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Weekly Horoscope (13th February to 19th February 2022)

Weekly Horoscope (13th February to 19th February 2022)

Our Weekly Horoscope is the most accurate weekly horoscope available online. The Accurate Weekly Horoscope has been written by experts with years of practical experience behind.

(Mar 21st-Apr 19th)

Be patient and stay true to your dreams, even if things don’t seem to be going as planned. There was no rain, and there were no rainbows. Persist a little longer and enlist the assistance of people closest to your heart. If you ask for help, you’ll get it. If you wish to meet your long-term goals, moderate your spending or try to bring more balance to your accounts. Travel arrangements may be in the works, and the break will be exactly what your soul requires.


(20th April – 20th May )

A period when you’ll need to be even more self-reliant and draw on your own sources of strength. People will irritate and frustrate you with their behaviour; simply count to ten and keep heading in the direction you choose. When it comes to workplace deception, you have to trust your instincts about something or someone. A secret could be disclosed, but are you ready for the truth? On a personal level, a relationship has the potential to develop into something more significant. Are you prepared to make a commitment?


(21st May – 20th June )

For the time being, take nothing at face value. It’s possible that an enticing prospect is too good to be true. You’ll be able to make a better judgement with a little more investigation and fact-gathering. It’s a terrific opportunity to network and interact with like-minded people professionally, especially if you’re an entrepreneur. Money matters show modest improvements, but only with careful planning and a tight grasp on your inclination to overspend. When it comes to issues of the heart, you should be cautious and wait for the person’s actions to match their words before taking a step forward.


(21st June – 22nd July )

When dealing with people, be a little kinder. A sensitive handling of the problem is required, and diplomacy should be pursued. Perfect now, not everyone can handle the truth, so it’s best to wait till the right time comes. Work issues necessitate yielding to the whims of a powerful woman. It’s possible that resisting or confronting her will cause undue tension. It’s a terrific time to reconnect with old friends and loved ones, and you’ll discover that, in the end, it’s all about love.

(23rd July – 22nd Aug)

By being yourself, you inspire others. People can sense your optimism and enthusiasm since your energies are high. Ideas flow freely, discussions go well, and you may feel unstoppable at times. Take advantage of this period while it lasts. Also, remember to thank everyone who has helped you get to this point. Leos who work in the arts or other creative industries may find themselves occupied once more. Simply keep doing what you’re good at, and the benefits will follow. As long as you practise moderation, health issues will remain manageable. Isn’t it true that too much of a good thing isn’t all that good?

(23rd Aug- 22nd Sept)

Isn’t it time for a makeover? Is it time to make a public appearance? The cards advise you to dress up and create the best impression possible. This might be the beginning of a busy period filled with several presentations and communications. Your inherent attention to detail should also help you achieve the results you want. Even at home, you may find yourself considering renovations or system upgrades. Remember that you deserve it all as you gently progress to the next stage of development. You might hear from an ex-flame, or an unique soul may reemerge in your life for a brief while.

(23rd Sept- 22nd Oct)

Keep still, be silent, and observe and learn. Make no rash decisions. Also, give yourself plenty of time to think about everything you’re doing. Any rash acts may have unfavourable implications, so you should carefully consider the outcomes of any task you undertake today or any relationship you desire to form. Delays happen for a cause; perhaps you need to rework something or something else requires your attention. The best ways to refresh and rejuvenate are alternative healing, Yoga, and spending time in nature.

(23rd Oct- 21st Nov)

Keep your gaze fixed on the target. Allowing yourself to be sidetracked or distracted by your detractors is not a good idea. What makes you so admirable is your inner power. You don’t have to provoke your opponents, even if they are terrified by you. With your determination, you can accomplish a lot. As long as you stay focused, you can achieve your goals, whether it’s a dream project, a long-held ambition, or even a dream home. Health issues may necessitate greater self-control; avoid temptation if you want to see results. Why aren’t you listening to what you know is good for you?

(22nd Nov- 21st Dec)

You may have figured out where you went wrong, and now it’s time to make amends. Please accept my apologies if the relationship is extremely important to you. Alternatively, you can revise the plan without protest. People will sense your honesty and rally around you. If something isn’t working, consider where you need to make a change. Family gatherings bring loved ones from all across the world closer together. You acclimatise to the procedure once you realise that worrying doesn’t help anything.

(22nd Dec- 19th Jan)

Allowing yourself to let go can be really liberating. You know it’s time to move on and realise how far you’ve progressed. It’s be that a part of you is ready for a change. In the days ahead, new opportunities may present themselves, and you may contemplate relocating to a new city or nation. People from your past provide you with references, leads, crucial news, and well-intentioned support at work. Believe in your abilities to plan and handle unexpected situations calmly.

(20th Jan – 18th Feb)

At the same time, everyone wants something from you, and no one asks how you’re doing. It’s time to call on your patience reserves when dealing with coworkers and family members. Take frequent rests to refuel your batteries, and rest assured that you can tackle anything with ease. A warm-hearted soul can cure you like no other, and plans for an event or occasion can be made.

(19th Feb – 20th March)

Your efforts are recognised, and your hard work is recognised. As more people see how wonderful your heart is, acts of good karma are rewarded. While things at work are going well, you may feel it’s time to try out or explore a new technology or media. Keep an eye on the clock to ensure deadlines are reached, but don’t hold back on the ideas the cards propose. Health-related issues are improving.