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Zodiac Cusp: Find Out the Cusp Meaning, Cusp Zodiac Signs, and Compatibility Here

Zodiac Cusp: Find Out the Cusp Meaning, Cusp Zodiac Signs, and Compatibility Here

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Wondering if you’re a cusp? If at times, you get a feeling like you are a fiery Aries, but also possess Taurus vibes, then you might actually be one of the 12 cusps. But, it doesn’t mean you have 2 zodiac signs. It means you have the quality of both the zodiac signs that make a cusp.

Here’s an article that highlights the meaning of the Zodiac cusp and Zodiac cusp dates. We will be unraveling the 12 cusps in astrology and everything about them. Dive in for all the answers! 

Zodiac Cusp Meaning 

When you’re on a cusp, you are born towards the end of one zodiac or the beginning of another. A zodiac cusp is when an individual is born at a ‘point of transition between two zodiac signs.’ 

As a cusp, you will possess personality traits drawn from each zodiac sign’s energy. You may be an Aquarius but have Capricorn traits.

People often get confused about their zodiac sign, but having the strengths and weaknesses of two signs can be a blessing and also a load. 

If you wish to know the zodiac cusp dates and what personality traits you would take on as a cusp, jump to the next section.  

Zodiac Cusp Dates & Cusp Zodiac Personality Traits 

In case you were born on any of the following dates, you are a Zodiac cusp. We have also mentioned personality traits and zodiac cusp compatibility as per astrology. 

Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp 

Dates: 16th January to 22nd January 

Name: Cusp of Mystery 

If you took birth between 16th January and 22nd January, you are a Capricorn-Aquarius cusp. This is one of the unique signs and also very conventional. Capricorn-Aquarius cusp people always view the bigger picture and they’re very hardworking. Ambition comes first and romantic relationships may take a backseat sometimes. 

A Cancer Leo cusp or a Sagittarius will be ideal for a Capricorn-Aquarius cusp. 

Aquarius-Pisces Cusp 

Dates: 15th February to 21st February 

Name: Cusp of Sensitivity 

The Aquarius Pisces cusp brings out the sensitivity of the individual. Pisces has an artistic nature and Aquarius is introspective. Natives of this cusp will be akin to a sad artist. They are compassionate and wish to change the world. 

This cusp values friendship, love, and companionship. Thus, people born during this cusp of Sensitivity should choose a water sign for companionship. Cancer, for instance, would be a loving partner for an Aquarius-Pisces cusp. 

Pisces-Aries Cusp 

Dates: 17th March to 23rd March 

Name: Cusp of Rebirth 

A Pisces-Aries cusp doesn’t have to trample other’s feelings or hard work to move ahead in life. Instead, their goals help others around them. Born during this cusp can also mean that natives could be impatient and stubborn. At the same time, these people are compassionate and fearless. Nothing can challenge or overwhelm a Pisces-Aries cusp. 

Strong, passionate, and bold – a Pisces Aries cusp will gel well with a Sagittarius. 

Aries Taurus Cusp 

Dates: 16th April to 22nd April 

Name: Cusp of Power 

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac belt. These people are fierce and adventurous. Taurus possesses a lot of strengths too. When someone is born during the Aries Taurus cusp, then that ‘someone’ acquires the strength and positivity of both Aries and Taurus. These people can be excellent leaders and nothing is impossible for them. 

Aries-Taurus cusp can gel with a fire sign. The most compatible signs would be Libra, Gemini, Capricorn, Virgo, and Sagittarius. 

Taurus-Gemini Cusp 

Dates: 17th May to 23rd May 

Name: Cusp of Energy 

Taurus is powerful and Gemini is charming and hardworking. A Gemini loves to flirt and Taurus abides by relationships. Both the signs are known for being extremely hard working. When a person is born during Taurus-Gemini cusp, he/she has intense positive energy and aura of both these zodiac signs.

They fit in with people of different frequencies. Emotions do not get in the way of a Taurus-Gemini cusp. Once the job is done, these people know how to enjoy themselves. 

May 21 zodiac cusp is compatible with Libra. Their energy matches the energy of a Libra. 

Gemini-Cancer Cusp 

Dates: 17th June to 23rd June 

Name: Cusp of Magic 

Everyone loves Gemini-Cancer cusp people. They can be wonderful partners in a romantic relationship. Gemini is light-hearted and flirtatious, whereas a Cancer is caring and sensitive. It makes Gemini-cancer cusp sort of moody. 

A Gemini partner would make the life of Gemini-cancer cusp interesting and fulfilling. 

