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Know these 3 Types of Men Who Have Affairs – [BONUS] 5 Warning Signs of Infidelity in a Married Man

Know these 3 Types of Men Who Have Affairs – [BONUS] 5 Warning Signs of Infidelity in a Married Man

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Infidelity typically results in a great deal of emotional suffering, hurt, and misunderstanding. It can be difficult to make sense of what happened when you believed your relationship to be solid and stable.

This article will offer interesting insights into the three categories of guys who cheat, whether you’ve experienced the effects of infidelity or are simply curious about what motivates certain men to do it.

6 Reasons why Do Guys Have Affairs?

Examining the reasons why men have affairs is a difficult and perplexing task that involves thinking about psychological and emotional states, cultural influences, and occasionally even bodily demands.

Men do have affairs, nevertheless, for a few basic reasons. They consist of:

1. A Desire for Validation: Some guys believe they need to have affairs to validate their feelings towards themselves or others. This path can be taken by someone who needs external fulfilment from someone other than their significant other due to a deteriorating sense of self-esteem.

2. Revenge: This may be motivated by sentiments of resentment or anger resulting from disagreements within the couple or it may be the result of having been betrayed.

3. Opportunity: In situations where a man is presented with what is perceived as an “easy” chance for adultery, such as while going away from their place of residence and significant other or when a temptress gives them the option, infidelity is more likely to occur.

4. The Rush of Novelty: Some men engage in extramarital romances for the thrill and excitement it provides—a sense of danger and unpredictability that may be lacking in their relationship’s security.

5. Sexual Needs: One of the most frequently mentioned causes of infidelity is unpleasant sex life; men may have extramarital encounters to satisfy their physical needs in situations when their partners are unable or unable to do so.

6. Cultural Pressure: In some societies, having multiple partners for a male is considered socially acceptable. This idea of polygamy or polyamory may have an impact on why men engage in extramarital affairs.

3 Types of Men Who Have Affairs

1. The Womaniser

This man enjoys the excitement of a new romance as much as the thrill of the pursuit. He longs for women’s attention, flattery, and adoration, and his interactions with them frequently centre more on sexual pleasure than emotional closeness.

He enjoys novelty, therefore he won’t stay with anyone for an extended period. He also has no problem with one-night stands or casual sex. He likes it that way.

This kind of man is fundamentally motivated by his ego and seeks to be viewed as the alluring, desirable party in any given circumstance. He frequently thinks of himself as alluring, finds it difficult to comprehend why anyone would reject him, and doesn’t think any lady is out of his reach.

His natural charisma and savvy social skills enable him to get away with things or straddle boundaries in relationships. He has mastered the art of seduction and has no qualms about leading or leading people. He will claim that one woman is insufficient and that she has the right to “explore,” and they may even think that having numerous relationships is normal because men are predisposed to pass on their genes.

Typical Symptoms of a Womanizer

Because they come out as so self-assured, womanisers are simple to fall for.

  • They can be simply manipulative or talk their way into your good graces. As a result, they can easily persuade you that you are interpreting their actions too broadly.
  • In your presence, the womaniser will frequently make advances towards other women while expecting no penalties.
  • He’ll overly flatter other women, calling them “hot” or “beautiful” all the time, even when you’re around. They make it seem as though what they’re doing is okay to normalise their behaviour.
  • The womaniser will also have numerous dubious friends or acquaintances who can speak highly of him and who will be only too happy to do so.
  • He’ll also be prone to running away because he needs his privacy to seek other ladies.

2. The Male Opportunist

The opportunity-seeker cheats when he recognises a chance to do so. This man typically does not feel confined by his current relationship. He is motivated by impulse rather than deliberate reasoning or a strong sense of misery or dissatisfaction.

As a result, after the experience is over, he frequently moves on swiftly. He frequently cheats for a brief thrill rather than to meet someone fresh to be with.

These men frequently don’t understand why their infidelity is such a huge deal, viewing it as nothing more than a physical act. They may find it difficult to empathise with the suffering they created because they fail to realise the emotional consequences of their acts.

The opportunist might also be a habitual cheater who thinks it’s okay to have a few “harmless affairs” as long as he avoids being discovered.

Typical Symptoms of an Opportunist Cheat

The opportunist is one of the trickiest sorts of cheaters to identify since they lack consistency and may not always be dishonest regularly.

  • The opportunist won’t typically be forced into any kind of routine. He can unexpectedly arrive home late from work or abruptly cancel arrangements with you for no apparent reason.
  • He might also be more eager than usual to go out and mingle, which would make you feel like a second fiddle.
  • Even worse, he can start buying new clothes or improving his appearance without warning, which could be an indication that he’s trying to win over someone.

3. The Disgruntled Cheating Man (The most Dangerous one !)

A man who feels his current relationship isn’t providing him with what he needs is a dissatisfied cheater. He might seek approval elsewhere if he feels emotionally abandoned or undervalued.

Frequently, the discontent has festered for months or even years, leading to the relationship’s eventual breakdown on an emotional level. He thinks another woman can provide for him what his current relationship is unable to.

For this type of guy, adultery has become a means to put off dealing with challenging relationship issues. It’s a tactic for smothering an uneasy feeling and averting conflict. The unhappy cheater frequently seeks out a partner who might be able to empathise with him more than his existing relationship.

He might think he is saving the marriage or relationship by giving the couple a much-needed “break” from the pressures of daily life.

Symptoms of a Disgruntled Cheating Man

  • Have you noticed a growing distance between you two, a lack of enthusiasm in spending time together, or other relationship-related signs? If so, this can indicate that he’s looking elsewhere for something greater.
  • He might also start criticising you and your relationship more harshly as if it were continuously under investigation, which would make you want to run away to defend any potential infidelity before it even happens.
  • Take attention to his phone usage patterns as well, especially if he keeps it nearby at all times and won’t let you near it or if he has a troubling tendency to delete emails or texts.

Sadly, because he no longer feels emotionally invested in the relationship, this kind of man can also become angry or violent.

[BONUS] 5 Warning Signs of Infidelity in a Married Man

It’s practically impossible to create a list of warning signs of cheating that applies to all types of cheaters because there are so many different types of them.

Yet, there are a few things to watch out for.

  1. A sudden shift in behaviour: If your husband develops new behaviours that don’t mirror the ones he previously had, it may be wise to ask why. He might do this by spending more time away from home or on his phone, arriving home later more frequently, or keeping his whereabouts a mystery.
  2.  He wants to spend less time with you: When a man loses interest in his spouse, he will inevitably want to spend less time with her. This could imply that your husband is less interested in the things that used to excite him or that he cancels plans more frequently.
  3. A change in his appearance: Cheaters frequently go out of their way to impress the person they are cheating with. As a result, individuals might start dressing differently, getting a new haircut, or exercising more frequently.
  4. He’s evasive: He’ll typically respond indirectly rather than directly if you confront him about something or ask him a question he doesn’t want to answer. He won’t give you a straight response and might even use evasion or distraction techniques, like accusing you of being overly paranoid.
  5. He’s secretive: A cheating man will often be too private about their movements and activities because they are concerned about being found out. If you ask them a straight question, they can put their phones away, start deleting their messages and act unduly defensive.

It’s critical to keep in mind that they are merely cautionary indicators and do not imply that your partner is engaging in infidelity.