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Triple Libra – All You Need to Know about Triple Libra

Triple Libra – All You Need to Know about Triple Libra

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When we think of Libra, we immediately envision a gracious individual with a broad smile and impeccable fashion sense!

This person enjoys it when everyone gets along and is included! They are both courageous and empathetic!

Planet Venus is Libra’s governing planet, and since it governs beauty, love, and harmony, Libra enjoys dressing well and wearing ostentatious jewellery and is distressed by discord.

People born under the sign of Libra are diplomatic, impartial, and justice-seekers! As an Air sign, Libra is constantly pondering and analysing.

They seek mental stimulation in all of their endeavours and have an excellent eye for detail.

They find inspiration in their relationships, in literature and films, and in the natural beauty that surrounds them!

The Big Three in Libra

A Triple Libra or “Big 3” is a person whose Sun, Moon, and Rising sign (The Ascendant) are all in the sign of Libra. Additionally known as stellium. A stellium is formed when three or more planets occupy the same sign, in this case, Libra.

Numerous astrology websites allow you to readily calculate your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign by entering your date, time, and location of birth. Before we continue discussing the primary characteristics and traits of Triple Libra, here is a brief overview of the Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.

Your identity is your Sun sign! It’s how you express yourself and perceive the world. Your Sun sign is a representation of your individuality and genuine self. Based on your Sun sign, you can determine your strengths and weaknesses and discover your ideal career or life partner.

The Moon is your emotional nature! The position of the Moon at the time of your birth can reveal your subconscious or the aspect of yourself that you keep to yourself. Your Moon sign can reveal how you express your emotions and cope with your emotions.

Your Rising sign (also known as your Ascendant) represents how others perceive you. It indicates your social identity and how others view you. Understanding your Rising sign will help you comprehend how you behave in public and what impression you leave on others.

If your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are all Libra, you should read this article. Continue reading to find out how having the “Big 3” in your Birth Chart makes you unique and remarkable.

9 Characteristics of a Triple Libra

1. Triple Libra have Exceptional social grace

If you are a triple Libra, you can blend in with many different types of individuals, but from a distance, you appear to be a member of the upper class.

As a triple Libra, you have impeccable manners and always act appropriately. Consider, for example, your table etiquette!

You will never be discovered speaking with your mouth full or forgetting to use a napkin.

2. Triple Libra gives a feeling of Royal Company

People in your organization frequently feel like they are in the presence of royalty, and not in a negative manner!

It is yet another compliment for your flawless and delightful behaviour.

You walk, speak, recline, and move with elegance! Your movements and actions are flawlessly coordinated, and you always manage to be a lady or gentleman!

3. Triple Libra are not Made to Stand Alone

The Big 3 in your Birth Chart indicates that you do not perform well on your own. You detest being alone and are intent on finding a relationship that will last a lifetime!

You hope to marry and spend the rest of your life with the love of your life. Being in a relationship is what motivates and propels you.

Being in a relationship has a great deal to do with balance for you, as a triple Libra. When you are single, you often feel disoriented and out of balance.

co-dependency in your relationship can be a significant issue, particularly if you choose an extremely independent partner, such as Aquarius or Gemini, your fellow air signs. Nevertheless, you should be a wonderful match with an Air sign.

Additionally, as a triple Libra, you believe that opposites attract! 

4. Triple Libra easily make friends.

If you were born with the Sun, Moon, and Rising in Libra, you also place a high value on your friendships.

Like in your romantic life, you prefer to have childhood alliances that develop into lifelong relationships.

Having long-lasting and strong friendships gives you a sense of harmony; consequently, you feel safe and at ease!

However, having childhood friendships does not prevent you from forming new ones as an adult. You enjoy going from person to person at social gatherings and getting to know everyone.

Your easy-going demeanour makes people appreciate and adore being in your company!

5. Triple Libra Possess Superb Communication Skills!

Being an Air sign confers excellent communication skills, but having a Libra stellium makes you INCREDIBLE in this area.

You dislike chitchat and hearsay, unlike your fellow air sign Gemini, because you dislike it when anyone says something negative about someone, even if it’s about an enemy of yours.

But you want to establish rapport with others, mirror their body language and tone of voice, and make them feel at ease!

6. Triple Libra are excellent listeners.

The aforementioned qualities also make you an excellent listener. People will always come to you to tell you their problems and share their tales, so don’t be surprised!

You do not interrupt because you never wish to be impolite, and once they have completed their narrative, you will gladly share your perspective on the subject.

Being sensitive and compassionate enables you to tune into the emotions of others and to always offer them your most reassuring and kind words.

7. Triple Libra are poor at making choices

As a Libra, you can be quite indecisive, but as a triple Libra, it can be nearly impossible for you to choose! Having close loved and trusted friends can be of great assistance in this situation.

Your family and friends are your safety net in life on a personal, emotional, and professional level because you are not obstinate and can accept the advice of others.

Even when you tumble, you recover rapidly because your loved ones are there to catch you.

8. Triple Libra are good Observant and Focus On Details

Being a triple Libra makes you extremely perceptive of your environment.

You can tell the dispositions of others simply by entering a room, as you react to their energy so strongly.

Being able to read the energy of a room enables you to always make the right movements and say the right things!

You are destined for a career in law, diplomacy, education, or the arts!

9. Triple Libra are exceptionally inventive and artistic

Your home’s impeccable decor and distinctive details can reveal in an instant that you are a triple Libra!

You were born with an extraordinarily creative mind and possess extraordinary artistic abilities.

Even if your job has nothing to do with art, you will appreciate painting as a hobby and attending every art exhibition.

Your exquisite taste makes you an excellent decorator, so it is not surprising that people seek your advice when they decide to redecorate their homes.

10. Triple Libra is defined by your splendour and originality!

When we say you have a passion for fashion, we do not mean you blindly follow trends. No, no! A creative and unique Libra will never wear what everyone else is wearing!

Their palate is far too refined for that! If you have Libra Constellation in your Birth Chart, you are more stylish than contemporary.

Indeed, there is a significant distinction between these two.

Being fashionable involves dressing following current popular trends, whereas being stylish is characterized by elegance and refined taste in decorum and attire.

Consequently, you are never overdressed, and your attire has the designation of timeless fashion, or it never goes out of style!

Your earrings or the elegant timepiece on your wrist were selected with care! You cannot resist admiring the loveliness in the details!

You are addicted to jewellery, watches, colognes, and fragrances in life!

In addition to always being well-dressed, as a triple Libra you always scent incredible. And your complexion is nourished and glowing naturally! Oh, triple Libra, we have so much to learn about beauty from you!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the 3 types of Libras?

There are three subsets of Libras with Mercury in Libra: Libras with Mercury as the morning star, Libras with Mercury as the evening star, and Libras with combust Mercury.

2. What is a 3 Decan Libra?

They are a person who can stand up for themselves in the best manner possible; consequently, these traits make them more likable to those around them, and they wish to develop these traits in themselves.

3. What is Libra most famous for?

A Libra is an individual born from September 23 to October 22. Libras are renowned for their grace, beauty, and equilibrium.

4. Is A Libra rare?

Libra, accounting for 8.41% of US births between 1994 and 2014, is the eighth rarest zodiac sign. Individuals born between September 23 and October 22 are Libras.