Cancer-Leo Cusp 

Dates: 19th July to 25th July 

Name: Cusp of Oscillation 

Leo is dramatic and Cancer is sensitive. What happens when these opposite energies come together? Well, there is plenty of drama in life. People born during cancer and Leo’s cusp are easily bothered by little issues. However, little achievements will make these people happy. Life is a party or a sad and lonely world for a Leo-Cancer cusp. Being sensitive and emotional is good in relationships, but don’t overdo it. 

July 22 zodiac cusps are highly emotional, but that’s not a bad thing in relationships and families. You care for one and all. 

Leo Virgo Cusp 

Dates: 19th August to 25th August 

Name: Cusp of Exposure 

Leo is commanding and Virgo is down-to-earth. So, natives born during Leo-Virgo cusp are blessed with both these qualities. Once these people come into power, it does not make them arrogant. They will remain humble forever. 

A Leo-Virgo cusp will be highly compatible with Libra because they share an innate love for beautiful things. 

Virgo Libra Cusp 

Dates: 19th September to 25th September 

Name: Cusp of Beauty 

This cusp zodiac sign is the perfect combination of indecisiveness and reserved nature. However, this cusp will also be artistic, analytic, and caring. They know what their partners need, and they never leave their lovers in an emotional mess. 

September 22 zodiac cusp is a Virgo-Libra cusp. These people are compatible with Taurus. 

Libra Scorpio Cusp 

Dates: 19th October to 25th October 

Name: Cusp of Drama 

Libra-Scorpio cusp natives are straightforward and precise. These are no-nonsense people. They like to be alone and can be cynical as well. 

October 22 zodiac sign cusp is a Libra Scorpio cusp. These people are drawn towards artistic things and attractive people. They are highly compatible with Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn zodiac signs. 

Scorpio Sagittarius Cusp 

Dates: 18th November to 24th November

Name: Cusp of Revolution 

A Scorpio Sagittarius cusp can achieve anything. This cusp zodiac has motivation as well as intensity which works in their favor. Expect 110% effort towards everything from these people because a Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp does not believe in half-hearted efforts. 

A Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp will be compatible with a fierce Aries. 

Sagittarius Capricorn Cusp 

Dates: 18th December to 24th December 

Name: Cusp of Prophecy 

A Sagittarius Capricorn cusp is optimistic and they like to plan things ahead of time. Sometimes things may look bleak and hopeless, but a Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp has a never-give-up attitude which will keep this cusp going on no matter what happens. 

The Virgo zodiac sign will be the most compatible sign with a Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp. 

Cusp Zodiac Signs: Know Yourself a Little Better 

Now that you’re aware of the cusp meaning zodiac and the Zodiac cusp dates, you may want to find compatible people who match your energy and traits. It helps in knowing yourself better and understanding why you have traits of two different cusp zodiac signs. 

Being a zodiac cusp offers you the best of both worlds – you possess different personality traits which could make you an interesting person. However, try to control the negative traits as some of the cusps are a blend of two entirely different zodiac signs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a zodiac cusp?

A zodiac cusp is when a person is born towards the end of a zodiac sign or the beginning of the other.  They have personality traits of both the signs.

2. What is being on the cusp of zodiac sign feel like?

Being a cusp means you will have the personality traits of both zodiac signs. For example, if you are born on April 17th April, you will be an Aries-Taurus cusp. It means you will have traits of an Aries as well as Taurus.

3. Which zodiac sign to follow if born on cusp?

As a cusp, you will attain attributes of two different zodiac signs. But, your zodiac sign will be the same according to your birth date.

4. What does it mean when your zodiac sign is on the cusp?

If your zodiac sign is on the cusp, you will have attributes of two zodiac signs. You were born between the transition of one zodiac to another which means you have a cusp zodiac sign.

5. What is the cusp of beauty?

Virgo Libra cusp is known to be the cusp of beauty.

6. What is the cusp of mystery?

Capricorn Aquarius cusp is the cusp of mystery.

7. What is the cusp of sensitivity?

Aquarius Pisces cusp is known as the cusp of sensitivity.

8. What is the cusp of rebirth?

Pisces Aries cusp is known as the cusp of rebirth.

9. What is the cusp of power?

Aries Taurus cusp is the cusp of power.

10. What is the cusp of energy?

Taurus Gemini cusp is the cusp of energy.

11. What is the cusp of magic?

Gemini-Cancer cusp is known as the Cusp of Magic.

12. What is the cusp of oscillation?

Leo Cancer cusp is known as the cusp of oscillation.

13. What is the cusp of exposure?

Leo Virgo cusp is the cusp of exposure.

14. What is the cusp of drama?

Libra Scorpio cusp is the cusp of drama.

15. What is the cusp of revolution?

Scorpio Sagittarius cusp is the cusp of revolution.

16. What is the cusp of prophecy?

Sagittarius Capricorn cusp is the cusp of prophecy.