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Are you a Virgo? It’s Time To Know Your Friends and Enemies

Are you a Virgo? It’s Time To Know Your Friends and Enemies

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Virgo happens to be an earth sign and all those who are natives will have a refined personality. Ruled by planet Mercury, Virgo individuals are usually shy and take a lot of time to bond with someone. They like to know the facts before believing in someone. 

Making friends does not come easy to this individual. Once they start making friends, the bond will be solid and will last for years. 

Supporting friends relentlessly and crossing hurdles comes naturally to them. Since Virgo natives give 100% to every relationship, it is crucial for them to know about the Virgo enemies. 

With this article, you will find out the best and the worst match for Virgo. 

Best Friend Match for Virgo 

Virgo is an earth sign, so they tend to be unwavering and realistic. If they do not like someone, they will distance themselves from the person and never look back. 

Here is a list of the best friend match for Virgo. 


Taurus natives and Virgo natives will have a good rapport. They understand each other and the Taurus individual will make Virgo feel comfortable. 

Taurus’ friends will ask for Virgo’s support time and again. Both are earth signs so they have many common interests and love being in each other’s company. 


Cancer and Taurus friendship will last for a lifetime. Cancer will always remember your birthday and make you feel special. They go out of the way to make you feel loved as well. 

However, Cancerians are quite emotional, so they might have outbursts time and again. Virgos are able to tolerate this emotional outburst which is why the friendship lasts. Cancerians can teach you the art of loving someone unconditionally. 


Virgo can be good friends with Virgo. Both the friends will keep everything neat. They love talking and would tell you all the details about everything that is happening around them. High spirit and talent will keep both the friends happy and motivated. Go for a long drive and play your favourite songs. This could strengthen the bond as both the friends love adventure. 


A Scorpio individual would be one of the best matches for a Virgo native. Both will have an immediate bond. Scorpio individuals would love Virgo’s helpful nature. Also, Scorpio has some endearing qualities you would love. There is scope for some exciting changes when both of you collaborate. 


A Capricorn will have a strong bond with Virgo. Both are Earth signs so there is a level of understanding and similar values. Virgo and Capricorn will feel safe in each other’s company. Both are hardworking and love to take on tasks. 


Pisces and Virgo will get along really well. In fact, the friendship will not take as much time. Pisces love the short stories and organization skills of Virgo. They will also listen to Virgo’s talks patiently. 

Revealing Virgo Enemies 

Virgo does not have too many enemies. They keep it real and seldom fall into toxic relationships or friendships. The two zodiac signs that Virgo does not get along with are mentioned below: 


Virgo and Gemini are both ruled by Mercury. Both have conflicting traits – Virgo is stable and sincere whereas Gemini is insincere. 

Virgo has concrete ideas and Gemini has uncanny ideas. Gemini does not have the perfectionist attitude of Virgo. Virgo, on the other hand, cannot tolerate negligence. 


Sagittarius was born wild and free. Both the signs will keep finding faults in each other. Sagittarius will get annoyed with Virgo’s precise approach. Also, Sagittarius individuals are not exactly in the mood to settle down just as of yet and Virgo individuals do not like that. 

Concluding Thoughts

When we talk about Virgo friends and enemies, the instant thought is – Do they even have enemies? 

You will seldom find a Virgo fighting with others. But they do need respect and care from their friend which is why Cancer or Taurus would be a good friend for them. 

It is unfair to say that you will never get along with Gemini or Sagittarius. You might become acquaintances at some point. This is when you need to adjust and know each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is Virgo enemy?

Virgo enemy signs include Sagittarius, Aries, and Gemini. These signs do no get along with Virgo.

2. Do Virgo have a lot of friends?

Virgo tends to have a hard time making friends. They calculate every step and like to know facts before getting close to someone.

3. Who are Virgos not friends with?

Virgos are perfectionists, so they will have a hard time connecting with Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aries.