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Weekly Horoscope (28th November to 4th December 2021)

Weekly Horoscope (28th November to 4th December 2021)

Our Weekly Horoscope is the most accurate weekly horoscope available online. The Accurate Weekly Horoscope has been written by experts with years of practical experience behind.

(Mar 21st-Apr 19th)

It’s admirable to be stubborn, but it’s a hassle when it prevents you from hearing what the other person is saying or seeing what’s actually going on. The cards encourage you to broaden your horizons, try new things, and change any harmful habits that are preventing you from achieving healing and happiness. With a little adjustment, workplace tensions can be relieved, businesses may be forced to give more competitive pricing, and a new prospect may appear to be greater than it is. Personal relationships strengthen as both parties’ trust grows. Make it a habit to see the glass as half full.


(20th April – 20th May )

Things can be made to run smoothly again with a little care and organisation. Redecorating, renovating, revising tactics, streamlining, and downsizing are all popular this week. There’s a lot more that can be done with less, and in your drive to simplify, you’ll discover a new type of tranquilly. Expect dynamic encounters with younger groups on a personal level. A potential romance with a younger soul, as well as the realisation that people who truly love you accept you exactly as you are. As long as you keep your health in mind, everything will be OK.


(21st May – 20th June )

Just because you process information faster than others doesn’t imply you become irritated with others who can’t keep up. When communicating with others and shopping, tolerance and control of your impetuous streak are recommended. It’s possible that a wake-up call is required. On the job, you’ve gained the respect of your coworkers and the backing of a powerful figure. Finances are in good order. Long-term prosperity is ensured by plans. Simply keep portion quantities in mind when eating and drinking.


(21st June – 22nd July )

This week, men in positions of leadership gain personal and professional prominence. You become embroiled in a series of lengthy debates. Due to a fickle soul, talks may take longer. Keep on, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Your networking pays off in terms of leads and inquiries this week, which is fantastic news for business owners and manufacturers. Stop feeling bad about setting limits and start asserting yourself a little more. Before seeing results, students may need to focus more on research. Health-related issues are still under control.

(23rd July – 22nd Aug)

Action, not overthinking, is the answer. Go for it once you’ve made your decision. If you’re willing to take a few risks, new paths open up. The staff may need to be better organised, but the venture is showing signs of increasing solidity. Take a break and connect with a new group if you’ve been feeling bored on a personal level. A new era of joyous announcements has begun, with the prospect of happy reunions looming on the horizon. Financial concerns may require some attention, particularly if your paperwork has been sloppy recently. Streamline the process, figure it out, and move on!

(23rd Aug- 22nd Sept)

A project or a relationship’s difficult phase has come to an end. A new phase has started. You’re no longer as naive as you once were, and you’re not ready to make the same mistakes again. With a little networking, job and business chances emerge, yet a portion of you may second-guess your choices. You make peace with someone and move forward with a sense of liberation in your heart. It’s possible that your sleep patterns will need to be reset, and you’ll need to look into alternative therapy. Pay attention to what you’re dreaming about.

(23rd Sept- 22nd Oct)

Protect your energy against people and things that waste your time. This is a week to concentrate on putting plans into action. It’s possible that you’ll be more active and out and about. And it appears that travel is on the cards. Simply double-check that everything is in order and well-organized, as you may misplace something in your haste. A friend can act strangely or keep a secret from you. Charitable deeds and volunteer work bring you hidden blessings and purify your soul.

(23rd Oct- 21st Nov)

Your week will be as busy as a bee. Messages, texts, and communication from all around the world may require your attention. Meetings may accumulate, and you may be invited to big events. Singles may meet someone amazing, and it may develop into a committed relationship sooner than expected. Open your mind to new ideas, especially if you’re looking for new business opportunities or career options. Land and property issues may necessitate time and money. Be wary of information overload. Make sure you take a digital detox.

(22nd Nov- 21st Dec)

You’ve earned the excellent news that’s coming your way. You feel accomplished, and your heart tells you that you’re on the right track. Ceremonies, celebrations, and convocations follow suit, and you schedule time to strengthen personal bonds and form alliances. You make a good impression wherever you go, so use your energy wisely. Children and teenagers may require some guidance, but first and foremost, you must be patient; the world in which they will grow up is unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Sharing leads to prosperity.

(22nd Dec- 19th Jan)

Excessive analysis just serves to postpone a decision you know you need to make. You may find yourself at a fork in the road, having to leave a piece of your history behind. It could be a new job or a new place to live. Whatever decision you make, it will be final, with positive consequences. If you are constant in your efforts, a new stream of income begins to show potential. Be wary of an old bothersome ailment reappearing. Treatment in a timely manner provides alleviation.

(20th Jan – 18th Feb)

Do not give up on your ambition. Take a chance and try something new. Take a chance. Life is too brief to stay in your comfort zone and follow the same routine you’ve established for yourself. No one is harmed by a little adventure, and it simply adds to your enthusiasm as you prepare for a new version of yourself. Control your desire to spend money on things that aren’t required or frivolous. A new friendship is beneficial since you can learn a lot from one another. Women in the family deliver you good news and remind you of your uniqueness.

(19th Feb – 20th March)

Maybe you don’t give a damn anymore, or maybe you’ve had enough. You make the decision to end a relationship that has become toxic and tiresome. Detachment allows you to focus on other elements of your life that may require your attention. If you desire great results at work or in the legal system, honesty is the best policy. If your soul yearns for a little getaway or vacation, it’s possible to schedule one. Spending time near bodies of water might help you refresh and renew.