not surprising that people always seek you out when confronted with problems or difficulties in life.

7. Triple Cancer are Superior listener

You do not judge, and as a Triple Cancer, everyone who turns to you receives unconditional understanding, affection, and support.

This can help you become an excellent therapist, and a career in the medical profession may be ideal for you.

However, even if you do not work as a professional therapist, you feel like one because everyone in your family and circle of acquaintances seeks your counsel.

You genuinely understand what it means to be an outstanding listener!

8. Triple Cancer is Above the Head

While most people analyze, overthink, and calculate, you always prioritize your heart’s desires!

Being a Triple Cancer gives you a generous heart and an affection for the world that is unconditional.

9. Triple Cancer is Contrary To Materialistic

You are not a materialistic individual and you have no interest in money.

You view finances as a necessity for survival, but never as a requirement for happiness!

In fact, you are willing to give all of your money and possessions if it will make the people you care about joyful and bring you peace and tranquillity.

10. Triple Cancer is Sincere And Faithful

You dislike hurting people, so you might give them the truth in a pink box filled with confectionery and sugar. Nonetheless, it would still be the truth.

As a Triple Cancer, people can rely on your loyalty, and your companion can rest assured that you will remain faithful and love them until death separates you.

For you, love is a lifetime commitment and being there for one another at all times.

11. Triple Cancer’s ultimate goal is to have A Lovely Home And Family

As a Triple Cancer, your ultimate goal is to get married, start a family, and construct a lovely home.

Do not be surprised if, since childhood, you have envisaged yourself as a parent. Children possess the purest energy, which explains why you feel an immediate rapport with them.

Your heart and spirit are as innocent as a child’s. Regardless of how dark or broken the world is, it cannot poison your essence and spirit!

12. Triple Cancer Still Have Faith In Fables

You may be one of the few remaining individuals who still believes in fantasies and fables, but you should never apologize or alter your mind!

Do not succumb to the pressure to conform to the rest of the world! You have three Cancer sun signs. Take it! In conclusion, if you ruled the world, we would live in a place filled with love and tolerance! You are a gentle, generous, and sincere personality.