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5 Vastu Changes in Bedroom that Can Improve Your Love Life

5 Vastu Changes in Bedroom that Can Improve Your Love Life

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You might be wondering if Vastu can boost love and elevate relationships given the difficulties in keeping partnerships in the modern world.

According to Vaastu experts, the energy flow in a location can impact the feelings and actions of its occupants. To maximize the flow of positive energy and to bring love and harmony into one’s life, basic bedroom alterations can be made.

Here are some Vastu changes in the bedroom that can help you get the most out of your romantic life.

1. Check your Bedroom Location

Since a couple spends the majority of their time together in the bedroom, it is the most significant space in the house. The main bedroom should be located in the southwest corner of the home, according to Vastu. This is said to encourage steadiness and foundation in the relationship. Instead of facing the entrance or a mirror directly, the bed should be positioned with the head towards the south or east. If a bedroom cannot be built in the southwest, it can be built in the south, east, or west.

2. Carefully choose Colours for Your Bedroom

The mood and energy of the bedroom can be greatly influenced by the hues and decor. In the bedroom, Vastu advises utilizing calming colors like pastel pinks, peaches, or mustard yellow. Avoid choosing harsh or vivid colors that could evoke agitation or hostility. To create a romantic atmosphere, decorate the space with fresh flowers and fragrant candles.

3. Keep Your bedroom Uncluttered

Stress and strain in a relationship might result from a chaotic and disorganized environment. To foster a feeling of harmony and calm, Vastu advises keeping the bedroom tidy and uncluttered. Create a calm setting that encourages closeness and relaxation by getting rid of any unnecessary furniture or objects. Avoid using box beds that are stuffed with unwanted clothing and furnishings.

It is thought that mirrors reflect and magnify energy in a room. Mirrors should not be placed in bedrooms, according to Vastu, as they may cause unrest and upset the balance of the relationship. Make sure the mirror is positioned so it does not reflect the bed if you must have one in the bedroom.

4. Choose the Correct Lighting for the Bedroom

A space’s energy flow can be improved and a positive atmosphere can be created with the right lighting. To avoid uncomfortable bright or harsh lighting in the bedroom, Vastu advises utilizing gentle, diffused lighting instead. To change the lighting to suit your mood and preferences, use dimmer switches.

5. Use the Southwest Corner of the House

The southwest corner of the home is considered the relationship corner by Vastu and is connected to relationships such as love, marriage, and partnerships. A couple of swans or mandarin ducks, which are seen as symbols of love and dedication, might improve this area of your property. To encourage harmony and cohesion in your relationship, you could also put a picture of the two of you together or a statue of a couple in this area.