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When Will I Get a Job as per Astrology: Get a FREE career horoscope by date of birth and time

When Will I Get a Job as per Astrology: Get a FREE career horoscope by date of birth and time

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You’re hardworking. You’re punctual. You’re honest. You do not procrastinate. Yet, the shadows of misfortune just don’t leave you alone? How else are you going to explain this spree of failures – despite you’re doing everything right you’re not getting a job – if not for the misalignment of planets and stars in your birth chart? So, if you often find yourself wondering, when will I get a job, then let us tell you, your birth chart has all the answers. And the medium that conveys what the stars have to say about your career is mystic and intriguing, astrology.

Astrologers are the right people who not just predict the future but also offer invaluable suggestions and solutions about how you can improve your career prospects.

Wherefore, ask how will I get a job as well when asking when will I get a job the next time you want a real answer. Hence, this guide. It has been curated to help you secure not just any job, but your dream job.

So, let’s begin.

The first thing that you can do is download a reliable Vedic job calculator that makes predictions about when you will get a job according to your date of birth. Here’s how these calculators work.

  1. They take the details about your date of birth that they use to find out your lucky number and your destiny number.
  2. If you were born on 1-Feb-1989 (1-2-1989), then your lucky number will be 1.
  3. Your destiny number will be the sum of all the numbers – 1+2+1+9+8+9 = 30 = 3+0 = 3. So, your destiny number is 3.

It means that the jobs that’ll be suitable for you will be the ones that’ll be listed between the number 1 till number 3. If you follow the professions according to the Vedic calculator, you’ll get a job early on in life.

Job Timing According to the Planets in a Birth Chart (Natal Chart)

Bear in mind that it is the 10th House in the birth chart that is the house for jobs and career. So, the planets in the 10th house, their effect on the ruling planet of the 10th House, and the planetary transit of Saturn and Sun decide the timing of the job.

That said, let’s take you through the planetary conjunction that predicts the timing of the job.

When Will I Get a Job If the Lord of the 10th House is in the 7th house in my horoscope?

This conjunction indicates that you will get a job out after you’re married, not before that.


When Will I Get a Job If Rahu is in the 10th house in my horoscope?

This conjunction has many possibilities as listed below.

  1. You will get a job between 25-28 years of age but you will not see growth until the age of 32.
  2. Rahu in the 10th house will bring promotions and fame after you’re 32.
  3. It also means that you’ll be able to make a lot of money after you turn 40.


When Will I Get a Job If Saturn is in the 10th House in my Horoscope?

Saturn is associated with getting a job late. However, even if other benefic planets like Jupiter help you in securing a job by 25 years of age, Saturn will not let you succeed and excel until you’re 32. However, after 32, Saturn will help you in securing a government job.
That said, people are also interested in finding out what profession will be the best for them. If you’re one of those people who want to know what profession will be the best for you according to your zodiac sign, then, the information listed below will intrigue you.

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Best Career for Aries Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you brave. Hence, you’re going to do best as a soldier or an entrepreneur because you’re born to serve people.


Best Career for Taurus Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you punctual and honest. Hence, you’re going to do well as a public speaker, a designer, and an accountant.


Best Career for Gemini Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you energetic. Hence, you’ll do well as a stockbroker, a journalist, and an architect.

Best Career for Cancer Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you emotional and protective. Hence, you’ll do well as a doctor, a rescue worker, and a babysitter.


Best career for Leo Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you a show-stealer. Hence, you’ll do well as an actor, an artist, and a journalist.


Best Career for Virgo Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you organized. Hence, you’ll do well as a researcher, a teacher, and a translator.

Best Career for Libra Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you quite an entertainer. Hence, you’ll do well as a dancer, a theatre artist, and a negotiator.

Best Career for Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you a very focused person. Hence, you’ll do well as a doctor, a lawyer, and a detective.


Best Career for Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you a nature lover. So, you’ll do well as an environmentalist, a tour guide, and a trainer.


Best Career for Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you a born leader. So, you’ll do well as an editor, a manager, and a project head.


Best Career for Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you an explorer. So, you’ll do well as a farmer, a musician, and a travel blogger.


Best Career for Pisces Zodiac Sign

Your star sign makes you compassionate. So, you’ll do well as a therapist, a nurse, and a pediatrician.

We hope we have now answered your question, when will I get a job – you’ll get it as soon as you do what you’re born to do.

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