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Unexplained Weight Loss? This could Indicate a Serious Health Issue

Unexplained Weight Loss? This could Indicate a Serious Health Issue

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Do not rejoice when you experience weight loss without making any effort. Unexplained weight loss may indicate the onset of a serious condition in the body, which requires immediate investigation to prevent its progression.

The onset of a Disease is typically identified by fast weight loss accompanied by disease-specific symptoms. Hence one should not take unexplained weight loss lightly.

These could be the underlining health reasons behind the unexplained weight loss:-


The majority of unexplained rapid weight loss is associated with malignancy. According to numerous medical journals, weight loss is a most common occurrence among cancer patients and is likely one of the earliest apparent symptoms of the disease.

This characteristic of malignant growth in the body is known as cachexia and is followed by symptoms such as weariness, weakness, loss of energy, listlessness, and trouble performing simple tasks.


Unexplained weight loss can sometimes be a sign of diabetes. Insufficient insulin inhibits the body’s capacity to extract glucose from the blood and use it to generate energy in diabetics. As a result, the body begins to burn fat and muscle for energy so that the biological system can function normally. This causes overall weight loss.


Many may be surprised to learn that dementia is a leading cause of unexplained weight loss.

According to a 2017 study, unexpected weight loss is widespread among dementia patients and is associated with cognitive impairment and poorer disease outcomes. It is hypothesised that certain dementia drugs with market approval, which aim to improve cognitive and functional outcomes in dementia patients, are connected with reported weight loss or body mass index reduction.

In addition to cognitive impairment and nutritional deficit, cognitive impairment and nutritional deficiency may also contribute to weight loss in these patients.


Hyperthyroidism is another important cause of a sudden reduction in body weight. In this instance, the body’s metabolism may be boosted, resulting in unintended weight loss. Even if the individual’s hunger remains unchanged, their weight loss is dramatic.

This disease is characterised by an overproduction of the hormone thyroxine by the thyroid gland. Another characteristic symptom is a rapid heartbeat.

Peptic Ulcer

A peptic ulcer is another potential explanation for your rapid weight loss. Ulcers can hinder food from passing through the digestive tract, resulting in a rapid feeling of fullness. Individuals with peptic ulcers also have frequent vomiting.

Weight Loss After Surgery

One can also suffer from unexplained weight loss after major surgery. Generally, It is observed that people tend to suffer from unexplained weight loss after knee replacement surgery.

Other reasons for rapid weight loss can be hypercalcemia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke or neurological disorders, Addison’s disease, alcohol use disorder, celiac disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Crohn’s disease, drug dependence, and heart failure. If you experience sudden weight loss, you should visit your doctor to determine the cause.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When should I worry about unexplained weight loss?

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when unexpected weight loss raises medical issues. But most medical professionals concur that if you lose more than 5% of your body weight in 6 to 12 months, especially if you’re an older adult, a medical review is necessary.

2. What organ causes unintentional weightloss?

A surplus of these hormones frequently leads the body to burn more energy than usual since the thyroid generates specific hormones that govern the body’s metabolism. Increased calorie and energy expenditure may result in unintended or unexplained weight loss.

3. What type of cancers cause weight loss?

The American Cancer Society reports that considerable weight loss is most frequently associated with malignancies of the stomach, pancreatic, oesophagus, and lung.

4. Can stress cause weight loss even when eating?

Furthermore, the hormones that our bodies produce in response to stress can quicken our metabolism, helping us to burn calories more quickly. Prolonged stress can, in more severe circumstances, result in depression, which can also induce weight loss.